
Eco Dev Tracker

16 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The server saves the map automatically, there is no need for any configuration.

Originally posted by Jack__Union

It just a glitch, one of many small annoying glitches. That exist and most likely never get fixed.

Pick up the machines and replace. Or knock a hole in the wall, big enough to stop the room being a room. Then rebuild.

The fix is actually being worked on, it just wasn't ready for 9.5.1.

14 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Eco doesn't support Mac, the M1 ones are completely unsupported from a technical standpoint as well.

12 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Any security software? Exception for Eco made?
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nein, das sind Spieldateien, die Veränderung dieser ist Modding, dafür geben wir leider generell keinen Support, daher mal auf dem Discord in den Modding-Bereichen nachfragen. Eine Einstellbarkeit ist jedenfalls aktuell nicht gegeben und auch diese Werte können meines Wissens dein Ziel nicht erreichen.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a known issue since 9.5.0 that causes this when the WeightModificator was changed, it's being worked on.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a known issue since 9.5.0 that causes this when the WeightModificator was changed, it's being worked on.

11 May

    Todd on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey Eco Citizens,
today we're releasing Update 9.5.1, adding some polish for and fixing some of the notable bugs with some of the new additions in Update 9.5. This update should bring improved stability and includes several fixes for crashes and failed migrations. We also have included some changes to the chat channel system and animal hit notifications based on your feedback. Thanks so much for that, we really appreciate it.

  • Fixed: Ambient sounds during initial game launch were not respecting in-game volume settings
  • Fixed: Alt-tabbing while running underwater caused a large sound when returning to Eco
  • Fixed: The audio for chopping trees would sometimes stop playing
  • Changed: Moved civic notifications to chat
  • Changed: Added Government notification category in the chat
  • Fixed: When responding to a DM ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Das sind keine Konfigurationsdateien, das geht also in den Modding Bereich, da muss ich dich leider auf die Modding Community verweisen.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The collaboration preset only works when changed via ingame server creation or the server ui, as it adjusts the other settings. Some game server providers also have a config editor where they implemented the automatic change of the other settings when changing the presets.

The preset for NoCollaboration would look like:
"CollaborationPreset": "NoCollaboration",
"DifficultyModifiers": {
"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 0.1,
"SkillGainMultiplier": 5.0,
"SpecialtyExperiencePerLevel": 25.0,
"CraftResourceModifier": 0.5,
"CraftTimeModifier": 0.5,
"SpecialtyRefundPercentage": 0.5,
"PlayerExperiencePerSpecialtyExperience": 0.0,
"StackSizeModifier": 1.0,
"WeightModifier": 1.0,
"FuelModifier": 1.0,
"ConnectionRangeModifier": 1.0
"EndgameCraftCost": "Normal"

(You also had an extremely outdated config)
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's actually not possible to configure the wild plant spawn at all currently, it's hardcoded.
Please also don't forget that our maximum supported world size is 2.56 km² at this point and that the population is tied to the world size, which is why small world sizes are the most optimal, especially if there isn't hundreds of people on the server.

10 May


Originally posted by salbris

Any advice would be server specific because each has different rules about how groups of friends interaction. I've played on servers that didn't have any rules and I've played on some that forced friends to sign up as a company through a mod they included on the server.

Each server may have different needs if you choose to join late (after day 2 or so) but generally you can always play what you want just be prepared to compete with other players. Professions that complement mining would be smelting, basic engineering, mason, or mechanics. You don't necessarily need to complement each other though because on a server all roles will be filled by someone. If you want to optimize though, any profession that uses rocks or metal is a given.

I smell White-Tiger there, lol.


Originally posted by iamtherik

When I eat something i get a flash message saying something but you can barely even notice it.

Because I was taking a screenshot i see it said "yum" But between my backpack open and the background, it's really hard to see it.

I just wish the news feed was useful, can we combine the ecolog and newsfeed and make it stay 100% all the time?

Also why do you have to do a couple clicks to go to the ecolog, and instead of staying as a tab, it hides again and you have to do the couple clicks again. why ;_; If at least the ecolog could stay as a regular chat tab, i think that would offset some of my issues .

Also the chat, I wish we could hide it and make it only pop up when someone added a new message and then fade after a couple seconds.

The Hold Control to stick the panels was great, too bad it was removed, now when you hold for a sec it's great, but half the time doesnt ...

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What do you mean with "Eco Log"?

The main feedback was that the notifications were much too annoying and intrusive, which is why the Newsfeed is hidden after news were displayed. (In the way you suggest for chat)

The chat behaviour of that way you should be able to achieve with transparency mode?

Holding CTRL for Tooltips still works, it wasn't removed. I used it just half an hour ago?


You can spawn one and hover over it to check where it is.

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Genau. Wie ich bereits sagte, gibt es sie schon mindestens drei Jahre länger, als ich bei SLG arbeite - daher keine Ahnung.

09 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
ich kanns nicht wirklich besser erklären. Die globale Reputation ist der reine Rohwert an Reputation die jemand von allen Spielern bekommen hat. Bei der relativen Reputation wird dieser Rohwert mit einem Faktor multipliziert, wenn der Spieler Reputation von Spielern bekommen hat, denen du selbst Reputation gegeben hat. Je mehr Spieler, denen du Reputation gegeben hast, diesem Spieler auch Reputation gegeben haben, desto stärker der Modifkator. Der funktioniert sowohl für positive als auch für negative Reputation.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Eco uses language on client and on the server, e.g. the two can have differing languages which means that the server displays server-side stuff in the language that was configured for it. You can change the language for the server in /steamapps/common/Eco/Eco_Data/Server/Configs/, just enter "German". If you're not the admin, you would need to ask the admin of the server if he is willing to do that.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Looks like this issue:
It's being investigated.

When you eat a food item, a text pops up over it, telling you how it tasted. Is this something that didn't happen for you or just something you didn't notice? In playtesting this worked quite well, but we can make changes to it, if it's not as obvious as we thought.