Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by Mr_W_Buffalo

Hey big dog, I like this game a lot and you all tend to do a good job of communicating with the community, but this change absolutely was not "previously added" to your patch notes for 1.1.7. Checking the web archive (linked here) you updated the notes and added a "Steamdeck and Linux" heading to include it, presumably sometime today after players starting asking about it.

I don't necessarily think its omission from the notes initially was malicious, but why say they were there when they weren't?

I apologize for any confusion. When I said "added to notes", I meant added in post (after patch notes went live). I didn't mean to imply they were always there. There was certainly no malintent or desire to hide this change, as we do believe it's a positive change. Not only for Steamdeck, but makes Linux in general a much more consistent experience vs. the differences of 80+ different distributions of Linux that all handle a 'native' client differently. We added it to the patch notes, and created a section to call it out better in the patch notes as soon as it was noticed that the note was missed.

19 Sep


Want smaller options? Ezpz


Originally posted by the_truth15

Is this going to be fixed soon ?

We have a hotfix in the works


I'll report this to the dev team and have them look into it ASAP. Thanks for the report. In-game bug reports are also very helpful in this scenario.

Hope you're enjoying the patch!

Edit: Looks like the team is aware and already on it


With implementing better support for Steamdeck, we are no longer building a Linux client, and instead using Proton. Proton offers a much better experience for Steamdeck, and consistency across Linux platforms. This change also allows Steamdeck players to automatically launch with Proton, which is the preferred compatibility layer. Linux is still supported through Proton, and this was previously added to our patch notes for 1.1.7.


Originally posted by Pandarandr1st

I didn't mess with those settings at all. I notice it's particularly bad with the loot lizards. I'll go test and post a screenshot. I did use the in-game reporter as well

In game report is all you need


Is this with UI scaling active? Can you toggle them on/off to fix?

Edit: We've got a potential fix in the works.


Originally posted by kenm130

Please rework it/nerf it. I don't like that it has to be used in every single Sentinel build. It makes for some weird movement management.

We are.


Hey all, thanks for taking the effort to do this. I suspect this will be helpful for the team and we'll keep a close eye on it. Any details that you guys have to support how you were able to make an issue occur is also helpful.

Please remember that creating in-game bug reports is the most helpful thing you can do to help get a bug resolved as it automatically provides us your game logs (these show us code-based errors) and the environment you're playing in.

Cheers, hope you all enjoy 1.1.7

18 Sep


Originally posted by oljomo

Not him, but a few things I would say:
Third skill spec slot opens too late, you get it at 20, but you probably want to be able to spec into the new skill from your class, which now unlocks about 5 levels earlier - would feel a lot better if this was unlocked earlier.

Experimenting early is brutal - you get very punished when you only have 1 or 2 skills, and reset it because you want to try something else - minimum levels/levelspeed up should be much higher early on, when you want to try things out, without having to wait several levels to see what things are actually like - similarly testing out nodes and having to back out the whole level is very painful early, and if that could be improved/the impact reduced early you could get more exploration.

If there could be some basic default loot filters added to choose from, this would be a huge help. I dont necessarily want to go through and select for example all the minion bonuses to highlight a certain colour ma...

Read more

Thanks for the feedback. Good suggestions. We do have plans to address early skill experimentation by raising minimum skill level.


Originally posted by rand0mtaskk

Please stop making me do the campaign.

What would you rather do instead for leveling?


What do you think would help you to take that step to make an alt, u/Pandarandr1st? Is there anything that feels like it's too burdensome?

17 Sep


Originally posted by aYesTemporary

Thanks mod for the comfirmation time to report.

The smoking gun is that the url and package name have another company's name instead of Eleventh Hour Games.


No plans for LE Mobile currently.

Maybe in a distant future where phones are the only device we have, they include joysticks that elegantly pop out, and we can prevent Siri from farming gold... however, that day is not today.


This is completely fake. Please report it.


Originally posted by _Repeats_

They really hyped up the Steam Deck improvements... Wow, that was next to nothing, not to mention that the memory fix improves ALL systems, not just SD. There are so many problems with environment affects that I get slide show performance (literally <5 fps). How did they think this would be enough for getting Verified???

Also, this is a MAJOR change, not just a bug fix:

Fixed mod rounding being biased against the extremities of a range.

Many of the Steamdeck improvements were in adding support for UI scaling. As this is a signifigant feature which is also applicable to non-steamdeck users, we decided to put it under its own section in the patch notes.

16 Sep


Lots of work going into this at the moment with texture streaming efforts, de-linking asset dependencies, fixing a memory leak, etc. we hired a co-dev team to help us get to console with a lot better optimization and those efforts are well under way. Right now it can be more hardware hungry than it should be. Better than it used to be for sure - but large efforts to improve it are ongoing!


Originally posted by lms2720

Sorry to revive this a year later.
But... Does all this also apply to minion damage scaling from attributes?
For example, if I'm running a Bleed Sabertooth, does the bleed damage get increased if I get more Strength, since it has the strength tag which makes Sabertooth gain 4% increased damage for each point in strength?




Originally posted by T-T-N

Is Abby lock the standard term going forward for a temporary delay in putting content in legacy and offline?

I don't want to commit to that, just describing this one fight.