
Eco Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Issue is identified and will be hotfixed.

15 Apr


Originally posted by Zetazhanplays

OK But what about the balancing? You didn't actually make Fish useful. you still need tallow to make the stew. You took away the money making mid game products tailor makes and require industry in order to make the end game tailor items. How are you supposed to make enough money to afford T3 building materials and epoxy on that? Once the skill books are made the cloth has no use to any other class except tailor. It appears you want to cubbyhole Tailors to becoming Butchers/Hunters as well.

You shouldn't adjust stuff and then make them irrelevant. Tailoring is worst off as a profession now then better off.

You know what would make Hunting a relevant profession? Giving fish an actual use.

The last update was in January are you saying we will have to wait 3 months for the Tailoring to finally get balanced? Hunters finally get balanced in 3 months form now. What is regular updates? Monthly? Bi-weekly? quarterly?

The fish is actually a dev-tier submitted addition by a user we just took in as it was there. Fish was no focus at all for this update. We had a bit of cool content ready and gave it to you.

In regards to the tailor we will need to see how it plays out, which we will definitely see with White-Tiger starting tomorrow but at the current state we do not agree with the sentiment of making the Tailor useless midgame. We feel what he has to offer is useful and he will be doing fine. I'll be happy to take a review on that after this Tiger cycle :) As I said, we feel Tailor is better off now.

The last update was in January are you saying we will have to wait 3 months for the Tailoring to finally get balanced? Hunters finally get balanced in 3 months form now. What is regular updates? Monthly? Bi-weekly? quarterly?

We don't currently do regular updates. I wished we did, have been pushing for that several times and we even tried a few tim...

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Originally posted by Apapyrus

I just wanted to thank you for answering these posts. This kind of transparency regarding the state and process of development is refreshing and very welcome. All the best!

Thank you. I prefer the honest way, even if that causes valid backleash. It's the better thing long-term.


Giving you the honest answer:
Yes - we will continue to introduce and improve professions in smaller parts over time, especially when in minor updates. This allows us to introduce content much more regularily and adapt stuff in steps, taking player feedback into account. I can understand why you don't like that, but that's how it currently is.

Tailoring is something that will get expanded again in 9.4 and the following Update, but we don't want to hold back stuff that is done, useable and new interesting content until everything is done, as that simply doesn't work with the development flow we use and includes several focus points in an Update. From the past it also seems that is what the majority of players want.

We feel the additions are meaningful and work and that both professions are balanced better now - but of course they aren't done, that wasn't the goal, though.


Originally posted by ArchonFamily

Overcrowding is massively reduced, not disabled. The mechanic in game is in use, just nerfed for now.. I have confirmed on my server there is an overcrowding effect through testing.. Currently it reduces grow time by about 10%. There is no yield difference, but I hypothesize this will change.

To answer your question: each plant has a "shrub space" value. Look up ecos wiki for the plant. If there is not that much empty space around it, you're overcrowded.

This is true. (Wiki is outdated, though)

13 Apr


No, voting is currently only working in the browser.
Make sure the server host has opened port 3001.

10 Apr


"AdminCommandsLoggingLevel": "None",

09 Apr


We always recommend to get a dedicated server and host it yourself. That isn't any more pricey than a host that offers acceptable performance either. Of course it does need a bit of knowledge to be learned, though.

08 Apr


It's a known issue remedied in upcoming Update 9.3.

07 Apr



05 Apr


Originally posted by EzioDerSpezio

Thanks for the clarification. That's kinda what I wanted to say as I was not aware of the difference between a feature being planned and it being announced. I'm really looking forward to it tho :)

On our Eco tree at there is a LOT of planned features, but they haven't all been announced yet - for good reasons *g*


You can neither rename your own personal currency (but a minted one you have access to) nor name contracts or any unique objects the same name as another unique object of the same type.


Originally posted by EzioDerSpezio

Keeping lifestock/ breeding animals sadly isn't a game mechanic yet, despite being announced as a future feature to come a longer time ago. BUT: I played hunter/chef on my recent game and I felt like the it is almost impossible to make a species go instinct. I could barely see any changes is numbers. I guess if you check the stats from time to time and stop hunting animals that are in huge danger it really is fine.

Animal Husbandry has always been a planned feature for the Early Access, but as it is not being worked on yet, it never had a date or announcement thereof. I'd expect it more towards the end.


Originally posted by adumbbird

I just started a few weeks ago but it happened with a few people I started with. When we spawned in, the default mouse sensitivity was set to .01. I'd check that to see if it fixes your issue.

That issue didn't happen for everyone (and didn't to us) and hence wasn't noticed early enough, but is fixed for Update 9.3.


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

I think Grasslands is the best for that. It also has a lot of coal.

Yep, thats your best bet.


Originally posted by GhonzMX

Thanks for the heads up :) can I post it there?

Of course! :)


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