Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

13 Jan

Oh man Mags is gonna be mad - so many folks have said llama, but I think she was going for a giraffe/turtle blend 🤣 a "gurtle" if you will...

Check out his snappy beak and scaly bits!

12 Jan

Hiya! As was noted above, we covered this a bit in our recent Creative Director's Letter here.

"Previously, I had offered to update our community on the potential of allowing Alpha One sales to resume, and will be providing an update on this sometime in February. This decision is largely... Read more

09 Jan

How a summoner best fits into a balanced party and what skills make the most sense for those purposes will definitely be something we look for your feedback on as we dive into upcoming testing that involves that archetype <3

In the meantime, would love to hear more on what summoner aspects you all have enjoyed or disliked previously!
Hi there! As others have noted above, this particular system is indeed planned to be tied directly to how military nodes elect their mayors, providing a bit of a different experience for how players would "duke it out" for the role in a more balanced PvP format than fighting 1v1 themselves - so that not every mayor has to be whichever rock/paper/scissors option is best against the others ;)

It appears you may have taken this to be a follower system where you send them out on daily/weekly quests as passive tasks for you - as far as I'm aware we've never announced a system along those lines :smiley:
While we may not have shared many details on traps as they relate to classes yet (and that info would likely come with more detailed archetype/class blogs and videos), I'm loving seeing all the ideas and suggestions in here, including ones you all have enjoyed from other games <3

06 Jan

I'd totally be down to see these and host these, especially if they were part of GM/community events! Can get a whole Verran Circuit going ;)

I'm imagining someone spectating them now narrating at top speed...

29 Dec

I will give some further insight here.

One of the main reasons for evaluating the pretests prior to opening up A1 sales again was to see the stability of the multi server selection code, and how our individual server deployments held up. That, along with our world concurrency and individual server performances did indeed hold up to our expectation, and gives me the first green light for consideration of opening future sales. You can expect more info on this during January 👍

16 Dec


⚔ We decide to finish the fight and attack! After suffering multiple blows, the enemy team runs away. As our cleric starts to heal our group, we check our pack to make sure everything is in order.

😱 Our precious gem is missing! What do we do?

😴 Rest and recover.
💨 Go after them!

To be continued...
Typically I like to play elves or elven-type characters, but with all of the amazing beard options I've been seeing lately for the Dünir (especially for the ladies), I might just have to live that short life in-game too.

11 Dec

Hey there friend! If you want to embed your image directly in your forum post, be sure to put the direct image link within the tags!

Your direct image link usually ends in .jpg/.png, and if you're using Chrome you can get it by right clicking your image and selecting "open image in new tab"!

10 Dec


ask questions as you kill them.

"Hello sir on a scale from 1 to 10, how does dying feel?"

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion #25 - Boss Difficulty
Do you enjoy "gatekeeper" bosses - a boss that is very difficult right at the start of a dungeon, followed by a few easier bosses? Or do you prefer linear difficulty in boss difficulty?

Keep an eye out for all-new Dev Discussion topics in 2021!

... Read more

09 Dec


💖 Our cleric heals us with Benediction! The enemy team runs forth, but our tank pushes back the attacks. Our mage casts a spell and our enemies are grounded in place.

The enemy group’s leader puts their hands up to surrender. What should we do next?

👂 Hear them out
⚔ Finish the fight
AWWWW <3 we can bearly stand how adorable this is!

Can't wait to get our paws on more of your lovely masterpieces!

04 Dec

Hiya! We definitely appreciate you all sharing your feedback here on lighter armor options, and thank you to mcstackerson for sharing a few great examples on where we've taken this approach previously! There's another great thread over here where folks have been sharing more specific examples of the kinds of armor they'd like to see more of in-game, so we'd love for you to highlight more pictures in this thread ... Read more
Oh I adore this, from the cape color to the armor trim to the saddle blanket to those luxuuuurious eyelashes 😉

Thank you for sharing this with us, and we can't wait to see your next piece! <3
Oh wow! <3 Consider me sold, I'm joining the Ren'Kai! Love seeing your process here as well; it's amazing what you can put together on your phone nowadays :smiley:

Thank you for sharing your lovely work with us, and we can't wait to see what you come up with next!

03 Dec

Ohhh I think I've seen some of her work before, these are super intricate and lovely!

I can definitely see some inspiration for some dwarves here, both for braided hair and braided beards...keep those suggestions coming! <3

02 Dec

Glad to hear you all enjoyed our recent live stream, it's always such a blast to get to put these together for you each month! <3

George Black

The flagging reference.

I'm really glad we got to cover this one in the Q&A section as well, since it was definitely a big topic here on the forums lately!
Loving the suggestions in here so far, especially the folks who went a more lore-driven route!

Keep 'em coming frands! <3