7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

21 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crashtian:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Please help me get the people who make these kinds of posts learn to do research before making yet another thread that will just get lost in the forum.


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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Trader area data is no longer stored inside chunks. It calculates if a position or bounds overlaps a trader when one of those functions gets called by using each trader bounds. That is the dynamic part. Not pre storing it in chunks.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nezhadude117: please help me get the devs to read this
Please help me get the people who make these kinds of posts learn to do research before making yet another thread that will just get lost in the forum.


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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The 'end' of a POI is generally demarcated by a loot stash; A typically locked chest of some sort and a number of closed wooden crates and maybe a pile or three of medicine or ammo all in one small area.. The 'end' also tends to have a quick way back out of the building somewhere nearby to it.

But aside from being on a quest from the trader, there's nothing you explicitly have to do to 'finish' a POI; You can just do however much you feel like, leave whenever you want and come back- Zombies'll respawn after a number of days though, so make sure you come back before then if you wanna finish looting.

20 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Updated OP

New Player Marauder Armor is coming soon to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Great work by Character Artist 'The Broel'
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So, this may not be intuitive, but the game spawns zombies (specifically screamers) when the activity map in a chunk (area) gets too high. It’s computed for every chunk of the map, independent of any particular entity. The screamer’s task once spawned is to move to the chunk of the map with high activity. There are strategies to combat screamers, but staying ‘out of range’ isn’t really a concept that applies here.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You might check the loot abundance setting for the server. As I recall, it can go as low as 25% of normal loot.

19 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Indeed. The 'bars' shape is sort of a classic go-to (they used to be exclusively iron bars). But there are a zillion different block shapes now, and you can generally rotate them however you want to work as a wall, floor, or ceiling. Use "Advanced Rotation" to try every possible angle. In my most recent base, I've used a shape originally designed as a metal pipe railing (edit: Catwalk V2 Rail Only Single Double End), rotated to the bottom of the voxel.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you expecting loot from zombies? Zombies are not lootable by design, unless they drop a separate backpack on death, which is rare.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have a Meeting Room sub-forum where people go every day to find people to play with. :buzzed:

17 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bromius: …something that would bring a challenge and them things in D2 were fast and hurt alot but was fun to play…
Originally posted by Crashtian: …♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ terrifying because they are fast and small.

When people propose child zombies, this seems to usually be what they really have in mind: an enemy that presents a different challenge due to being small and nimble. I think animals can fill that role in 7DtD. Dogs are basically there already: they’re sma... Read more

16 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Saizo19_: There will never be a game that allows you to kill a child.
For some reason killing a adult human is ok but killing a child is not.
Other games that include children make it impossible to hurt or hit them or they just disappearing.

There have been games that allow the player character to kill a child character for well over twenty years. Deus Ex 1, for example.
  • No, it wasn’t some obscure or unpopular game no one’s heard of (named best PC game of all time by PC Gamer).
  • No, it wasn’t some horror creature with merely childlike features.
  • No, it wasn’t some carefully scripted non-gameplay sequence.
  • No, it wasn’t ...
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13 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jeff: How does using a spear to poke zombies for a while suddenly give you the insight you need to make a better spear? I completely agree that the more you use a spear, the better you should get at using that spear more effectively but that has no bearing on how to make a better quality spear. Should you tie the stone on differently or sharpen the stone a different way or what? This is usually figured out by trial and error if you don't have research materials that you can refer to.

I suppose if you wanted to tie the quality of you spear to the number of times you craft a spear, that might make sense. Just poking zombies with a spear won't teach you much about how to manufacture a better quality one.
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let’s just say a survivor has to be resourceful, and toilet paper is hard to come by in the apocalypse…
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For what it's worth, the devs are working within Steam's limit on how many different builds can remain available for download in the Betas tab.

12 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you put any points into the vehicle or electrical traps skill? Buying into the associated skill boosts drop chances for the books you want.... so if you're not getting the skills for the things you want/need, you're not going to find many books for them.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The forum is for discussing the game, not for discussing the community itself. Game feedback in General Discussions is welcome. If you have a how-does-the-game-work type question, please remember to ask it in Questions & Answers.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FT: ...The darkening inside buildings is a pretty easy-to-tweak XML, and the game looks nice with it set to stay similar or even get slightly brighter indoors (like your eyes adjusting to the indoor lack of sunlight)...so I'm not sure why it's currently set to get so much darker inside.


The next time you open the game, your building insides shouldn't get noticeably darker during the day anymore.

There's plenty more you can do in that XML, but this seems to be the most subtle way with the fewest changes.

I did some testing of these settings myself. I found that you can also set ambientInsideThreshold to 1.0 to turn off the effect, without having to tune in ambientIns... Read more

11 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
People tend to get emotionally attached to the way they liked to play in old versions, when instead they should be looking forward to what the game is becoming.

It's a work in progress, and a lot of people either don't remember that or don't understand it.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
95% of the time it wasn't deleted. Steam notification states that your post was moved or deleted. Notice which item is first?

Now go look at your post history. There is an easy to find link for it in the right navigation bar.
Here is a link for you in case you have trouble finding it.