Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

04 Jan


Originally posted by mr_ji

So the people saying it's like D3 are absolutely correct. I don't have strong feelings one way or another, but to act like they're being negative when that's exactly what's happening with the game is disingenuous.

The issue is that it's just what is happening at 0.9. Much like the post you're replying to, conversions on the topic so frequently have misinformation in them. Many people have mistakenly assumed that this is not open for any changes or feedback.


Originally posted by Xraxis

Why go with such a punishing and restrictive system? Developing around power gamers seems like a pretty big mistake since they will always be looking for the path of least resistance to get to their goal, and casual consumers end up getting punished for it.

The devlog link above has some in depth details and reasoning for ya. I'm on mobile so I'd rather not go copy pasting if that's ok.

I'm curious to know what you view is punishing about the system to casual consumers. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, just looking to get some specifics.


Originally posted by Shelk87

It would be nice if you allowed people to have a small list, maybe 5-10 people, that you can gift items to at anytime. Have a waiting period where they have to be on your list for 7 days before it enables or something to mitigate abusing it for trade. I imagine there are people that only get to play with friends seldomly but would still want the opportunity to gift them items they know would be useful for them. It would eliminate the trading for profit situation but allow people to still feel like they are engaging with their friends. Otherwise anytime you find something a friend could use will be a negative moment unless they are right there with you. Personally, how i can engage with friends is the important part to me and a system like this would bring me and my friends into the game. Not being able to engage with gifting outside of maybe a handful of hours in a week or two week period would make the game a pass.

We've seen many different similar suggestions that are interesting for various reasons. We came close to moving forward with a variant of this about a year ago, even had a sweet name for it. At the time we found it to be likely too complicated for most people to use intuitively while still enabling a frustrating version of free trade. It's not impossible though.


Originally posted by Mansos91

So have they confirmed never trading? Or just not with multiplayer launch?

All we've definitively said so far is that at multiplayer launch (patch 0.9), the only way to move an item from one player to another is through limited gifting as outlined in the dev blog.

We've given some reasons why this is our frontrunner for launch targets too but it's not set in stone and we will be looking closely at feedback from people who are experiencing the system directly once the patch drops on March 9th.

Full Devblog Link

03 Jan


It's the "level of thorn totem" mod. Each "level of [skill]" mod has a secondary stat that goes with it which is fairly generically useful with that skill.


We actually get this suggestion pretty regularly. It was something we considered and very nearly included. We haven't reconsidered it recently but I could see it being a discussion topic again.

It has the advantage of convenience when navigating very large timelines. It also would probably help once we end up with more types too. Right now, I'd personally be more interested in a filter style. Something like a collapsible list of toggles you could select which types to highlight. That way you aren't wondering if you've used the right search term. Many people who played a lot of D3 would search "legendary" hoping to find "uniques" and get nothing as a result.

01 Jan


Happy New Year!

31 Dec


Originally posted by MaxwellScourge

Thank you! Happy New Year!

Just to be clear, the above post makes it sound like Runemaster (the final Mage mastery) will be a pet class. This was a rumor that was floating around but has since been dispelled.

25 Dec


Originally posted by grayscalering

it takes 1000s of hours and effort to get the best items in poe solo

because the games drop rates are balanced around trading, the game is functionally unplayabe SSF unless you are willing to put hundreds of hours into it

how does buying an item from another player somehow make you want to spend MORE time in the game then finding it does?

option 1: i want the item, i go through the challanges to find it, i find it, i upgrade it, time effort and fun have gone into making my hcaracter better

option 2: i want the item, i buy it.........

how the f**k does option 2 make you play the game longer, when it MASSIVLY shortens the time it takes to progress your character

poes loot experience is a pile of absolute ass, i have 1600+ hours in the game, its dreadfull

if you want poe, f**k off back to poe, let the better game stay better, im genuinly fed up with people like you who want to change LE for the worse because its not exactly the ...

Read more

People asking for changes to LE which make it different from what you want is perfectly valid. Please do not tell people to not voice their opinions or tell them to leave.


Hey everyone! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

We've got an abnormally large number of reports on comments in this thread. We know this is an important topic for a lot of people. Please remember to be respectful and argue the issue and not the person. It's a shame to have to remove posts with high quality reasoning because the last couple lines are just unnecessarily aggressive.


Originally posted by hardolaf

how the f**k does option 2 make you play the game longer, when it MASSIVLY shortens the time it takes to progress your character

People quit early if they aren't getting what they want. But if they're having fun, they play for a long time. There's a reason why Harvest and Ritual league had the best long-term retention tails in PoE's history: players could get the items they wanted and have fun playing the fun part of the game.

Great point, does that need to come from trade?

22 Dec


Expanding Monolith, adding random events, giving you reasons to want to kill enemies, and reducing dead ends that don't come with a reward for your exploration are some top priorities that we have internally after the release of 0.9. We're aware and agree that it can feel a bit anemic at the moment and just haven't had the time to put into it with most of our development power on multiplayer, performance, combat feel improvements, and a few other things for the last year.

Funny enough I was reading through, adding comments and questions, to some end-game expansion proposal documents for 1.2 and onwards just a moment ago. There's a lot to come and we'll be back to releasing content regularly once we get 0.9 out the door.

19 Dec


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

It sounds promising, although I'm sure we're not going to hear devs weigh in on this anytime soon in a definitive way, other than a possible, "we're not changing anything for 0.9 but are looking at improvements for the item gifting system".

Would feel pretty shitty if they weren't dropping for you.

Hey that's my line

17 Dec


are the devs happy with the current feel of the game or do they plan on overhauling it before 1.0?

We're not planning a one-off big overhaul, but we are always working on improving the visuals of the game. The live game has fallen a bit more behind what we have internally than usual, because of the gap between patches, so 0.9 should be a more notable improvement in a lot of respects.

For feel of combat in particular we're making visuals improvements like damage type specific death effects, moving enemies flinching when you hit them, and enemies spewing more blood or other appropriate particles when you hit or kill them.

As for enemies, many of them, especially around chapters 2 and 3, are either receiving updated models and animations or are being replaced with new enemies that have higher quality models and animations. We're also adding more different types of enemies to some areas of the game that are lacking in variety.

14 Dec


Just to be clear, each timeline can only sustain a single blessing at a time. With higher levels of corruption, more blessings are presented to the player after each kill, up to 5. You still only get to pick 1. It's just to help target farm blessings a little better as you tend to need more specific ones as you get up to higher levels of corruption.

12 Dec


Originally posted by Gaverion

As someone just getting into game dev, your journey has been very interesting to see. Very cool to see how passionate your team is despite occasional setbacks.

It's definitely been non traditional and we made it happen through sheer force of will it seems. Having a team of people that really want this has been the factor that has driven our success


Appreciate the mockup here, u/tomcruisesenior and I agree this would be a good improvement. I'm linking this to our internal channels.

I can't promise this will come ultra soon as the guys that are working through UI related projects are up to their ears with multiplayer needs but circling back to the loot filter is definitely on our agenda. I actually designed it personally so it's showing its age. We have more talented folks tackling these things now ;)


Originally posted by WhiskeyAndI

That is a fantastic idea. Would you be attempting to have this be a built-in feature with the current filter system, or would it be more of a "set up a filter that includes items your friends would want"?

As an idea, having the ability to set up a party-wide loot filter, that you could add in everyone's individual filters to (perhaps adding an icon in the item's label?) Could work to reduce "is this showing for me or buddy #3? I'm definitely no developer so I have no idea of the implications with that, or if it's just rehashing exactly what you said, but I'm really excited either way. Love what you guys are doing, love the interaction with the community.

Just to be clear, this is one of those "I bet I could do it one day" things. It's not on a roadmap or plan.

Each player has 2 things they set up:

  1. Priority loot filter rules. This would be as simple as clicking a star beside the rules in the filter list.

  2. You can add rules to your own filters that say "recolour party member priority items blurple".

Then if an item drops for you that a party member has prioritized, it shows up blurple and you know to pick it up and tell a party member.

Could get even crazier with it and have an auto whisper the person who it was for.

Tons of painful things to set up in here but I think it would smooth out the experience so much.


Originally posted by WhiskeyAndI

For what it's worth, I prefer instanced loot. My friends (only play with them) are always currency hoovers in POE, and then are astounded to learn I'm broke in the game. Instanced is better, imho. I don't mind scanning for items that could make my friend perform better, just adds that extra touch of something when they drop something for me!

This is something that we have considered and run into problems with but I'm still convinced that it is possible to actually set up loot filters to have a priority rule. One that you could flag as something you really really need. Then everyone could have an option to show party priority filter rules and you could set your own colors for party items. So you would know that an item was only being shown for a party member and they wanted you to pick it up. This way you wouldn't even have to discuss what you are looking for. And if someone's priority rule was showing too many items, you just turn it off.


Originally posted by Pochama999

In the future, would you consider something similar to Borderlands 3's instanced/non-instanced loot system, presuming you're familiar with that? The idea being that when making the party, the party leader can choose between instanced loot/gifting for playing with pubs, or non-instanced loot for playing with friends, with a rarity or quantity bonus to make up for the fact that you'd be dropping 1/(# of party members) the amount of loot.

Only reason I ask is that BL3's implementation of it seems like the closest analogue to your guys' vision of being able to share loot with your friends or other randoms without creating a full blown trade economy.

We will be looking closely to the feedback we get from players playing 0.9 and consider all our options after that.

We will not be changing the system for 0.9.