Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

12 Dec


Originally posted by pon_3

Could we get an option for shared loot! It’s industry standard to have options and it makes playing with friends so tedious to have to keep checking with each other.

The network implications of this request are not insignificant and I suspect significantly greater than you would expect unless you have implemented a system like that before.

It's not a dealbreaker but it is not something we could implement and test in time for 0.9. We will not be adding this, or any other, suggestions or requests regarding trade or drops to 0.9.


In fully cooperative parties, yes this would be very similar. However, since you may play with people who are not as generous, you could find yourself getting nothing at all while they vacuum up all the good loot.

11 Dec


Originally posted by ShadoweCZ

are you sure about that ?for example on Maelstrom (primalist) it shows lightning greyed out even tho i have all the lightning nodes on it; or earthquake (shaman) shows lightning in full colors even with Cataclysm that should convert all damage to fire

thats why i askeed about statuses and added damage

It might have a bug that is causing it to not work right but as the person who set it up, yes I'm sure that's the intent.


It highlights the elements that are currently active and greys out the ones that are possible to get but you don't have selected at the moment.

10 Dec


Haha very glad to hear you think Epoch is FAF ;)

We have a lot of performance updates coming in our March 9 multiplayer patch that I hope resolve some of the issues you're having there. Also, Monolith variety and end game updates in general will be a huge focus after getting this multiplayer patch out the door.

Oh, and as someone who absolutely loves playing Meteor as a main skill... MP makes this way better when you can sit behind your tanky friends. Cheers!


We appreciate the kind words and I'm very glad to hear that you're enjoying the game so much. We'll continue to push hard for you guys. Cheers!

08 Dec


Originally posted by Tall_AltAccount

If there is going to be no trading/economy, why make an authoritative server system. At that point people wanting to play multiplayer just loosing out on possible mods and gain nothing?

Server authority will allow many opportunities and conveniences that we wouldn't be able to have otherwise. Fair and reliable leaderboards, community events including races and first X to completion with awards and rewards, intrinsic remote characater saving that's not prone to corruption, remote server-hosted co-op that is not reliant on your own or your friend's internet connection, and for those that do care it will mean that when you find cool things and see others with cool things you'll know that they are legitimate and not spawned by client-side hacks.


Originally posted by MrMeltJr

Specific uniques and idols are going to need to be a lot more targetable if there's no trade.

We plan to continue to introduce new ways to target farm certain items and to tune the potency of existing methods all the way up to 1.0 and afterwards. There are definitely build enabling items that are too difficult to reliably find right now. There are several Idol affixes such as the Smite Chance on Hit affix that are prime examples of that. This is something we aim to fix in future updates.


Originally posted by Xeiom

Any consideration around making it slightly more flexible with the instances?

I often speed ahead of my buddies because they are a bit slow in town, it would not be ideal if we're all actively playing together but the first half of a map is ungiftable because of them being a bit more casual even when the correct level and actively engaging.

A leniency timer to solve this issue is something we're actively considering.


Originally posted by AlextheGreat2013

To be fair, nothing stops you from killing monsters and acquiring gear, even if there's overbearing trade on the game. No one is forcing you to trade.

This is true, but as developers, we'd either have to balance around an open trade system or not balance around it.

If we balance around it, then the players who don't use it are at a disadvantage and the items that they find themselves won't necessarily be sufficient to keep up with a game balanced around a higher standard of items.

If we don't balance around it, then players who do use it will find the game very easy and feel like further upgrades to their gear, skills, etc. don't matter.

03 Dec


I completely understand the frustration that the community is expressing with the time it's taken us to get multiplayer out the door and our previous inaccurate estimates to do so, and I won’t defend us on it. Creating a server-authoritative ARPG when we started as an after hours, non-funded project was much more complex, costly, and came with more challenges than we anticipated, even with anticipating many. I should have been more confident in our progress before the team was speaking to any type of timeframes with the community. We’ve had to switch third party providers for some services, rewrite systems to scale better, and just in general figure a lot of things out that a more experienced team may have had better foresight on.

We’re in it for the long game though and we’re building the game that we want to play as a group of die-hard ARPG fans ourselves. If we didn’t think server auth was important we could have had a version of MP out the door 2 years ago. I can’t p...

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02 Dec


Originally posted by Significant_Mud_1167

I corrected this part and as many grammar as I could see. I had to work hard now that a member of EHG took notice of me haha.

thank you very much :D


Originally posted by Significant_Mud_1167

Totally right. Corrected.

I'm sorry but it still has some mistakes. Can you change it to this?

-Legendary Potential is a number which can appear on any droppable unique item. You will be able to combine it with an exalted (purple) item which shares an item type with it and has 4 affixes on it. Merging them together in the Temporal Sanctum will make the unique become legendary by taking a number of random affixes from the exalted item equal to the legendary potential.

01 Dec


Great little writeup, could I request that unique and legendary get their terms flipped in the post? You find Uniques with Legendary Potential and add an exalted to it to then make it Legendary.


The game is currently CPU bound so upgrading your video card rarely has much of an impact on performance. Enabling streamer mode, even if you're not streaming will likely have a decent impact.

As a reference, I'm running a GTX 1080Ti on medium high settings at 1440 while streaming and it's butter smooth.

Major performance updates have been done and we had hoped to have those out already. They are bundled in with 0.9 and will be coming out March 9th.

29 Nov


Originally posted by pogothrow

Does anyone know if this update will come with new content, or is it just adding multiplayer to what is there already?

Patch 0.9.0 will have a whole lot of other updates and additions! We'll be releasing another Dev Blog later this week which will have some more information on some of the things coming in 0.9.0, as well as our previous dev blogs, and teasers we've released (one of our community members has compiled a list of all teasers we've released on our forums here: The big categories for 0.9.0 are Multiplayer, Combat Feel, and Performance. So there's tons of VFX and SFX changes, new models, updated maps, balance...

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Originally posted by Lweed-

Are all community testers going to be invited to this invitational?

Community testers have constant access through the CT Program. So they 'technically' won't receive an invite, but will still have access to multiplayer through the normal program so don't need an invite.

28 Nov


Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

The full quote, if it helps Mike, from the Multiplayer Dev Q&A with Zizaran stream:

Q: What do you think about gear upgrades? I feel like items other than build enabling unique’s have too little impact on survivability and damage. You deal similar damage naked and fully geared with the huge damage multipliers coming from skill trees. Due to this you cap out fast and the urge to min/max is not as strong as it could be.

Dan: Yeah, that one’s a really interesting question and anyone who kind of knows our community has seen a popular video by Lizard_IRL about gear in our game. For us, we definitely want to shift some power from passive trees and onto items again. We want to kind of consolidate some item modifiers so that they’re offered in fewer spots. We don’t want to aim for gear to be as high of a portion of your total power of build customization as other games though. Some of that is actually quite intended but we do...

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Thanks, this is why I have to watch all the source videos in these posts haha

27 Nov


Originally posted by greguniverse84

I don't want to fight but the developers agreed with the 1st video being general and not build specific. I was just wondering about what if any further info was out there. Like I quoted them directly but those are vague terms, and it has been a hot minute.

Edit: woops, it's not me, it was Dan. All good.

I'm not sure where the quote came from about not wanting gear to be as high a percentage of your power as other games but if you've got a source, it's like 99% chance going to be from me. I do the weekly dev stream and this was a pretty hot topic a few months back so I answered a bunch of

I think it might be assumed that we would have been just talking about PoE and the amount that we would be referring to is probably less than it seems.

If was me, I was probably mostly talking about D2, not PoE, which for the most part is extremely gear dependent (except a few select builds, looking at you smiters).

Second, it isn't saying that we don't want gear to be impactful or important. Quite the opposite really. I'd like people to be able to get to end game and experience it with average gear but need to hunt for significant gear upgrades to be able to do the very top tier content. Prior to some recent changes, ...

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26 Nov


Originally posted by SpambotSwatter

/u/worldlywigeon is a karma-farming repost bot -- look at the post history. Please downvote its comment and click the report button, selecting Spam then Harmful bots.

With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this spammer.

Mods; feel free to remove both our comments... sorry

Good bot