Originally posted by Tweed: Comments off under official announcements
Originally posted by Early Access info page for End Users: What is Early Access?Read more
Get immediate access to games that are being developed with the community's involvement. These are games that evolve as you play them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content.
We like to think of games and game development as services that grow and evolve with the involvement of customers and the community. There have been a number of prominent titles that have embraced this model of development recently and found a lot of value in the process. We like to support and encourage developers who want to ship early, involve customers, and build l...
Hello Survivors!
Today we bring to you A21.2 with an all new "Death Penalty" setting, allowing you to choose between different penalties for someone's demise, including a total wipe of your character.
For dedicated servers you will need to have this line in the serverconfig to start fresh or continue an old save:
To opt in and give feedback follow these steps:
Right click on the game in steam
Click on properties
Click the “betas” tab
The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available
Hello Survivors!
Today we bring to you A21.2 with an all new "Death Penalty" setting, allowing you to choose between different penalties for someone's demise, including a total wipe of your character.
For dedicated servers you will need to have this line in the serverconfig to start fresh or continue an old save:
To opt in and give feedback follow these steps:
We wish everyone a lot of fun with this experimental version!
Here is what changed since A21.1:
A21.2 b14
Originally posted by Redarmy:Read moreOriginally posted by Pain Weasel: How does adding a bonus or fast travel force you to use it?it isnt about using it or not using it. just like a can use console command to spawn in a water purifier if i dont like the current system...its about the direction the dev's are going. And if c...
I mean they have traders, but I rarely use them either.
It isn't like TFP is sending a goon over to my house to play the way they want with a gun to my head.
Originally posted by Redarmy:Read moreOriginally posted by tmo97: i think steam should just enforce that early access games no longer be advertised on their platform and i think that you shouldn't be allowed to keep a game in alpha for 8 years and you shouldn't be allowed to sell an alpha game for more than $3 because you can just change anything and everything at any point and people who paid $20 are constantly getting a completely different experience and with modding being as crummy as it is and with devs fla...
Originally posted by Ragequit Inc.: What the actual..?