Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

25 Feb


Official Answer:

Character visual customization is not something we will get in for 1.0. It is a feature that we hope to implement at some point. We don't have any sort of timeline on when it could happen. It will not be soon. So it is a matter of when, not if but it could be a long when.


Glad that you enjoyed it. Welcome to the community!

24 Feb


We still fully intend to port to PlayStation and Xbox if we can. Timeline is way way way up in the air.

We haven't put any time or effort into it at all yet. For example we don't even have a PlayStation developer account yet.

However, the hardest part of the console port is generally the full controller support requirement and we are building that into the game for launch.

Once 1.0 launches, we will be discussing internally what we want to do about consoles. For now it's just going to stay, on the horizon.


This is second hand info so I'm not sure but I think that because it's listed as a different title in Steam, GFN doesn't work with it.


Originally posted by tanishajones

What he means is that the game was picking US central even though he lives in south america - which is FAR from the optimal ping considering SA servers exist atm and US east would be dramatically lower than central and west as well.

I had the same issue last night, i live in SA and was getting put in US central. Today it seems to be properly putting me in SA servers. Obviously the system needs work, but can you comment on wether or not we’ll ever be able to pick our server? This is a really weird decision that can put a huge dent in the multiplayer aspect of the game…

Point in case: I live in SA and play with a friend who lives in Cali. If he leads we go to US west, where i get 230ms and the game is unbearable with this latency, if i lead he gets 200ms. If we could just go to US east i’d probably get around 140ms and while not optimal, that would be the best compromise.

I understood what they meant. I'm sorry I don't have any more info on potential changes or reasoning why it is that way.


Originally posted by _Dinky

I'm curious, is there a reason why there's no server selection? I'm playing from Sweden with a friend from California. Our "local" servers are both really bad for one or the other, ideally we'd be playing on East coast servers like in any other game but there's no option to.

I'm sorry, I don't know the details of why it is that way.


Originally posted by Ohh_Yeah

I don't know how much dev time it would take, or if you're able to ask filter makers for assistance, but I was pleasantly surprised when I started playing Torchlight Infinite to find that there were a handful of preset loot filters right out of the gate. They had something like Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced filters which were increasingly strict and had different rules for early->middle->late->end game. Very helpful for picking up the game and immediately having some decent loot filters without doing any Googling.

A long term planned feature is planned that if it gets in will include an in game filter browser which you can, search for, upload and vote on loot filters to use. No matter what we include as a baseline filter, the community will design and disseminate their own. This way we can just facilitate that in game instead of having sub-optimal ones ready as a noob trap and take some of the time and effort out of the process for the community too.


Originally posted by Joshiwe

What about announcing specific items in a party wide chat when first picked up? Could be cool for lfg groups to ask for specific items without having to announce every drop yourself.

Much more likely but still low priority at best.


Thank you for your continued contributions to the community, Dammitt. The team loves the tools you make as well.


Sorry, chances of this happening are extremely super tiny.


The game attempts to automatically select the server which you have the lowest ping for. There is no way to change this manually. If you find someone who is connecting to the SA servers, if they are your party leader, you will also join those servers with them


You are playing on the main live client.

In order to participate in the temporary multiplayer beta test that is going on right now, please follow the instructions in the announcement post.


Originally posted by ArmaMalum

In the exact comparison of drops it's a math problem sure but there are number of factors that can qualify as incentives for one faction for the other.

As an example, many people don't like trading due to the time/effort put into the actual act of trading. By extension CoF players will usually have more overall drops per unit of time on top of the actual faction buffs, since they're actually killing stuff instead of trading.

We aim to reduce the friction of interacting with the trade system as much as possible. It behaves asynchronously so you don't need to wait for someone to respond or join your game or anything like that. You will also have access to very powerful in game search and sort functionality that will let you narrow down your options very quickly.

23 Feb


A few things here.

  1. This is all going to be massively updated after 0.9, so don't look into this too heavily or get used to what you're seeing. The beginning of the game is going to receive a significant overhaul.
  2. One of the goals of some of the graphical updates is going to be making it so that the environment play area competes less visually with the battle field action that you need to pay attention to
  3. This update spawns from dabbling with new tech that we have and wanting to experiement with it in an environment that will be overhauled
  4. That particular part of this zone looks a bit worse than most areas of the same zone and other zones that have been altered

If you're a new player checking the game out for the first time today, this is a great loot filter guide.


No, you're not missing anything. I'm going to delete this because there are so many duplicate posts.


Originally posted by Mattino92

Aligning with the Circle of Fortune will grant you powerful benefits towards finding more and better items. You will also have the ability to purchase Prophecies with Favor which will bend fate to your advantage and help you find the specific items that you’re looking for.

I think they already intend to do that.



If you followed the instructions on the announcement post, wait for Steam to contact you.


If you followed the instructions on the announcement post, wait for Steam to contact you.


We're continuing to improve it. I play mostly with gamepad but I'll swap to KB/M for text or if I want to navigate the inventory faster. I actually have terrible RSI from playing ARPGs non-stop for 20 years so it's important to me that we get gamepad support in great shape before 1.0, and we're pretty close with 0.9 coming up.

Do your wrist stretches, KB/M Travelers!