Originally posted by sinkingsun690: I really wish there was a tower-defense mode or something. Horde night is exactly that, but I mean level based. Wave after wave until you absolutely cannot survive any longer. That would be fun.
In the options menu change the bloodmoon to nightly and your days to 30 minutes. Increase your xp to 300% and your block damage to 300%. If you want to skip over the primitive gear, enable the creative menu and start yourself with whatever kit you desire. You can also set supply drops to daily.
As soon as you get a bloodmoon that lasts all night at 30 minute days, change the setting to 40 minute days, and then again to 60 minute days as your bloodmoons start to last the whole night.
Challenges you can set for yourself are:
No Quests. You can shop at the trader but not quest.
No POI bases. You must build your base from scratch.