7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

01 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, you're not going to have that ability here. You'll need to copy your data to a USB drive to move between PC's.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Avanar: Isn't it just copy and paste to save the data?

The reason it's not currently implemented in-game is because in it's current state, copying the files while they are being used by the client has a high chance of corrupting them. (Windows issue. This doesn't happen on Linux.)

Really think about it. You have a single region file that may be 1GB in size. Your average computer system is only capable of writing data at 75MB/s. If you have a newer system with SSD's you're looking at 250MB/s as an average. So it will take at best, 4 seconds to move a file which is constantly being written to several times a second.

That's just one region. After some gameplay you ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have already had this discussion very recently.

When are we going to have a REAL save game & Steam Cloud?

Answer: Not going to happen. Save data is...

27 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dr Quin Magna™: I get the most overwhelming sense that the way they have chosen to design this game has also shot themselves in the foot with it. The moment any kind of new system or new mobs, POI's anything, The reply is always the same. The game can't handle it. Such a shame because it paints the games future in a very dim light. Is what we have now (Which is very very little) Pushing it already?
Don't forget that this is a 3D Voxel game. Just the base mechanics require a lot more resources than your average 2D title like Ark. It's not nearly as easy as painting in a bunch of flat animals.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dr Quin Magna™: I get the most overwhelming sense that the way they have chosen to design this game has also shot themselves in the foot with it. The moment any kind of new system or new mobs, POI's anything, The reply is always the same. The game can't handle it. Such a shame because it paints the games future in a very dim light. Is what we have now (Which is very very little) Pushing it already?

Unity is a fantastic game development engine, but it has its limitations as well. Perhaps most famously with its ongoing use of single point float precision, mainly due to the fact that it only supports C# and not C++ (this is why you see most Unity games have moved away from "infinite" maps in open wo... Read more
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Go_Coup: It seems like they would want a better controller in order to spawn more zombies or reduce FPS drops.

That's true. I kind of forgot about mutliplayer. I only play singleplayer. Although, A17 does seem like it has some cool features for multiplayer. It promotes different roles, although it doesn't go very far because it needs to be playable in singleplayer.

They've speculated about re-writing their own controller, but I emphasise that its being something of an off-hand comment, by Madmole, once (so far as I know). I don't think there's any actual plans to.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Go_Coup: Thanks.

Trapping seems like it wouldn't require much processing power at all. Even husbandry wouldn't require as much as a zombie. It seems like there would be ways to implement them if they had their quantity restricted. My game sometimes drops down to unplayable numbers of frames when there are more than a few zombies active, though. It seems like they could just make the animals static or disappear 'into their housing' when a zombie is near.

Having a wolf that can fetch small dead bodies(rabbit, vulture) would be cool. It could also warn you(growl) when there are enemies around.

I was really excited when TFP said there would be new plants and recipes. I was really disappointed whe...
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26 Jun

    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, and they're not likely to in any substantive way. Any free roaming entity draws down on the quite limited pool of entity controllers, be it an animal, a zombie or (eventually) a Bandit.

If they implemented "farming a la Minecraft", players would quickly exhaust the pool of entity controllers, preventing the game from running (at an acceptable performance level anyway), primary enemies like Zombies and Bandits.

TFP have talked - rather speculatively though - about re-writing that controller themselves to make it more efficient, but unless and until they do, don't expect to see animal husbandry in the game.

19 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FT: I also play a lot of offline singleplayer. Does Steam count offline playtime?
If steam is running, it does now. Back in the early Alpha days it did not.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
3465 in-steam, and close to another thousand without Steam.

09 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A tiny packet of maybe a few kb's of information handshake to a bunch of servers barely takes any time or effort on the part of your client, you said yourself its not even a performance issue, so...what exactly is the problem? That you have to see a list of servers before you click join by IP? Add your favorite server to favorites, and the server list will default to the favorites/history screen only showing you your favorite servers and other recently joined ones, which it will actively poll first before moving onto pinging other servers.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I still don't understand why it's even an issue for this one guy.

30 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're fast, it will only poll a few. That's a Unity server browser design, not TFP's.

99% of computers out there shouldn't have an issue with it polling the servers to generate the list. Hell, even Windows won't have any issue unless your DNS stack is already close to full, and you leave the list open for several minutes. (Which is a Windows issue, and not a client issue.)
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can. Just put the IP and Port into the bottom and direct connect.

17 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by мιℓfнυитєя: 10k map takes 7m on my pc...... On my server it takes 45 mins lmao.... It can take a lot of time if your on a mechanical hdd.... The guy who says it takes a min is just exagerating for allure... what he means is its fast lol.....
Or he could be playing a Navezgane map. :steammocking:
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Big:
Originally posted by Seftak:
Sadly he's right. It depends a lot on your system specs. It wil take exponentially longer if you have a weak CPU and low ammount of RAM. A SSD help a lot too. So i would not recommend making a large world if making a 4km x 4km takes more than 5 to 10 minutes.
Oh yeah, SSD and 8gb of ram are perfect for this game. The problem with a hard drive is that they are very slow and even the cheap SSDs have a huge impact in loading times and...
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27 Dec

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Maybe don't spend all your time ADS? I hardly notice the loss, but then again I only ADS when I am about to shoot, not holding it for any length of time.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Basically the ability to create such a mechanic didn't exist in A16.

If you're looking for immersion/role-play reason: holding your breathe, steadying the shot, etc.

29 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by textheavy: Why are so many people threatening to stop playing a game because of some settings in an experimental branch that was released a week ago? Sheesh!

I've noticed that although these zombie vultures seem to be more numerous in the current build, they don't seem to be as aggressive. I haven't had any of them swoop down and try to hit me, as long as I'm moving around. The only one I've killed was flying near the roof I was on, and still wasn't coming towards me.
Especially about one of THE most predictable creatures in the game. It doesn't take a degree in math to figure out their pattern. Just watch one for about a minute. On top of that their attack is so easy to avoid that it takes almost no... Read more