Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Originally posted by RTheCon

Hmm, I didn’t think about that. Just don’t really see the difference between the two.

So your saying there will basically be unfactioned gear?

This is the way I think about it. Gear can have certain requirements, one of those things is a level requirement. Another is a faction rank requirement. Gear obtained by using a faction bonus, CoF drops or MG Bazaar, has a faction rank requirement. Gear without a faction rank requirement doesn't requirement a specific faction to use.


Originally posted by SponTen

Hey, thanks for the reply! This past weekend is the first time I've actually played since maybe pre-alpha, but I've been following along on and off since backing LE on Kickstarter back in like... May 2018? I gotta say, I really appreciate how measured you guys are with your replies and posts; you seem to be very considerate with people's thoughts and feelings, but are still realistic in presenting your views without censoring things. It's really hard to maintain that balance.

That's interesting about D2. Maybe I just don't play the game in the same way as the top-tier players who are grinding super hard and fast, but there have only been a few instances where I felt like I really needed a loot filter. And tbf, most of my playtime was many years ago, before even PoE was out, so maybe I was just used to it back then. I must say, going from items being unclickable unless you hold Alt (in PoE) back to always-clickable in D2 has been a struggle. Maybe I even missed mega rare ite...

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Thank you very much :)

And if you haven't found it yet, you can press G in game to bring up the game guide for more details on various topics.

And shift+F to bring up the loot filter builder ;)


Originally posted by Frolkinator

Have we gotten any info what we can expect for the first cycle?

The last 3 masteries for a start.


Lots of replies in here but I just wanted to slide a dev perspective in too. Hi, I'm one of the senior developers.

First off, I noticed that you mentioned D2 as a game that doesn't need loot filters, I would strongly recommend that it needs them more than most as it has a maximum number of items that it can simultaneously display. Many common farming areas generate way too many items and it can hide mega rare drops. For example, pit level 2, one of the best places to farm early ladder. Or even just Chaos Sanctuary. This is slightly mitigated with some D2R changes though. There are some amazing D2 mods that add loot filters that are a godsend.

Anyways, tangent aside with Last Epoch, we strive to create an environment where people can experiment and create whatever builds they want. When a community build arises that we never considered possible, it's really awesome for us. In order to do this, we need to create a large number of options that can generate in most comb...

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28 Feb


Originally posted by Godofdrakes

You might look into something like the Xbox Adaptive Controller, assuming you haven't already. The game has controller support and could make some less passive builds more accessable. I'm not significantly disabled myself but I'm kind of a nerd for input devices and own one myself. I can attest that any game that works with a modern Xbox controller will work with the adaptive controller.

This is such a cool device. I've seen it in action at some trade shows and I love that they have created it. Big fan.


more like holy...grail...javelin


Originally posted by Zylixae

Will there be: Alpine Halls has been removed from the Echo Map Pool.


Alpine Halls has been changed to be more connected and feature higher enemy density in the corridor sections.

27 Feb


All I’ll say is that Last Epoch is a live service game centered around time travel with many years of future developments ahead of us. We’re not tapped out of content ideas at 0.9!


Link in the sidebar


Originally posted by Ilyak1986

Thanks for that.

I've been watching the development of the game with great interest, if for the basic reason that I believe a healthy competitive scene lifts everyone's game, so I don't have the specific experience in Last Epoch (yet...), but with my experience in Diablo 2 and PoE, sometimes, if you felt your build needed "this specific item", well, GL HF trying to get it.

If this is vastly different in Last Epoch, and one can hunt down a unique methodologically, then that is a complete game-changer among ARPGs.

As for "prophecies" being a tainted term, hah--I play the Eternal Card Game (which has an expedition mode--aka the equivalent of Magic the Gathering's standard), Legends of Runeterra (which had an expedition mode, which was an ill-fated limited draft-like mode), and Path of Exile, in which expedition is one of my favorite endgame activities. So I'm sure that expeditions in Last Epoch have their own flavor =).

If the fears of ...

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While the definition of build enabling can be a little blurry, we do strive to maintain accessibility to those unique for players who don't have a massive daily playtime available to them. With the legendary system, there is a lot of room between the base and max versions of the uniques in the game so you will probably find yourself hunting a better one even if you've found a basic version. This lets us keep the base versions generally pretty accessible too.

But, I'm sure someone will come up with a bonkers build that requires an item we never intended and we will need to do something about that. Lots of options there, from making a new starter version to changing the drop chance to adjusting interactions to make it work other ways too and more.

I am confident that we can maintain this methodology but only time will tell.


Hi there and welcome to Epoch. First off, I think it sucks that you're getting downvoted for voicing an opinion. I kinda wish we just had upvotes sometimes because while people might not agree, this post has lots of good stuff.

Anyways, I've been talking to a lot of PoE players since the release of this post and it's been very interesting to me from a designer standpoint. While I'm not the person who came up with this idea, I was one of the main cooks in the kitchen for the refining process. I find it really interesting that most of the PoE launchpad posts use SSF and CoF almost interchangeably. I'd like to emphasize that we hope that CoF will be just as multiplayer friendly as MG. Yes solo players will be CoF but non solo players can be CoF too. I really think this is going to just hit the exact notes you're looking for. Finding those couple build enabling uniques is something CoF is going to be great at.

I know we didn't go into details on what all the rank reward...

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26 Feb


Originally posted by Kelvara

Hey, I got one of those. Mine actually dropped when legendaries first came out, since they nerfed the LP rate on Quicksilver after that. This is what I made.

That's gross, I love it.


The dot doesn't care where you are at all. It will finish its job.


Originally posted by ZurgenWoW

My main question is if the factions will be multiplayer only (I assume?). Just thinking of if you can have the CoF bonuses if you're playing completely solo offline and not on multiplayer.

You'll be able to access CoF offline.

25 Feb


Originally posted by omguserius

Still on for everything having a pet spec though?

I don't think mage will have a classic pet mastery.


Originally posted by taxicab0428


Yes ironically, it's not getting removed.


That wasn't for 0.9


Originally posted by falsemyrm

Read the description and every class has a pet spec of some kind

The runemaster description is very outdated and will be different upon release.


Originally posted by deausx

Zero chance. Dev team is too small, and we're way too far into development now for that.

Character creation is rarely a part of Diablo clones.

Please be careful answering questions so absolutely if you aren't sure. It actually likely will happen at some point.