Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

10 Dec

08 Dec

2022 Roadmap, Hottest FAQs & Drake System Teaser

Greetings, pilots!

Where has this year gone? The end of December is nearly upon us! Holy scrap, what a journey so far! After over three years of hard work, we launched EVERSPACE 2 in Early Access with a rocket launch release in January. We sold three times as many copies as the predecessor within the first week and hit 91% positive reviews right out of the gate. This massive success was followed by the release of two major content packs, Zharkov: The Vortex and Khaït Nebula: Stranger Skies, both extremely well received, with the game currently sitti...

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07 Dec

27 Nov

26 Nov

25 Nov

24 Nov

20 Nov

19 Nov

15 Nov

13 Nov

12 Nov

11 Nov


Be sure to upgrade your weapons and ship modules regularly. One of the main observations of mine is that equipment levels are often below player level around lvl 7.

If that isn't the issue, you can always go to the job board at Nephtys Plains and grab some missions. :)

06 Nov

05 Nov


Originally posted by HazzyDevil

Uh I know lol. But it’s still not a throttle based approach like GoF2 had.

In addition to Hazzy's comment:
Inertia dampeners off =/= plane-like controls.We have no aerofoil simulation (for performance and space reasons), meaning you won't continue moving "forward" (towards the nose of your ship/spacecraft) if you bost forward while inertia dampeners are off.

What happens is your ship will no longer counter your inertia to try and keep you stable / in place when you aren't providing input.Disabling inertia dampeners is useful when in combat or travelling farther, as you won't have to worry about boost energy while keeping your speed up.

Hope this helps clarify any misunderstanding, here or anywhere else in the future. :)


Originally posted by Anabaric_EvE

It's a highly unlikely (probably impossible) planetary system with a supermega earth and an ittybitty gas "giant" there is also a bit of lens / perspective.

The reality is that if the moon was a gas giant then then it would make the supermassive rocky type (earth like) so massive that the gravity would be sucking the moon in at such a rate that it would crashing very soon. I'd also expect to see the atmosphere being sucked down already.

You are right, a planetary system like this would be impossible according to our current knowledge of physics. Good thing Everspace Classic isn't a sim, right? :D
The main issue here is that the ingame FOV isn't ideal for taking screenshots.

04 Nov