Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

12 May

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As we’ve previously shared, Patch 0.8.2 focuses heavily on the Monolith of Fate. We’re actively working on an associated Developer Blog that we’re super excited to share with you soon. In the meantime, we’re happy to be announcing a number of updates coming to the Arena!

One of our goals when working on Arena was to address zones with significant differences in height potentially hiding dangerous Area of Effect abilities used by certain enemies. We’ve removed a few zones from rotation, and also updated a number of others which could be problematic in this regard. For example, Woodland Arena will now be significantly flatter, and the Tundra Arena (now called Tower Arena) will also have less varied elevation.

To maintain the current level of variety, we’re also adding some of our best-looking zones ever to the Arena in Patch 0.8.2. We’ve prepared a number of screenshots of these below.


Abandoned Arena

... Read more

30 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh, my bad! We’ll be releasing Patch 0.8.2 on

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our next update, Patch 0.8.2, includes a new skill for Primalists!

A minion-summoning skill which adds to the Primalist’s ranged options, Summon Storm Crow increases the variety of available Companions. The default behaviour of this skill is to summon multiple crows, each of which cast lightning damage-dealing spells from a distance.

The specialisation tree for Summon Storm Crow has a wide variety of options for improving the effectiveness of your crows as well as allowing you to change their role on the battlefield.


Summon Storm Crow: The Skill

SummonStormCrow Root428×924 287 KB
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21 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you play your cards right, I might let you in on which game I’m referencing. :wink:

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Patch 0.8.2 focuses on endgame content. In addition to introducing new challenges & rewards for players to experience, it also brings many improvements to existing content.

Spires are among the oldest content in the Monolith and our next content patch completely overhauls them. Spires not only see a visual update thanks to all new art assets but will also have their own unique attacks, giving Travelers more distinct and varied challenges.

We’ll have more news to share regarding this update shortly. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy these examples of new Spires being added to the game in our next patch!


Soul Spire

/uploads/default/original/2X/b/ Read more

13 Apr



  • Introduced a number of new chat-focused error messages.
  • Improved existing error messages used by our chat system.

We’re working on a substantial number of improvements targeting our in-game chat system, the experience of reporting chat messages, and the customer service experience. We have not yet determined whether some of these can be implemented prior to Patch 0.8.2.

NOTE: Patch 0.8.1h was only released on Steam as it fixed a bug unique to the Steam client.


05 Apr

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  • Implemented a workaround for Steam users who had recently purchased Last Epoch and have subsequently had difficulty registering Last Epoch accounts in-game.
    • If you were affected by this, please use the ‘create an account ᐅ’ prompt beneath the log in fields to register a new account which will be linked to your Steam account.
      • If you continue to be affected, please try registering an account on our website, and then logging into the game using the account credentials for that account.

03 Apr


There’s a known issue with Supporter Badges that affects newer users. You’ll have your badge once the system is updated on our end. Sorry about that!

02 Apr



  • Fixed a bug where on kill effects would proc if the player brought themselves below 0 health.
  • Improved the font for certain characters in chat.

Known Issues

  • Chat messages sometimes appear twice. This is a server-side issue and we plan to deploy a fix very soon.

01 Apr


Social Features

  • Social Features (including account linking, chat, cosmetic pets and the ladder) are now re-enabled.
  • Greatly optimized chat performance. We will continue to monitor this.
  • Fixed a bug causing a “Your account is in use on another device” notification to be displayed at incorrect times.

Known Issues

  • Chat messages are sometimes displayed twice. We believe this can be resolved without another game update.

27 Mar


@e_stab @ex-ratt A fix for this is live on Steam now and will be on the Standalone later today. Sorry about that.



  • Temporarily disabled social features.
  • Fixed Gaspar’s Insight having two Void Resistance affixes instead of one Void Resistance and one Cold Resistance affix.
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue in Risen Lake.

We had been aware of the bug and were looking into it for some time; it was difficult to track down because it would only happen under specific conditions. We didn’t just decide to fix the bug because streamers might encounter it-- we put out the fix as soon as we found it.

Regardless, you should be able to login to any characters that were affected and play them as normal. Sorry about the wait!