Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

12 Oct


Originally posted by Nate7The7Great

Might be a stupid question, but will this patch go out to consoles as well? I’ve crashed three times since the update on PS4, twice in a row on one night

Yup, PC will go first, but consoles have a similar issue, though much less prolific. Technically, this bug has haunted us since Titanfall, and it just so happens that the erroneous code is used much more for Season 3 features.


Originally posted by nthoftype

Was happy to help and send that file over, can't wait until it's fixed!



Yup, this was indeed a Pathfinder tease that people would only get after Apex would release many months after that cartoon would go live ;)


Originally posted by its_yojo

Are there any updates as to when this may be fixed? I have been unable to play the game even remotely. I'm envious of the people in this thread that crash 1 out of 4-5 games. I crash minimum 67% of my games, so I have just given up trying to play at all. I understand the technicality of the issue, dealing with low level CPU processes is no joke, but a very sizable portion of your players are affected by this and the issue has been going on for over a week. Are we not going to be able to play for another week? Two weeks? A month!? Apex is the only game I've been playing and streaming as of late, and it is literally impossible for me now. Any new information on progress would be greatly appreciated.

i7-9700k ; 1070 Ti

Unfortunately no ETA I can provide right now. Mother nature has thrown a bit of a curve ball, and the office has been shut down as of this morning.

https://www.lafd.org/news/saddle-ridge-brush-fire https://imgur.com/a/0VWjGvG

11 Oct


Originally posted by ikhanix

Hope we can bring multiple of the same character into the training would love to do crypto drone races!

There’s no restrictions on dupe Legends, and oh god oh god please do this yes.


I would uninstall the game if this happened to me


Originally posted by squaff

Will there be fixes to FPS drops too? My FPS halved this season from 120 to 50-60

Are you on an AMD processor (which Ryzen family I am forgetting)? There was a major regression found, and as far as I'm aware, that was addressed.


Originally posted by xXPumbaXx

Could it be also possible one day to have a reconnect feature. It would make these crash a bit less frustrating

It's on a list. There is a lot of state and data synchronized throughout a match that is non-trivial to re-synchronize without having taken the same steps to get to that point. In some cases, this might fundamentally break the game or leave it in a worse state than not allowing the disconnect. There's a lot of these issues to work through to make it as perfect and safe as possible, as we found when hardening game saves in TF2.


It's super frustrating for us too, to see this happening to players. We got a dump file from a community member that got this reliably. The problem has been identified and fixed. There's a process to get the client patch out to the world, which has been annoyingly long for the engineers involved in identifying and fixing the bug. I can't _promise_ a date, because it has moved twice on us now, but I'm told Monday.


Originally posted by nonmetallicoxide

how can there be bugs on a feature that was there since day 1?

Oh you sweet innocent child.


Despite what people might believe, we are always listening to your requests. And when we can, we try to fulfill them. Signed, the dev who did the work for this feature.

P.S. I know I'm totally going to regret posting this when 1. there's a million bugs with this feature and 2. this leads to everyone explicitly pinging me on every single request they want.


Originally posted by Kingznada

Actually working, no crashes since I changed the number of cores on my i7-9700k. Huuuge thanks

Edit 3 days after : only one crash/freeze since

You're welcome, though I apologise for you having to jump through silly hoops just to play. Don't forget to change it back when the patch is out.

10 Oct


Should be resolved next client patch, thanks for posting


Originally posted by nthoftype

any word on this? Hoping will be fixed by the long weekend!

Honestly not sure at this point. Given that I don't have an ETA, I'll throw out one idea that one user reported fixed their issue. He said even though -maxthreads didn't work, he changed the number of cores available to Windows to 4 (in the windows settings) and he said that it resolved the issue for him. If you're feeling ambitious, you might give it a try. Here's a link on how to do it: https://smallbusiness.chron.com...

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09 Oct


Originally posted by pkl-thedoctor

i7 9700k. got the 800 ish mb patch. not sure if that was the fix for this or not. but I crash every other game or every game now and I cant climb. kinda sad. Is the fix coming guys?. I just wanna be able to play apex.

Nope, that wasn't the fix. We are still working on getting it out ASAP, but ran into a snag.