Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

05 Nov

Maybe if enough folks turnip to support this idea during testing... 👀
*cough cough* *cough cough* there may just be some Environment Artist positions up your alley...

In all seriousness, thank you for sharing your very detailed thoughts in this post - I particularly loved your concepts for the different shapes each racial variant may manifest in their node layout, to give them more visual variety!
While we don't have any plans to adjust the terminology for your 8 archetypes leading to 64 classes at this time, we'll be sharing more info on what those unique augments would provide as we lead up to future testing, to give you a better idea of what to expect in terms of variety on that front <3

I think Jeff's description in the recent live stream shared above may help clarify that a bit further as well, in terms of setting expectations - though he does tweak the phrasing a bit 😄

04 Nov

Thanks all for sharing your thoughts and feedback so far based on what you're watching! <3 excited to see what additional details you share once you all get your hands on these skills directly :smiley:


I want to point out that they did say it was just the 1-10 abilities. It is not like these are the ONLY abilities the clerics get. To that point, they seem like solid foundational abilities that cover most of the basics. I didnt see a heal over time but maybe I missed it.

If you level up some of these particular skills, they gain additional perks - such as Devotion gaining a small heal over time!
Lore Dynamic

OOooooOoooh! I love Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories.

Let's go on an adventure together!


We shall see where this adventure takes us!

Love seeing folks discussion in here too. haha.
Hi there! Definitely expect for your progress and characters to be wiped multiple times during Alphas and Betas, and then again prior to launch - since we'll be testing a lot of stuff with your help! I'm not quite sure where you saw that Alpha Two would last for a month (perhaps you were referring to our Alpha One phase), but as of this moment Alpha Two is planned to be our persistent test server:
Hiya friends! We'll definitely be expanding and specifying the categories here on the forums as we get closer to having you test particular themes and topics, so you can begin providing your feedback and commentary in the specific sections we designate :smiley: there have already been some great suggestions shared here and in other threads about what categories you'd like to see moving forward! <3

We need to get up high to get a lay of the land. Then we can snowboard down 🏂


Text adventure?! Yes!!!

YAS! @VioletLight has put together a WHOLE adventure for us. We're excited to see where you all take us! 😍

💫Whoosh...#SoLongSanctus 👋 We step through the Divine Gateways, landing in a deserted clearing. Let's take a look around...

🗻To the west, there are snow-covered mountains.
🌲To the east, there are trees as far as the eye can see.

Which way should we go?

22 Oct

I'm about 99% sure that in some of our previous videos where we're all playing together (either water mounts, or combat, or dungeons), one or more of us has mentioned our previous experience playing GW2.

Many of us have played many many MMOs over the years, and it's awesome to see how the design and development teams are building out the world of Verra with our distinct vision based on what we've learned from our previous gaming encounters!
Some interesting ideas being brought up here, as well as thoughts around balance. Would love to hear what folks come up with as ideas for potential buildings around other races than Vaelune!

Some folks may also want to remember that we've previously discussed an attrition mechanic around racial influences on nodes, to curb the impact of one racial style dominating the landscape:
Heya friends! At the moment we currently have support on our Discord and forums for the languages and regions we plan to support in-game, which can be found in our helpful knowledge base articles below:

That being said, we know some folks have spun up some unofficial communities for other languages outside of those we currently run officially! We'll also be continuing to update the articles above as our plans may change regarding languages and regions in the lea... Read more
Hiya! We've talked a bit before on some of our previous live streams and the like about how organizations within a node (such as the bounty hunter system) will have a progression path that you can take to both increase your abilities and potentially unlock some additional in-node benefits:

While those benefits could serve a practical purpose, there's always something to be said for the ability to "show off" your achievements as well in a physical sense - so I like reading more when folks share ideas for what that might look like in the context of certain systems! :smiley:
Definitely seeing a lot of great comments on both sides here for what level of "hand-holding" folks might prefer - keep those suggestions coming!

Personally I like to see a more minimal/simple UI that's intuitive to pick up without too much extra explanation; that and definitely having some "options" in place for the amount of introduction you would like to the world.
I typically go for fashion over form (gotta look good to play good, right? right???) so um...whatever set has the most skulls on it. Like lots and lots of skulls. I can think of a few from WoW in particular (mostly involving comically large pauldrons) that fit this description!

4 out of 5 solid Stevens is what I rate this

I'd give these 9 out of 10 sandals, take it or leave it.

Keep 'em coming ;)
There are certainly some interesting ideas for a lore-based approach on that front, and I love the brainstorming so far! Perhaps you younglings returning to Verra simply lack the seafaring technology to reach beyond the depths...yet ;)

19 Oct

WOW this must have taken a lot of patience and precise planning to put together! I just recently learned about ministeck (as it's not really a huge thing here in the States), and you've given me a whole new appreciation for it! <3

Thank you for sharing this lovely creation with us!
Oh noooo we would hate to have to disqualify someone for the excuse "the Spookbreaker ate my pumpkin"! 🤣

Hmm...Spookbreaker? Duskbreaker? This fellow needs an appropriately spooptastic name for the season!