Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

15 Sep


Originally posted by Valderius

There's a bug thats been in the game since launch that EHG just seems to either be unable to fix or somehow still doesn't know about.

If you press x while an item is dropping, its nameplate gets deleted and you can never pick it up. Enabling filters, item names, etc does nothing. The item is on the ground, you can see it and its light pillar but there is nothing you can do to ever interact with it ever again.

My advice is to unbind the x key so you don't accidentally bug your loot.

I think I saw this come through recently but it was worded differently and I couldn't reproduce it so I put it in the wait for more detailed repro steps category. Not sure if it was from you or not.


Hey TestiMnB, did you happen to send in an in-game bug report so we get your game logs? I haven’t seen anything like this reported in a while personally but we would love to look into it.


Yea this is a VPN thing. I’ve just reproduced it with NordVPN and sent it to our backend team to look into

14 Sep


Originally posted by Eupho1

I actually thought the dummy was a placeholder graphic, it looks so out of place.

Same. A couple years ago I kinda put my foot in my mouth because I said that in front of the person who put it in who is technically my boss.


Post like this are so disheartening to me because I have no idea why it works so well for me. You've got a better system than me and I run it on high settings at 1440p locked to 60fps. It sometimes dips to 59 for an instant. It does this while streaming.

I'm not doing anything special at all and I just wish I could give you my secret but I don't know what it is.

13 Sep


Originally posted by poet3322

Okay so people can keep playing in the restarted cycle after the event ends? Is that correct?

That is correct, yes.


Originally posted by Shmooperdorf

As someone who chose that I feel my characters are useless once they go to legacy, I think a cool option would be to let us "prestige" our characters. When a new cycle starts let me choose an existing legacy character I would keep the same name and options i.e hardcore or softcore, cof or mg. But I would be level 1 again but maybe I get a cosmetic for prestiging. Or maybe we get to skip the campaign for using a prestige character and start at level 50. Idk what exactly but I think this is a fun baseline to think about for our legacy characters to have use in cycles.

An interesting idea for sure. I've passed this along to our design team to mull over, thank you!


Originally posted by Tartos56

Thnaks for these updates !

Stash tab priority looks good, can we have more infos on exalted items ?

  • Can we set rules on affix level ?
  • Can we add rules likes 2 or more affixes >= lvl 6 ?

Also, do you plan to add an option to delete characters after end cycle merge for thoose who never play legacy ?

Can we set rules on affix level ?

Not currently. We had discussed adding affix filtering capabilities to the Stash Priority system, but currently it's a lot of extra load for it, which we expected to result in slow item depositing into the stash.

Also, do you plan to add an option to delete characters after end cycle merge for thoose who never play legacy ?

You can delete a character at any point. We don't currently have any plans to have a "delete all legacy characters" button.


Originally posted by poet3322

So my question is, if this event lasts until October 20, and 1.2 doesn't come out until Q1 2025, what happens after this event is over?

Once the event ends, The Event Modifiers will be gone, as well as the Loyalist Undead packs. The Shrines, Loot Lizards, Stash Priority System, and other improvements will still be in place for the remainder of 1.1


Originally posted by Emajenus

Dungeon rework when?

With the event patch, we're removing some of the blockers, as well as reducing the level sizes. We also have some bigger improvements in the works coming in 1.2 for Dungeons.


Originally posted by PedroBV

Will loot lizards be available in legacy?

Yes, everyone gets everything.


Originally posted by Chrozzinho

Looks good overall, however one small thing I don't like is being able to list from the stash. I actually enjoy going to the Bazaar but I'm sure thats pretty unpopular

You still need to visit the Bazaar, but you can open your stash within the Bazaar stall to list from your stash.


Everyone gets everything. No Abby lock this time.

12 Sep


Originally posted by MartianInTheDark

Wow, that was a fast reply after 9 months, haha. Well, myself, I hate third party accounts, so I suppose I shouldn't be asking for a GoG version if the game is built around online features like that. Hmm, maybe you could release a pure offline version once the Steam support/development for Lost Epoch ends (like a year or more into the future)? Many companies seem to do that with their older games. That would be better than nothing at all, for sure! I'd buy an offline and final version like that in the future, if not now.

Steam does have a fully offline version that once it's downloaded you don't need to have an internet connection to play.


Originally posted by MartianInTheDark

Hopefully you will put it on GoG at some point. I have Titan Quest, Van Helsing, Grim Dawn, etc. there. Would be very cool to have Last Epoch as well.

The way that our online account system works, it directly conflicts with GoG's requirements. It is technically possible that we could package a pure offline only version for GoG but anything that causes us to maintain a new version of the game needs to come with very significant benefits. I'm not sure that releasing a shadow of the game would even be a good thing at all, let alone if it would outweigh the cost of an additional game version to manage.


Originally posted by Cinnamon_Shops

Sweet, thank you. I read that that’s occurring on 9/19, is that accurate?

No, it got pushed back in the most recent post.

11 Sep


Thanks for taking the time to reach out with positive comments and uplift the team. This was shared internally.

Lots of love did go into it! For the first 18 months we did this for zero funds late in the evenings. That’s why it’s called eleventh hour games - we’d get home from our day jobs, do the family routine, and then get on and jam on our passion project late into the evening. It’s gotten a little bigger now but we still have many of those same founders running the show who were really just die hard ARPG fans that were determined to figure out how to make our dream game. It’s been hard as hell, every obstacle you can imagine, but worth it!

Again - thanks for the post.


Originally posted by Taronz

Hell yeah, I'll let him know.

Thanks Mr. Mox Pearl! ;)

I owned a mox sapphire once - terrible shape. One day ill own a moxjet for real though lol


Originally posted by Taronz

For what it's worth, this genuinely does help my dad whos eyesight is going down the crapper. Any chance of some additional font size options for those with eyes going down the gurgler? :)

We have UI scaling options coming with the Event next week!


Edit/Update: interesting. So this bug actually does not exist any longer and this post(repost) looks like it’s from a bot account. Our devs couldn’t believe this bug may still exist as that element has been entirely removed and looked into the poster's account.

So far we’ve saved players thousands on glasses, contacts, and lasik with this one. We spare nothing for quality of life features!

No, actually this bug has been super elusive. I think we’ve had three different developers look into it and even have remade the front end object and rewrote the portion of the item tooltips generator that’s creates that - but it’s clearly coming from somewhere else.

I’ll send our dev manager this post to show it’...

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