Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

04 Feb


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

Honestly, as a big no-trade proponent, deterministic loot and a satisfying end-game loot progression has a long way to go in LE. I absolutely love the game, but apart from the grind of empowered monos, end-game gearing is really unsatisfying for the most part.

I generally think the devs have made really good choices and added really good systems to the game as long as I've been playing, and hope this will be an issue that will be addressed eventually. But I have a lot of sympathy who look at the current state of the end-game and not really see SSF as a viable option.

End game content, itemization, systems, and events will be a huge focus for LE as we lead up to 1.0 and after.


We’ll be looking at additional ways to find people to group with in game soon but we will have “public” towns functioning for 0.9 where you’ll see other random players and we’ll likely add a separate LFG channel in the mean time. There’s also a LFG channel in the Discord server.


Originally posted by xanas263

As someone who doesn't want trade in the game it seems like the only question worth answering is the first one. Which doesn't seem right unless you're already leaning towards adding trade back?

I also think there should probably be a question regarding whether people will actually play the game if trade is/is not implemented because the assumption that the poll seems to make is that people that don't want trade will continue to play even if you add it.

As far as feedback is concerned the only way I can see you guys pleasing everyone is if you do two leagues. 1 league which is balanced as the game currently is and 1 league with open trade that has its own separate trade focused balance.

As someone who doesn't want trade in the game it seems like the only question worth answering is the first one. Which doesn't seem right unless you're already leaning towards adding trade back?

We've always ideally wanted a solution that would appeal to both people who want trade and people who either don't want trade or just want item drops and crafting to remain as plentiful and powerful as they currently are.

We had previously concluded that there wasn't really a trade system that would satisfy traders while being limited enough in power that it wouldn't significantly impact item drops (either directly through drop rate changes to account for it, or indirectly through buffs to monsters that raise the standard of items required to progress, or indirectly by raising the community's standard for what counts as a good item).

That conclusion was based on certain assumptions we'd made about what sort of trade system would satisfy play...

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01 Feb


Originally posted by SampaioDias

For this event and going forward, do I need an internet connection to play offline (login)?

The multiplayer beta branches for the events happening pre-0.9 are online only. You can play offline pre-0.9 by going back to the normal live game build.


Originally posted by Quelex

How do we know if we got in? I'm assuming I am since I signed up within minutes when you guys posted on discord.

Also, Is there a different client that we have to download? I don't think I've seen any info.

As long as there wasn't some sort of problem with the process, you got in. You should have a new beta branch option for the game in Steam.

31 Jan


Originally posted by Valcrion

Awesomesauce. I was busy with work and was not able to attend anything. Did not even try to so as not to take up a slot. Have been hearing good things from several streamers about the event so far. Looking forward to playing it myself.

The next event doesn't really have slots to take up so if you're interested in even checking it out for a little bit, you can sign up no problem.


Originally posted by 1trickana

Yeah I don't see the 10k even getting filled up, no need to worry

The 10k is more like a guideline than an actual rule. We can go over.


Poison does base 40 damage.

29 Jan


Please keep in mind that the numbers may change before 0.9, and some of them have placeholder 2D art.

28 Jan


Originally posted by hansod1

I always thought that this referred to the rarity of the tiles that appeared, not a rarity bonus on the loot itself. Like, if you're farming black sun the unique helm node would appear more often.

This is correct. At higher corruption you're more likely to uncover echoes with rarer rewards such as exalted items or unique items. However the items from any individual reward type aren't affected by corruption, just level.

26 Jan


I can see the removed post about that third party selling site. I'm not sure if it works or not but just to be super clear, it is a steam account with the game already activated on it. This tells me that they probably activated it through our website and you'll have to get the email credentials associated with the Epoch account along side the steam account or else you'll have problems down the road.

25 Jan


Originally posted by AndyBarolo

Does Harvest now scale with attack speed?

It has always scaled with attack speed. You might be thinking of Tempest Strike which doesn't.

19 Jan


There isn't any type of regex style search functionality or tricks you can use to find specific combinations of properties.

This is something we will be looking to do at some point but it's likely not going to happen before 1.0

18 Jan


Originally posted by CoachHelp

Reviving enemies

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but we hit a very hard wall when trying to implement this a while back. It's not impossible forever but we have sidelined it until at least post-1.0


Originally posted by ASIAN_GIRLS_PM_ME

The f**k does ICDRS mean?

Increased CoolDown Recovery Speed

It's a slightly different stat than the typical CDR is so we use a different acronym.

17 Jan


I mean, it's not a great on the ICDRS but that's a sweet 4LP item! I've been running a decoy bomber for a while now and it's a ton of fun. This is the key item for that.


The only thing cast speed affects is the time between pressing the use spell button and the spell existing.

16 Jan


Originally posted by Father_Toast

They have not provided much (if any) info about trading post-0.9, so no confirmation one way or the other.

This is the right answer to the actual question asked. No post 0.9 info.

13 Jan


Good Callout! We've actually changed this for 0.9 in multiplayer. The result is that you're sent back to the monolith stone in the hub, not sent back to End of Time 'town' upon completing the final monolith quest. Currently in offline you're sent back to End of Time instead of the monolith Hub. We are looking into updating it to also send you to the monolith rock in the Hub for offline as well.

The reason it doesn't send you back to the rest zone (the zone you arrive at after completing a normal web node) after completing the final quest is that you normally also unlock another monolith for you to progress to, and pushing back out to the hub helps complement that. We want to keep the same behavior for empowered for consistency (however now being sent back to the rock in the hub, not the End of Time 'town').

In multiplayer as well, the hub and rest zone are additively loaded with echo zones so there's also no loading going back to the hub or rest zone so you can ...

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12 Jan


Originally posted by Dissophant

I've sunk 400 hours in across the last 2-3 years and 'finished' the campaign many times at this point.

The game is pretty free of bugs, has decent enough storytelling elements and the classes/characters have really enjoyable progression along with great crafting and a hefty amount of legendaries/uniques. If you're looking to completely max a character from 1-100 with mid-good rolls on all slots, you're looking at probably 100s of hours. I'm sure someone can cut that time way down but for average player it'll be a long while. The monolith and arena content with the target farming and etc stays interesting enough given the risk/reward balance you do for your item farms.

Game is closer to grim dawn with the expansions than D3 imo. It's a bit floatier than D2/GD but not enough that I'd consider it worse, just a different feel, depending on the build. Some classes are very mobile and don't need to stop to cast/attack, others can be more stationary. Just depends.

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