Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

12 Jan


Originally posted by SunnyBloop

Is this something that will eventually happen?

Again, doesn't effect me in the slightest, but I know plenty of people would be interested in such a system.

Maybe, we don't have anything actively in development for it but it's also not something we have explicitly avoided. It will likely depend heavily on feedback we receive from 0.9


Originally posted by FeelingSedimental

It will be individual for each player. I'm not sure all of which sources stated this, but at least the ziz interview features it.

It's also been in the multiplayer FAQ for a very long time.

11 Jan


We don't have any auto-content matching system or automatic group finder systems that will be coming with patch 0.9 in March.

08 Jan


Originally posted by InYouMustGo

Heya I just wanted to clarify my understanding.

  • No Internet Connection = Offline characters available
  • Internet connection = Server-side characters available

When I have an internet connection, will I be able to play my offline characters? Or will I have to disconnect from the WiFi or put Steam into Offline mode?

Thanks for being so open with the community. I know it creates expectations and misunderstandings at times, but I like to focus on the positive aspects :)

Just to be super clear, this is how it is planned at the moment and might be slightly altered if we run into a problem.

With internet connected: you can use online characters online or offline characters offline.

Without internet connected: you can use offline characters offline.


Originally posted by SunnyBloop

Do we still need to run the client in online mode to log in before then being able to play offline? Or will we straight up be able to hop in without Internet access?

The current plan and what will happen unless something goes wrong (unlikely, but it's not fully finished yet) is that you can turn the game client on without being connected to the internet at all and still play your offline characters, offline.

Edit: I'm pretty sure that once the client starts up without an internet connection, you'll probably have to restart the client to be able to get into online mode. This would be an extremely rare case I think though.


Originally posted by Lonestar_McFluffin

Yeah I was a little too loose with the term 'client'. Thanks for the clarification Mike!

I only even mentioned it because someone recently linked an old post on the forums which said that we were going to have separate game clients.


Originally posted by Educational_Sugar601

Still different characters though, yeah?

Edit: apparently I have a different handle on mobile.

Yes, you'll still only be able to play offline characters offline and online characters online.


Originally posted by Griever9977

So we can play our characters offline or online?

No, everything else McFluffin said was right, you'll still only be able to play offline characters offline and online characters online.


Originally posted by Lonestar_McFluffin

Your saves are currently on the offline client. When mp drops there will be two clients: a server authoritative MP client and an offline SP client. Your saves will stay on the offline SP client so as long as you're OK playing offline you can play your saves, but if you want to play online you'll need to start fresh.

Very close and this was what we had said in the past. We no longer are going to be splitting the clients. Now, it's just one client that you can run in offline mode if you want.

Edit: You'll still only be able to play offline characters offline and online characters online.

07 Jan


Originally posted by ExsiliumUltra

I agree to a point, however with the exception of the fact that T:I is anonymous and those 2 are not, you can trade almost everything with very few exceptions.

No need to change it really, I just like to try and give advice to heavily reported posts that I don't remove if I can.


I think you'll see a more positive reaction to a more inclusive set of options. People advocating for fully open trade like D2/PoE don't really have a good option to select here.

06 Jan


Originally posted by aqwimage

Oh I see! Thank you for the update. I hope modding is implementable in some fashion or another. I don't know what future plans are from a longevity viewpoint (from what I understand not all game developers want their game to have long term longevity since it might impact the next game they develop). Personally, I think modding would be great if implemented since it would allow indirect patches/bug fixes from the community, along with quality of life mods (again idk how this would look since LE multiplayer/single player is on a single client ).

We currently have no plans to help or hinder offline mods.

05 Jan


The big distinction here is that we don't have a fully offline mode yet. So, nothing has changed on this front yet. When we do have a proper fully offline mode, we will likely be very hands off with it. Our major concern with game integrity comes with online mode.

Edit: I just read that statement and some things have changed. The online and offline modes are going to be part of a single client now. We will have to reevaluate how we are going to handle people making mods.


Originally posted by adriannn87

Hey, I know this is a different topic but maybe you know, are we gonna have zdps support builds when 0.9 launches?

You'll be able to go full support if that's what you mean. Like it won't ever be literally zero dps unless you just equip a single healing spell 5 times.

04 Jan


Originally posted by tmtke

Maybe a trade tier system where you can unlock higher tiers by playing together? Trading slots, item levels, crafting mats, whatever could be connected to these tiers?

We looked into a system very much like that too. Had a different name for it too. It's interesting because it rewards people for playing together. All of these very specific restrictions end up feeling very arbitrary. It's like you have restrictions that aren't tight enough because it allows an exploit case and then you slowly tighten things up bit by bit until it flips over some invisible line and suddenly it's no longer worth it to jump through the hoops but at the same time, it's a pain to have to jump through those same hoops.

This is a scenario that we would ideally like to avoid if possible.

Timmy: Thanks for getting this game for me, I'm really excited to play with you.

Jack: Here are some cool leveling items to get you started.

System: Can't trade with that friend, need more playtime together.

Jack: Hunh? That's weird, it let me trade with our other friend who plays.

Timmy: sadge


Originally posted by hardolaf

Could you do both the filter style and a text search so we can do more fine-grained searches?

It is technically possible. However, we probably wouldn't ever do both and we currently have no plans to do either.


Originally posted by faithmeteor

My two cents on this issue having been thinking about it for a few months on and off (and if this is something trackable on your end): Allow friends who have played together for at least 1-2 hours in the past week to trade. To be clear, I'm thinking of your current system of gifting, just extend the period of time where you can share your item drops for a set amount after a multiplayer session. Any items dropped outside of the time window would not be shareable.

I'm not one of the networking engineers so I'm not an authority on exactly what is possible and what is not but with my understanding of the system, that should be possible. It is something we have talked about and we did find an exploit case with it.

That's not in and of itself a deal breaker, just makes things more complicated and we have to weigh it in the discussion.

Personally I would really like to see a 1.0 version of "trade" which enabled friends who play together to be able to share items not found together. I have no idea if that's going to happen or not but if I could wave a magic wand and have it happen with no problems, I would.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

This whole trade announcement just confirms for me what I occasionally remember - I do not envy devs who have to communicate with the community. So you say it could change moving forward? What's the point in that? Do you get people's hopes up? Do you clarify by saying it also might not change and you have no plans to change it? etc. etc.

All you can do is just say how it is as directly and clearly as possible and take the inevitable fallout for what it is. I think you all have done a great job with this.

Comments that y'all lied and cheated your way into backer money by saying that there would be a player driven economy in the kickstarter really rub me the wrong way.

Thanks :)

It's a tricky minefield to navigate for sure. You really want to please everyone and make everyone happy but most of the time that's just not possible so we've just gotta do our best and hope someone likes it.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

I know it was specifically about 0.9, but I wouldn't really consider this a specific claim that the trading system could expand. Even so, that's how these things go

Yea, that's a solid point. I know that I work really hard to be as precise as possible with what I say, especially when I'm doing the weekly dev streams. Things tend to fall into 2 categories, way too difficult to even consider changing (e.g. switching genres) and things that could change as the game evolves. Even if the game launches with the current gifting system in tact (which I'm not saying that it will), it could still change over time.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

Did the original trade post make it explicit that more changes to trade could come post 0.9? I don't remember reading it (although I assumed it was the case)

Yes, the opening line says it's specifically about 0.9. The section header that outlines the actual system details specifically states that it's for 0.9.

This is the final line of the post:

We’ll be closely monitoring feedback regarding the details of this system while we look forward to everyone getting their hands on item gifting and more in Patch 0.9 on March 9th.