Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Originally posted by Thoraxe41

Was the destruction and rework of Stormpoint all a clever ruse to put the nessie victory screen in?

Yes. (but seriously - that easter egg was done outside the realm of our map team, but was so much fun to see!)


In the past we've explored the possibility of weather features like dense fog and falling snow. The biggest challenge is to introduce an element like this that performs well across ALL possible consoles and PC specs and gives a consistent player experience so that there isn't a competitive disadvantage. Adding ambient details in the forms of falling leaves, snow, rain, etc. adds a lot to the believability of a world, but can heavily impact gameplay in a negative way. We see how changing our time of day can sometimes alienate our players...so weather is an element we are even more cautious about.

26 Oct


I just want to say that under this system I can say "My PP is bigger than your PP" and really, what more can you ask of a ranking system?

16 Oct


Originally posted by whathedawgdoing

I do have the video of how she went there but idk if i am allowed to post that?

Hey there u/whathedawgdoing.

I sent you a DM :D

~ Mack.

09 Oct


Hey Capt,

I've sent you a DM, happy to help you out if possible.

~ Mack

20 Sep


Originally posted by XHelperZ

You're a real one Mr. Bean.


19 Sep


Hey, Legends.

Below are some details surrounding the DirectX 12 (DX12) Beta! Read on to learn more about the motivations for DirectX 12, where it will be taking place, and what you can expect moving forward.
Please enjoy the following notes from our awesome dev team. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

With the 18.1 release, the DirectX 12 (DX12) Beta is introducing a major update to our rendering engine, called the Rendering Hardware Interface or RHI. It is our new abstraction layer between the low-level platform rendering APIs (like DX12) and our platform-independent engine and game code.


When Apex launched, we supported three platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and DirectX 11 on PC. Over time this has grown to seven different rendering platforms: the original three, plus Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 5, Switch, and DirectX 12 on PC, each with differing low-level graphics APIs. Implementing ...

Read more External link →

17 Sep


🔨 automatically not long after you posted this.

As a general reminder, (if you didn't do so already) please report any suspicious player activity through our in-game tools.


// Spider

13 Sep


When the squad lines up for a group photo ;)

Nice shot!

23 Aug


Originally posted by Apprehensive_Slide_5

Damage done to revs forged shield doesn’t count towards evo or overall damage, is that a bug?


22 Aug


Originally posted by Brammerz

Thanks for the feedback, it is really appreciated. Know I'm not qualified with game design like at all but could you maybe add a larger hitbox when you're in the lift similar to revenants new shield like a grav bubble or something? The largest complaint about horizon is how difficult it is to shoot her when she's in the lift which is why it comes across one sided and she can heal easy. This would still provide her with the same utility whilst settling a pretty big pain point people have with her kit.

Yeah, that's the pain point we're feeling too - it's a really good callout. Hopefully we can make that a little better soon!


Originally posted by LemonGullible1933

Why the hell did you guys nerf him already? Not just talking about the superglide thing, you can't even climb a small ledge while holding his tactical now. I hope it's a bug because if it's not, it's the most lazy, disruptive "fix". You can't even charge it up while in a zipline or going up a jumptower because if you do, you just get launched without warning.

It's a bug. Not intentional


Originally posted by Seismicx

We do the same for riding ziplines or taking jump pads too. Yes, they are Ultimates - but they are deployed abilities in the world and we consider their utility differently than how we control

You can neither heal nor shoot well on ziplines. You can barely shoot on jumppads, but you can heal. Those are ultimates.

Now horizon's gravity lift is a tactical and she can heal, shoot and ult during it and use it multiple times? Don't you think that's a bit misbalanced?

if we limited your ability to heal, use weapons, throw grenades/abilities... the lift would feel pretty one dimensional.

Just as one-dimensional as any other movement tactical is. Taking height with your entire team is strong enough alone.

Allowing the player to use weapons/meds or abilities, gives agency and play potential not just to Horizon, but anyone who uses the lift - making it a dynamic element on the field.

Read more

With regards to the deployed abilities - I wasn't suggesting you could shoot or heal from a zipline, merely that we evaluate them on their own ( the jump pad has different rule sets than the zipline )

That being said, we're totally aware of the frustrations around Horizon. She's often a hot topic in our balance meetings, and as stated in this and other posts we are looking at options - but, at this time, removing item/ability/weapon usage is not how we'd like to address it for now.


Originally posted by DredgenYor229

what was the teams inspiration behind revenants new look

Responded to something similar here: Rev's new look


Originally posted by CaptainRaegan

What was I THINKING? You're right, I bet Revenant doesn't have dental insurance huh :(

Hammond never sprung for the premium coverage.


Originally posted by Realistic-Dust-5891

When reworking revs kit was it difficult trying to adjust him from more of a team based legend ( the totem and the silence orbs) to a more lore accurate self centred legend (the shadow shields and pounce) and if possible could we get some details about possible earlier builds of what his kit went through during his development before the team settled on what we currently have?

It was difficult. From a design perspective it did irk us that he would lose an ability that benefited his team.
But it fit Revenant's character overall, and we felt it was worth the exploration.
We've mentioned some of the early prototypes in other threads.
Silence shockwave on the pounce, wall running, the 1v1 Shadow Realm duel. We even tried a version where Revenant could self-revive himself at any time by destroying his current body ( even when not downed ) and emerging from his totem as a shadow to reposition. It was cool, and powerful, and on-brand - but everyway we spun it, it just became a frustrating element to deal with after Revenant had been knocked, and pre-knock just always ended up feeling like a Wraith tactical - so we scrapped it for something that would keep him more IN the fight, rather than something that would only help him if he already LOST the fight


Originally posted by Brokeclub

I was hoping that you would give the shadow teammate revive animation from shadow royal to Revenant, it would give more character to him and would allow people to appreciate the skin they have equipped , is it a difficult process to do?

This is a pretty cool idea. Definitely something to consider and ensure fits within the lore of the non-Shadow Royale world to be right for Apex!


Originally posted by TheGamingNerd4

Was the ability to cancel the leap animation by sliding off an edge/supergliding intentional or coincidental, and will it be changed? I think it's really good the way it is, but I'm curious what the team thinks about it.

It was not intentional and we're actively looking to fix it.
Revenant's new movement has a lot of power on its own, and part of its internal counterplay revolves around not allowing weapons to come out until landing.
We're hoping to shore up exploits to that get around this intended design.


Originally posted by CatharticChris

I'm loving Revenant Reborn but I do miss his silence ability. What if they gave it to back to Revenant as a silence shockwave when he hits the ground after using his tactical. Would that be broken or nah? Thoughts?

His pounce originally DID have a Silence shockwave when landing and we had it in playtests for a while.
The problem was that it made it feel like you HAD to hit an enemy with it to be successful, and anything else was kind of a waste.
And by encouraging people to land directly on enemies, it often forced them into bad positions where they'd just get killed.
We wanted the Shadow Pounce to be used more creatively, and give the play more agency rather than prescribing a pattern that would likely get them killed, so we backed away from the Silence and stuck with the more pure form of the movement. The intent of the ability became much more clear, and players were free to use it to dive, reposition or reach walls to climb which was much more successful overall


Originally posted by Nationalkucumber

Plus will there be any new skins based off his new model added to his already pre existing Legendary old skin models plus loving the new rev minus the new update mantle bug that come out with new update

The plan is for any new skins to be based off his new model.
You'll be able to use these alongside any old skins you've already unlocked.
- whether any are coming out in the next update or a future one I don't actually know.