Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

19 Aug

I would proudly ride that shurtle into battle! ONWARD MY GALLANT STEED, ONWARD!
Hi there - it looks like I'm able to still see your comment in that thread here:

There were several threads posted on the exact same topic featuring the exact same video, so they were closed and/or removed by our team accordingly (sometimes these threads are merged instead, based on their content). It appears as though perhaps you also left a comment on one of those other threads that was subsequently removed for being a duplicate.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out, but please feel free to DM me any further details you may have if you'd like us to investigate further!

18 Aug


Mage's Detection- the symbol to me appears to be the "all knowing, all seeing eye" minus the tear; first encountered this symbol for the god Isis back in D&D.

Slightly off base, but i appreciate the Tentacles mage spell; reminds me Evard's Black Tentacles.

Another spell that reminds me of the good ole days is Safe Place, I knew the spell as Rope Trick. The extra dimensional space use to have a rope hanging down that you could pull up into the dimensional space and take a breather and heal up.

After thinking about it the Portal spell seems vaguely reminiscent Dimension Door. Not quite sure of the range but i am sure i could utilize this nice.

Edit~ I thought i seen some of the lore, not sure if you know but try enjoy the read~

N... Read more

17 Aug

but...Shrek is an ogre...not an orc?

jkjk thank you for the giggles, 12/10 thread ;)
His work on Battlestar Galactica, ( and everywhere else lol) is utterly amazing :)

13 Aug


Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion #21 - Quest Breadcrumbs
What is your opinion on quest breadcrumbs (target locations highlighted, quest givers with icons above their heads, etc)? How much is too much? How much is too little?

Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding immersion!

12 Aug

It took my phone like 2 min to open this thread 😂😂

09 Aug

Generally I would prepare for a new mmorpg launch similarly to how I’d prepare for a hurricane.

Stock up on food and water. Board up the windows and make sure you’ve provisioned enough supplies for any pets you may have. Inform your relatives and work that you’ll be weathering out the storm alone at home, and you don’t need anyone visiting to check on you.

Finally, sending off the spouse and/or children for a visit to grandma’s house for the week/month.

And make sure you’ve gotten your neighbors (guild mates) available over the ham radio (discord).

06 Aug

Hi there! As this appears to be more of a discussion on PvP than a question for our support & FAQ sections, I'm going to go ahead and move it on over to our General Discussion section!

05 Aug

Hi there! As this is more of a longer-form discussion than a support question, I'm going to go ahead and shift it on over to our General Discussion section!

04 Aug

Hi there! Looks like Unknown got you a solid answer up above - as you'd like to discuss this possibility further, I'm going to go ahead and move it out of our Support & FAQ section and over into our General Discussion section instead!
I’ve instructed the mods to focus any dps meter threads into a single mega thread to help focus and centralize the discussion 👍
    sorcerer on Forums - Thread - Direct
I have personally considered a limited edition hand painted Phoenix model, with a concept art book autographed by the team as part of a collectors launch package. I cannot promise this, but if I find the right company to create the quality of product I would want it may become a thing. No promises though.
Hi there - I'm going to go ahead and move this over to the Discussion section as it's more of a long-form discussion than an account or game-related support issue we can assist with. From what you've discussed above, I'd recommend keeping an eye out for our upcoming class blogs and videos to get more of a feel for those details in the lead-up to future testing!

03 Aug

Hello! The toxicity I am referring to for the meters does not contradict the participation trophy philosophy for the following reasons;

IMO when you choose to exclude someone due to their performance or build (which happens often, not always) you are choosing the easiest path to success. This path is more easily available to groups that parse combat data through dps meters.

The desire to obfuscate (or make less prevalent by not offering this feature) so that groups are encouraged to grow together and help one another become better by more old school/organic methods of trial and error, efforts in watching other people during the raid, by failing repeatedly until success is possible. Now, could people use meters to aid in this task? Yes, but in my experience it isn’t used in this way..more often it is an exclusionary tool designed to separate players.

So to conclude,

My stance on participation trophies is that things should be hard, people should fai... Read more

02 Aug

Thanks friends. Your support means the world to us. We shall continue in our efforts to make you proud and do right by our fellow gamers❤️❤️🙏

01 Aug

Let’s not try to politicize or apply real world culture issues to a video game anymore. Closing this thread. Thanks!
Another point, experience debt can significantly reduce your drop rate for monsters. The more debt you own the greater the drop in % for loot tables. These modifiers are applied in a divisible manner for parties.