7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

06 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a pinned thread at the top of the forum for this topic. The title of the thread is literally In Alpha since 2013? [MegaThread]

Please use it instead of cluttering the forum with redundant threads on the same topic.

05 Nov

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If by modding you mean editing the xml files to change values and settings then there are two main ways to do this. The first is the most simple method and is still the same as it always has been. You open the xml files you want to edit using wordpad or notepad or some similar program and you go through and make changes. You can add or remove ingredients to recipes, create new recipes, change the values on things like spawn rate and spawn numbers, change how long it takes zombies to stand back up after being knocked down, rewards for quests, etc etc.

The second way is more complicated and requires you to learn the formatting for xpath. Xpath is more powerful because it will go through and make all the edits to the xml for you while the game is loading. But there is a learning curve and you have to make sure the formatting is correct.

The benefit of the first is that it is easy to do. The downside is that you should make a backup copy of the original files so you... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by .♥~*°("_")°*~♥.: About Tier 4 Army Camp & Haven Hotel, there's already some prefab modder who already build since a very long time some many very similar prefab for a20... Very strange...
Not so much when you consider that TFP has maybe hired some of those modders.

04 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please take some time to look around before starting a thread.

Alpha 21 Seed Thread
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by qcs2017: Thanks for all the answers.

Funniest thing is that someone says to not play on Navezgane map, someone else perfectly explaining why that is, and still the "Official 7 Days to Die Wiki" on fandom.com (article: "Beginners Guide") says to play on Navezgane map as Beginner.

Thanks for explaining the thing with honey. I did not realize that. Learned something :-)

The wiki just hasn't been updated probably. Navezgane used to be perfect for beginners but with recent developments with the magazines, and water, Navezgane is no longer so easy. I'm betting that when they have ti... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since you are a beginner I highly recommend that you play one of the PREGEN maps rather than Navezgane. Navezgane is a work in progress and it is a much more challenging experience due to distances you must travel and the fact that traders are in more rural settings. The PREGEN world will have your trader right next to an urban area so you will have plenty of places to explore and scavenge for resources.

Most everyone here is envious that you are still in that phase of coming to grips with the game! :)
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alpha 21 provided a lot of polish and definitely new content. As for the twitch integration, my hope is that it will translate into a random event system if they can hook up a manager to it. Many of the events that viewers can trigger are silly and not really appropriate for the main game but there are quite a few that are and TFP (and modders once the system was implemented) could come up with many more that could really increase the illusion of a living world. They have talked casually about adding a random event manager to the code but there is no guarantee that they will. If they do and if it comes out of the work they did for Twitch integration then it will definitely be something that everyone cares about.

No promises about anything happening within the next ten years. ;-)
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Little pig… little pig let me come in. New animals coming to A22 and consoles. Great work by Brett!
... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a thread pinned to the top of the forum for discussing this topic. Please use it instead of cluttering the forum with redundant topics.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by sinkingsun690: I really wish there was a tower-defense mode or something. Horde night is exactly that, but I mean level based. Wave after wave until you absolutely cannot survive any longer. That would be fun.

In the options menu change the bloodmoon to nightly and your days to 30 minutes. Increase your xp to 300% and your block damage to 300%. If you want to skip over the primitive gear, enable the creative menu and start yourself with whatever kit you desire. You can also set supply drops to daily.

As soon as you get a bloodmoon that lasts all night at 30 minute days, change the setting to 40 minute days, and then again to 60 minute days as your bloodmoons start to last the whole night.

Challenges you can set for yourself are:

No Quests. You can shop at the trader but not quest.
No POI bases. You must build your base from scratch.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please at least look a little bit before starting a topic.

Murder Chickens?

03 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Read the Pinned threads in the support section. Follow instructions on how to report an issue. Then you will get help.

Moving thread to the correct section.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval:
Originally posted by Warmotor:
Which seems to go double for VR, unfortunately :'( I asked a dev if they were going to support frame gen and they said the added latency would probably make you sick and ASW was probably the best we're going to get in that arena. ASW looks terrible.

I wonder if either frame generation algorithm prioritizes real frames over fake ones? I have a 50" monitor that will only do 60hz at 4kUW with HDR. At absolute max settings at 4K I c...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Plenty of topics PINNED in the correct forum section. You just need to go there first instead of posting in General Discussion.

Moving your thread so you might find it by checking your post history.

02 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It helps a lot if you look around before posting.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Old thread ran out of room at the top for the images. Started a new one, hopefully with enough reserved space for all the new art they keep showing off. Just added the gore images from yesterday's post.