Hi official portrait, which is used in the chat dialogue, was painted before things were quite so bad and he was still clean shaven. Things have gone downhill and he hasn't been able to maintain his appearance as much.
Hi official portrait, which is used in the chat dialogue, was painted before things were quite so bad and he was still clean shaven. Things have gone downhill and he hasn't been able to maintain his appearance as much.
If you're on the multiplayer test, it's extremely likely that the soulfire boss is only dropping rings at the moment.
Yeah, there's a bug where it's always spawning the tier 1 version of the boss, regardless of which tier you're actually running. This bug has been fixed internally, so it won't still be there in 0.9.
If this is the case, and let’s say someone wants to play only multiplayer, then what is the point of playing until 1.0 comes out? Will 0.9 multiplayer be whipped before 1.0 as well? Cuz leveling to 70+ for the 3rd and 4th time isn’t happening.
The main purpose of the multiplayer beta test events that happen pre-0.9 are to help us find bugs and test the servers so that when we do launch 0.9, it's stable and fun. This comes with the added bonus of a sneak peek at the upcoming content changes.
I expect that to most people this isn't an enticing thing really and that's totally fine.
We have been very careful to not wipe characters. We just can't trust that every character that people have played up until online is 100% legit. We can't migrate that data to our online environment smoothly and cleanly. These characters are still playable offline going forward.
Characters created between 0.9 and 1.0 are currently planned to be rolled into a "standard" cycle. The environment where characters go when a cycle finishes. We are not planning on deleting them.
It's been a blast thanks! Hope you are getting the info you need!
We are! Lots of good server-data coming in and bugs that we can act on. We'll have to ship 0.9 with some minor bugs but the hotfix cycle will last longer than usual.
Appreciate you joining and helping out. Cheers.
We have this tracked as an issue with a fix in the MP builds. Enjoy skating for just a little longer and then we're taking it away from ya!!
Haha, hope you're enjoying the MP event.
Currently progression is not multiplayer. Your existing characters will go to an off line mode and multiplayer becomes a fresh start. Currently save files are stored locally so people can tamper with them. Would be very unfair to be able to keep your character with 2 billion gold and 250 spent passive points when multiplayer drops.
I see this phrase quite a bit and it's a little ambiguous.
Your existing characters will go to an off line mode and multiplayer becomes a fresh start.
Characters created offline in 0.8.5f and before will continue to be offline characters going forward.
Characters created online in the multiplayer beta events pre-0.9 will not be available at all when 0.9 launches.
Characters will not transition from online to offline.
Everything that is worded "on kill" should imo be changed to "x%chance on kill or on boss/champion hit", unless it's some kind of corpse explosion. An example is the claw totem in swipe tree, but there are imo way too many skills or subskills like that being rendered next to useless most of the time because they don't work vs bosses.
Is it good to have some effects in the game be more powerful and narrow while others are more broadly useful but less powerful?
Edit: I appreciate the replies specific to on kill effects. That's not really what I was asking for though. I was more asking about having situationally useful effects in general.
I think that there has been some information lost in the shuffle. The survey was not attempting to answer the question "Should we have a trade system or not?" Many people wanted that to be what the survey was about. From that perspective, it might seem very biased. However, that was never a goal of the trade survey. It actually clearly states that right at the top.
Please do not spread misinformation.
From the Last Epoch Discord:
Offline characters created in 0.8.5f and earlier will still be available to play offline.
Online characters created in the beta multiplayer test events will not be available to play.
When you connect to the game, you will have the option to play offline or online. Online will have access to multiplayer online features. The plan is to be able to optionally play offline while logged in and have limited access to online services, similar to how 0.8.5f works now. The offline flow and features is still not finalized and might change between 0.9 and 1.0.
Source: https://discord.com/channels/368953963267096586/414298693257265155/1072314400725291138
This is correct. It's worth noting that online characters must be played online and offline characters cannot cross over so that we can prevent client-side hacks on the online environment.
Thanks for the helpful responses to FoodLord's question, everyone.
I’m nearly certain that that isn’t intentional. I’ll bring it up with the design team.
Thanks for taking the time to feedback with your experience Schmoeticus. We are spending a lot of time reading all the trade responses across all of our mediums at the moment and it’s always nice to come across ones that note players specific scenarios and how they felt in that journey when playing. We’re trying to use our two ears and not our one mouth right now so I won’t feed back directly on the guild-like ideas but just wanted to say that your feedback is appreciated and being assessed. Hopefully we can make LE the ARPG that you and your friends are excited to come back to over and over again. Cheers
Is the movement skill you’re referring to Lunge by any chance? The lag you’re experiencing sounds atypical, especially if you have a low ping. We have seen a use-delay bug that’s very rare that we’re trying to track down but I’m not sure what you’re saying here is the same thing.
Also yea arena monos need their maps generated and weren’t on the test build. That one’s in the dev tracker but has remained low priority amongst other things for now
Good question! A lot of it is to to do with keeping the competitive aspects of the game from client-side hacking. To have leaderboards, race events, or other things we may do in the future legitimate we need to have server authority. There’s also conveniences like characters being saved server side so you don’t potentially lose client-hosted characters and not having to rely on a p2p connection that is likely less reliable than our paid-for servers. We also do want the prestige of finding items and being able to show them off with people knowing you actually earned it. Then there’s MTX, but then again we likely wouldn’t need to offer MTX if we weren’t having to pay for a ton of high performance servers.
It’s a ton of work but we think the upsides are worth it in the long run.
I know it's really tough to keep up with all the info because it gets very slightly changed as it gets relayed.
It feels like you might have missed that the firm no trade announcement was for the 0.9 release.
I also think you might have missed that 0.9 and beyond will continue to have offline single player. It will actually be even more offline capable than before. This beta multiplayer test is specifically to get feedback on the multiplayer servers, not give early access to the new content.
It's just so tough to have discussions like this with skewed info so I thought I'd clear that up.
On my part I feel like in 2023 players shouldnt have to rely on discord or spamming chat to find someone. Adding a public game list that can have personalised names would go a long way in terms of reaching random players. Not everyone wants play with dedicated group all the time.
The game is awesome but i just feel the social part could be improved!
Agree entirely. We’ll make it happen
The game seemed much more polished and refined since I last played. Well done.
Thanks for the kind words. A lot of love from all the folks in the studio. I’m excited to have everyone get their hands on the release as there’s quite a lot more not available in the test builds. Cheers
More like 20s for both my friend and me, despite SSD's :/
There are definite wins we can make for load times before even getting into micro-optimizations. We’ve implemented some nice tech so that end game monolith zones load very quickly but we need to focus on campaign zone transitions next. It will improve between 0.9 and 1.0!
LFG Channel and discord voice are ace at the moment. Full parties and easy cruise!
Very glad to hear that’s working for many of you! Though we can and will do more to make it even easier 👍
Just wanted to thank you all for joining us today for our first smaller stress test. The multiplayer events so far have been very helpful in finding areas for improvement, though overall we’re very happy with how our systems have been handling MP outside of a few pesky bugs. We know that opting in and switching branches on Steam is a bit of an ask, so again your participation is much appreciated by the entire team.
We do have more spots open for the MP testing week available and you can join us by following the instructions found here: https://events.lastepoch.com/packtheserverparty
Our larger stress test will occur on 2/23 and we’ll be putting out socials reminding everyone to come help us see if larger numbers break anything so that we can shore it...
Read more External link →I missed all news of that game for a while. So first of all. Multiplayer is finally out or you're part of the beta/alpha something ? Also, how did you achieve that ? You can teleport to the location of someone in your party ? Finally, with all quests up to that point suddenly completed, what level do you reach with all the earned xp ?
Oh also does anyone knows if it's the intended behavior with an idol slot bug, or is that whole feature a bug and we're not allowed to skip (part of) the acts ?
Just for the record, it's open to anyone, not just streamers and it's more of a beta opt in than a application thing.