Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

02 Dec


How about...the gods do not allow the mortals to go around the globe? :smile:

Us poor mere mortals! What ever did we do to deserve being confined to this flat expanse!

I'm a fan of the "thar be dragons" theory...perhaps we simply yet lack the naval fortitude to outwit the creatures that lurk in the depths...🐙

burn themselves out

Isn't that like...their whole job though?! 🤔

⏳ Just in time, our tank rushes forward and blocks the incoming enemy attack. A blast of light shoots from their mage’s staff and half our group is knocked down.

💖 Our cleric prepares to take an action - what spell should they use?

💥Damnation (damage foes)
💖Benediction (heal allies)

25 Nov


Obviously the stealthed rogue right in front of him, trips him over and does a quick poke to his jugular vein so he bleeds out before he can get back up.

Just a quick little pokey-poo 🔪

💪 There's strength in numbers, and we're standing our ground! A dwarf from the enemy group runs forward, their hammer swinging right at us!

Who in our group makes the first move?
🛡 Tank
✨ Mage
💖 Cleric

20 Nov

Hiya! Sounds like some folks already steered ya in the right direction in this thread; we'll be sharing more details on the specifics of the different artisan classes and what's available as we get closer to having you help us test them!


Perhaps some crafters have ideas, they'd like to share, as Intrepid is keen on "our" concepts and ideas. 😁

You know it! <3 keep sharing those awesome processing ideas!
With parlor games available at taverns, we've mentioned before that some might be dice games, some might be card games, and some might have other elements available!

So with that in mind, an Ashes-related game could certainly be in the cards (hehe) - it being tied to anything Shop-related though might constitute what some would consider "P2W", so that might not be an avenue we'd want to go down :P

The way you worded it sounds like they will be in game


That's the way I read Toast's response as well. I would be interested in understanding more about why (e.g. what are they trying to achieve), considering the near-uniform reaction above (knowing this isn't a scientific sample size).

I wasn't meaning to imply as much, I was just providing an alternate angle for the discussion as it seemed like lots of folks here were so uniformly against it, and I wanted to shake ya up a bit ;)

And indeed while forums are amazing for gathering feedback and thoughts on these kinds of things, we do always have to keep in mind that it's only a very small and super passionate subset of the community that will take the time to chime in and respond <3

19 Nov


Second, players shouldn't ever feel punished for taking a day off to take their significant other out for dinner, or to spend an evening with their children.

I definitely understand how these types of login rewards that only ramp up if you log in consistently can lead to potential "feelsbad" moments just for living your real life too. However, I've seen some games implement them where they just count up every time you log in, regardless of how long it's been since your last login - so it was more about rewarding you for overall time played. More like a "thank you for being a loyal friend" vs. "you MUST log in every day to get the greatest goodies". I'd be interested to hear more on what folks think about a system built more like this instead :smiley:


Someone that is able to spend 2 blocks of 7 hours a week in the game should not be at any disadvantage to someon...

Read more

18 Nov


Smile politely and ask for directions? No? Guess it's time to fight then!

You should definitely ask them for the nearest you know where to leave them when you're done ;)
GG and enjoy frands! <3 Thank you again for sharing your amazingly glorious creation with us all!

1 vs many. I dont like those odds. Run away, stealth and kill them one after another!

We're on an adventure together! 🧡
Yay congrats!!! Enjoy your new goodies! 😻🧡

🗻Onwards, friends! As we reach the base of the mountain range, a radiant burst of energy surrounds us, temporarily halting our movement. Another group of adventurers is closing in, weapons at the ready. 😱

Quick, what should we do?
⚔ 🛡Draw our weapons and fight.
🏃‍♀💨Run for our lives!

17 Nov

Oooh that steed is looking extra spooky for the season now! <3 Thank you for sharing these lovely creations with us, and we can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Hiya friends and welcome to the forums OP! I think a few potential "counterarguments" to this could come from the dynamic nature of the node system, and how much effort it would be to coordinate exactly the same results on different servers. For example, if nodes were levelled up in even a slightly different order, the vassal levels would look different meaning significantly different content could be unlocked across a similar area. In addition, there's also the possibility for ... Read more
GG on the info catch, this is one I definitely remember folks asking in our Q&A threads before! The VOD is up now on YouTube, so perhaps if you remember about when it was we can find a handy timestamp:
And BIG GG to Ashes Pathfinders on their 100th episode!!!

In terms of the "dials available" to customize your Tulnar, from ... Read more
Hiya! In the original Dev Discussion thread, we certainly didn't mean to dump folks into one of two buckets - hence why we asked "what's your view", so you all could feel free to expand on it in whichever way you'd like! That being said, we definitely appreciate seeing some of the additional follow-up here on how to reframe possibilities for overgearing, which on its own likely has some immediate negative connotations for certain folks <3

13 Nov

I'm a big fan of the cape/cloak life as well, especially since for the majority of the time you're likely staring at the back of your character! Here's a quick look at some of the capes/cloaks we've revealed so far, including those that players were able to unlock in Apocalypse:

And yes, there has only been one instance of "wings" so far that I'm aware of, and it's very specifically for that Angelic racial appearance that transforms your whole appearance and was included with the original Kickstarter tiers alongside the Demonic one.

Honestly, one thing that has bugged me greatly, to the point of annoyance is the animations in Ashes. I love the game and the concept. But during the castle sieges and stuff they've shown I could barely see the character Steven controlled. Never-mind the other players. Never-mind recognising a cast and have a chance to react accordingly.

Hiya friend! As we mentioned both before and after the segment that highlighted recent Castle Siege footage during our live stream, and we do our best to continue to reiterate in a variety of places, all of the animations and FX you've seen so far are works in progress/placeholder that will continue to be improved upon as we continue down the testing path! You may have even noticed some recent progress on that front in between videos as well :smiley:

We also still do plan to give you a variety of options for adjusting those on your end through the UI as well, so yo... Read more