Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

12 Nov

Hiya! As some other helpful folks in this thread have already mentioned, there is indeed expansive lore behind the world of Verra - some of which has already been shared, but much of which will be up to you to discover in-game while you're playing!

In terms of "common ground" as OP mentions, while there is some lore fundamental to Verra itself, the ... Read more
👀 Some great theories in here so far in terms of how the leader of a divine node might best show their dedication and devotion over time!

While this will likely be something we share further details on as we release more information on the divine node type specifically, I might also recommend bringing your original question to an upcoming live stream Q&A session so our team can dive in further in the meantime!
Hiya - if we're talking just from a pure frame rate perspective (which is what it appears the OP's question is about), there weren't any forced FPS caps/limits in place during Apocalypse testing - though some folks may recall that you could set an optional frame rate limit for yourself if you liked.

In terms of testing that performance from a client perspective as well as keeping latency in mind, that will all be something we look for your continued feedback on in our upcoming test sessions <3
Hiya! Looks like some folks in this thread have already brought up some great points around the majority of dungeons being open vs. instanced, so you all will likely be exploring quite a bit to find a good spot that works best for you and your group. Plus, you never know what loot might be hiding around that next corner! ;)

There are certainly a lot of variables to consider in terms of power balance for both dungeons and raids as well, so I'm sure we'll be asking for all of your detailed feedback on tuning those knobs as we get deeper into testing <3

Reserved. Rant Incoming

We figured this might be a controversial one 🤣

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion #24 - Overgearing
What’s your view on overgearing (aka "twinking")? Giving high(er) level equipment to low(er) level characters?

Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding boss difficulty!

11 Nov

Ooooh I love the collaboration going on here already! Our team also loved the Dünir tune you put together, and we can't wait to hear what you come up with next <3

10 Nov

Love seeing all the in-depth follow-up questions and ideas the lore from the Extra Life stream has already generated <3 while I know that much of this is being kept close to Steven's heart prior to launch so that you have a chance to discover it for yourself in-game, perhaps you'd like to drop one of these in an upcoming live stream Q&A thread to see if you can pick his brain further in the meantime ;)
Tyty as always for your quick work on getting the AMAZING community wiki updated with all the latest info! <3

Long live The Ancients and may their reign of terror never end! 😈
Hiya folks! Wandering Mist's info above is indeed correct, in terms of node types and locations being pre-determined (not at random) and in parity across all servers!

To @insomnia's point, it has always been described this way as far as I know as well. You can check out more on where we've discussed this previously in our ... Read more
Oh my gosh <3 this seriously gave me chills to listen to, you did a phenomenal job! The lyrics are simply wonderful as well!

Just had to share this with our team too so they could appreciate it - gg and we eagerly await your next creation!
Tyty for grabbing this and timestamping it for folks who wanna jump straight to the lore @"Wandering Mist" ! <3 and ty @Damokles for the highlight summary!


Guess I'll have to wait another couple of years for some more...le sigh

I think these lore reveals have become a bit of a tradition now with Extra Life, so we'll just have to see about that ;)

06 Nov

Hi there - the Alpha One perk included with the Braver of Worlds Kickstarter/Summer packs (and above) was listed as an "invite to Alpha One" rather than a key, so it's most likely meant to be yours and tied to your account specifically. That being said, your Hero of the People pack also includes 10 additional Beta Two keys you will be able to give away to whomever you like, so feel free to spread the love there accordingly once we share instructions with you for how to do so! <3

I could be down with this. Wine from grapes for elves, mead from honey for humans, beer from barley for dwarves, and spirits from corn for orcs - something like that.

What are the Tulnar? Chopped liver???

Maybe this is where our friend Damokles can help...


I only know fermented mushrooms, yes-yes!

Mmm, delicious fermented mushrooms.
For reference, here's the handy dandy section of our Terms of Service that covers this accordingly:

"You agree that you will not buy, sell or trade, or offer to buy, ... Read more
Hi there - you can check out a bit more on where we've discussed the possibility for regional pricing (and how those regions may then be separated from the others) in the helpful community-run wiki here:
Amended my post accordingly to make it more clear :smiley: this does indeed refer to Embers, the currency that would be used in the in-game Shop - NOT direct in-game currency like gold per se.
Speaking personally, I've always wanted the superpower of flight - so I love seeing how some of these spells appear to be filling you with so much power that they pick you up off the ground with a flourish! That being said, we definitely appreciate seeing the variety of feedback you've shared here on the animations we've highlighted so far <3

Also uh...apologies if I blew out anyone's eardrums in the first video Thodric linked >>
Hiya! As some helpful folks in this thread have already mentioned and linked, Ashes of Creation will be a subscription-based game with no box cost after launch, where the only items available in the Shop will be cosmetic ones (no P2W).

The packs currently available in our Shop get you some bonus perks like guaranteed early access to testing, Embe... Read more
Ooooh these are some fun brainstormy ideas so far, and I'm loving the creative names you all are picking for them as well! Keep 'em coming <3