Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Dev Tracker

04 Aug


Hello @MePlayingGTA!

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling a bit with those bosses in The Forgotten Saga. This guide has some excellent tips, tricks, advice, etc that sound like they could be useful for you.

If you need anything else, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'll be happy to help. 💙...

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12 Jul

    Ubi-Keo on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @s3od-vcf thanks for your feedback.

I have forwarded this on to the development team.

06 Jul

    Ubi-Keo on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @azullfr thanks for taking the time to provide a list of threads.

I have forwarded these on to the development team.

03 Jul



Thanks for giving this topic a bit of revival. We don't generally hear anything on the suggestions we forward to the dev team unfortunately until we get patch notes just before one releases. I've added this thread on to our suggestion report anyway, so we can continue to show this is still a requested feature and by how many.

18 Jun


Hello @samudralabadri,

Sorry to hear that you are unable to progress.

Can you please confirm on what platform are you playing, so we can provide you with relevant troubleshooting steps? Secondly, can I kindly ask you to provide us with a short video of this occurring, so we can have a look?

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

16 Jun


@timdrake_335 Thanks for that information! I have gone ahead and moved this thread to the general discussions for the proper team to take a look at your feedback for the sound of the hero sword in game!

07 Jun


@j0llyr0ger75 Got it, thank you! One last thing I would like you to get for me, if you wouldn't mind, is a screenshot showing what version of the game you are currently playing.

06 Jun


Hi @timdrake_335 and thanks for the video!

Could you provide us with more details to investigate it further please? When did you notice the change? Do you have an example of how the sword is supposed to sound like? Thanks!

02 Jun


@j0llyr0ger75 Thanks for getting this image! If you check your quest logs, do you see that the game shows you completed the objective to build Valka's hut, or does it show that this still needs to be completed?

28 May


@eyesoffate Hey there! I appreciate your feedback you have shared about the blurriness of the cloak textures. I have gone ahead and moved this thread to the General discussions page so the proper teams can take a look at this for you. Thanks!

26 May


@j0llyr0ger75 Thank you for that information and for trying those steps! I am sorry to hear that they did not help. Can you please share a screenshot showing that you have Valka's hut built?

25 May


Hello, @j0llyr0ger75! Thanks for getting that video to us. Did this issue occur before or after building Valka's house? Also, can you please try going through these troubleshooting steps and ...

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24 May



We have fed this feedback on previously for Ubisoft Connect as it is intended behaviour, but it's something that will the team will consider for future updates for Ubisoft Connect.

19 May


Hi @j0llyr0ger75! Thank you for reaching out. We do recommend creating a thread for each individual issue you are experiencing, but I will say that the Excalibur bug is a known issue that is being investigated and I passed your information on to the investigating team.

As for the bug you are experiencing in 'In Dreams," could you please provide a video of you waking up so I can see what is happening exactly?

Thank you!

13 May


You're welcome, @azullFR! I'm glad I was able to help you out here and shed some more light on the online servers! I'll move this thread across to our General Discussions forums now.

If you do require any further Player Support, don't hesitate to get in touch with us over in ...

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Hello there @azullFR!

Thanks for creating a new thread for this, and for tagging me! I've been able to reach out to our dedicated teams regarding the online servers and the different daily contracts, and they've been able to provide me with some more information about this.

The dedicated teams have confirmed that it's normal that the daily quest differs sometimes between players, and that this is nothing to worry about. All players should have the opportunity to complete two daily quests and one weekly quest, and to earn the same amount of Opals, n...

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12 May


Thanks for the reply and spirantcrayon22, we will pass this on to the Valhalla team as a concern that the mastery challenges that are in the game at the moment do not reward players with enough energy tokens to buy all of Hildrans wares from her shop.


Hello InnerVoiS thank you for your sharing your thoughts on the targeting systems in Valhalla.
I will move this thread to our player General Discussion section of the forum, to see if there are other players who would like to contribute to this too and so it can be seen by a larger audience, including our game devs and community team.
If you have any more feedback about the game, please make sure to post this in our General Discussion area of the forum, as the Player Support section is more for bug reporting and technical issues, thank you!