7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

11 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: I still keep a few around that I use regularly in ranges from 16-64GB. Mostly use them for transferring files to computers on segregated networks or that are not network connected.

If I need anything larger than that, I've got a large SSD and an adapter.

64 gigs is soooooo small XD i dont even buy SD cards under 256 gigs XD
Oh I don't buy any of them. They come to me as "bonus" material when or... Read more

10 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Something has to be at the bottom of the list.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by .♥~*°("_")°*~♥.: In old time, there was fertilizer... But IDK why weird Dev decided to remove it...
But the most important thing is the fact that we don't need to water the plants but our character needs to drink...
It was removed because that process was not compatible with the new texture mapping system used for ground textures. So we lost the hoe, and got the plot. IMHO, plants should need a water source.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Blue Hasia: are thumbdrives even a thing anymore? i havent used one now maybe in ten years? its been all external HDD, external SSDs, NAS, cloud back ups
I still keep a few around that I use regularly in ranges from 16-64GB. Mostly use them for transferring files to computers on segregated networks or that are not network connected.

If I need anything larger than that, I've got a large SSD and an adapter.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That looks interesting, but their FSR 2 asset had issues in 7dtd with motion blur that require rendering/shader changes that we have not yet tried to do.

We have more important rendering issues we are working on now. Enabling our old block AO for A22 required me to write a light update manager and change how we apply AO as it was slow with the much larger amount of props we have in the world now.

Sure, it might be possible, but we are working more on improving our general performance, not finding ways to slow it down

Excluding the new character outfit and animal redesigns as that is art requirements to get those up to the standards of zombies.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don't use FindObjectsOfType in any code requiring performance, but yes there are some tools and init code that use it.

We already do object and data pooling. Our object pool is more advanced than Unity's.

Vector math is even faster if you change the individual variables directly (x y z), which is what we do in our higher frequency code.


09 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
PC rebooting is a PC issue, not a game client issue. Troubleshoot your stop codes.

Saying "it's only 7 Days" doesn't really mean anything either. Only two or three other games exist that will tax your system like 7 Days does. Not even 8k in CP77 will push your CPU, RAM and Disc access like 7 Days does.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShadedMJ:
Originally posted by Krynnost: ... but it would be items gathered/produced by other players.
I think it would be great for servers. What say you?

It would only benefit the first players to join the server. Those first players would purchase all the water filters and everything useful from the trader, and sell all their garbage to the trader. After a short time, a new player joins the server and the trader is useless to them.

I disagree with that, because nearly everything in the game is useful for something, for someone, at some point. I’ll sell stacks of raw ingredients, like feathers, raw meat, or wood, simply b... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are vending machines where players can put items they have up for sale. I’m heavy into single player but as I recall, the player can set their own selling price. Other than removing the trader’s regular stock too, doesn’t this already provide what you’re asking for?
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Something else to keep in mind....

The game isn't designed for 30-50 player servers. It isn't supported at all.
The game is designed for a max of 8 players playing co-op.

So when you think of ideas like this, think of how it would affect only a small group of friends playing together.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The terrain is all shaped by one algorithm to cover any possible configuration of blocks. So for control over the grade/shape of your ramp, it would make more sense to simply dig out a hole and then build your ramp on top of it, using blocks.

I’ve tried to make ramps for vehicles out of terrain. If it’s aligned to an east-west or north-south axis, and you don’t mind a steep 45° angle, then it can work. For anything else, good luck. You’ll get very bumpy results and it won’t be worth the effort in my opinion.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To be clear about one thing: no one that’s concerned about starting over should be playing experimental builds, which is what A21.2 is at this moment. That’s why you have to opt in. Experimental builds are for people that want to help bug test and/or can’t wait to preview the changes and accept the added risk of playing an unstable build.

I have an A21 game I’ve invested many hours in. I’m only playing it on A21.1, because that’s the latest version that’s stable right now. I would anticipate I can play that game on A21.2 eventually, once it gets enough eyes on it to be deemed stable instead of experimental.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Forgot to note this, Additionally, you can opt into previous major builds when a new one is released- So there's nothing stopping you from just staying on A21. until you're satisfied and done with your A21. save when the Major build A22 is eventually released.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Generally speaking, No, You don't have to restart for Minor version changes, that is, A21.2, A21.3, A21.4,etc. It's sometimes Recommended to start over for stability's sake, but typically not a Requirement.

Major build changes on the other hand always necessitate a restart- These would be A20.0, A21.0, A22.0, etc. Too much gets changed between major builds for save compatibility.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Also, horde nights lasting until the next day is expected. There’s a total number of zombies each horde night, which increases as you progress (once that’s exhausted, you may get a small trickle until morning). In practice, this total extends further and further into the night until you’re inevitably getting zombies all the way until morning. You could increase the Blood Moon count to increase the flow rate in hopes of dispatching them faster, but in the long run it’s just normal to have zombies all night.

08 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Former. Loot stage multiplier is per biome, if you make it desert only, then you only get the desert multiplier.

That said, Biome multiplier is exactly that- A multiplier. Raise your actual loot stage by leveling and you'll eventually reach the point where you're getting snow-tier loot even in a forest, It'll just take longer/more levels.

07 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, Steam's forum tool could use a LOT of work in this regard. If you look at your post history, you can find the threads you were posting in.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm going to write this publicly in hopes of getting your attention this time. The forum is a great place to have your questions answered about how the game works. However, we need users to post these threads in the Questions & Answers sub-forum, so that we don't have to move your threads. Thanks.

06 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Doc Mitchell: Messing with water / thirst mechanics is not an "update". All I know is every time I come back to the game it's the same game, or actually even worse. No new content, just messing up existing things.
Except that it is a game still being developed, where core features are still being worked on, tested, and changed. That is the nature of Alpha/Early Access.

For a large part, the point of updates is not to give you new content. If that is all you consider an update to be, then you have horrible misconceptions about how software development works.

Originally posted by ...
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