Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

19 Jun


Just for the record, there is no current evidence at all to support any theory of active dupe exploits.

In the past we did experience an extremely brief time where a dupe exploit was found. That method has been patched and is no longer possible.

If anyone suspects actual exploit duping is happening, please report it via official channels.

In an attempt to combat misinformation, in 1.1 we will be adding a way to see if an item was officially "duped" via an intended mechanic.

18 Jun


Originally posted by LunaOogo

I will check your stream, but i am not touching Aaron's video.

That's fine, it's basically just a bunch of clips of my stream really. Some people would rather watch 5 mins instead of 2 hours is all.

Edit: I think AlexxorTV, also does recaps. Sorry I probably have that name slightly wrong.


Come by my stream Fridays at 1pm Pacific or check out Aaron's recaps or check out our socials to see info about specific upcoming changes.

As we get closer to the patch, the info will become gradually more substantial.

16 Jun


Originally posted by HigherCalibur

I'm curious: should we potentially expect this in 1.1? My partner and I have been saving keys for when the bugs get fixed with party dungeon runs because we'd really like to play them (we're just doing Echoes for the time being to pass the time).

We have some updates in the works but not all the stuff we have planned for dungeons is in yet.


To be a little more specific, you find more non-unique head, chest and relic for your class. Oh idols and some weapon types are also weighted. But they don't affect uniques.

15 Jun


Originally posted by Anuwiel

Is this the first ever 4 exalted affix item ?

It's not the first but it is in very rare company.

14 Jun


Originally posted by eliel77

yes Orobyss is the real wall to people who min/max builds and climb corruption. For the ones who are fine with 200/300 corruption for sure it's no big deal and it's not harder from other content. But as you go higher & higher Orobyss become much more threatening than the equivalent corruption. If you are not cheesing the fight with perma stun or freeze, or some overturned build that can melt him in seconds, you will experience this.

Not only that, RNG plays a huge factor to beating it, going from nightmare to piece of cake. To my opinion it's good to have diversity but they should adjust some of the difficult of the harder ones, for example cold Orobyss is just out of the curve compared to the other versions In a same corruption.

Another thing that could be adjusted is losing all the corruption from gaze of Orobyss. One misstep and all is gone. Maybe a midterm, if you die you will gain only half of this corruption from gazes. There are lot of possibilities that wou...

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Another thing that could be adjusted is losing all the corruption from gaze of Orobyss. One misstep and all is gone. Maybe a midterm, if you die you will gain only half of this corruption from gazes. There are lot of possibilities that would not punish so hard and don't take the enjoyment from players.

This is being changed in 1.1, so that you only lose one gaze of Orobyss with each death.

13 Jun


Originally posted by Thirteenera

Have you considered doing a "squish" of corruption, so that it raises more quickly in difficulty/reward, perhaps exponentially? So that there's less vertical climb, but more significant difference between corruption tiers?

Or are you happy with the current system?

Funny enough we just did that with 1.0 so I assume it's still on the table in the future.


Originally posted by Coldk1l

Ok. So if i have a build that i came up with and manage to solidly farm 300, it's by all means "good enough" (you know what i mean)

Yea, you'll have hit the last breakpoint of things that you can get. After that it's just a diminishing returns of a % increase of loot chance.


Originally posted by Coldk1l

Can you tell us what was the initial idea of a "good and relatively attainable amount of corruption"?

I'm totally fine for huge swings as they promote players to try stuff over and over to discover the best interactions, but i agree that between "barely clearing 200" and "farming 3000" there's too much of a gap.

About 300


Originally posted by DawdlingScientist

Only in that case? I still feel like random node encounters in the web would be fun even with 400ish corruption in mind :D

Thanks for all your great work! I hope the blessing share system will be out soon!! 800 hours and counting!

I think something we teased might have been misunderstood. We aren't adding a blessing sharing system.

Edit: I guess I should say what it is though. You'll be able to go back to old blessings that the character has previously unlocked.


I agree that if builds were intended to be able to hit several thousand corruption, this would be a cool way to enable those more extreme runs.

11 Jun


Originally posted by Few_Ad_2940

Hi, is there any news for this issue when this will be fixed?

best regards.


08 Jun


Originally posted by iuse2bgood

Is this real? This would help alot... rank11 should be uncrease in LP though.

Yes, it's real. Source: that's me in the bottom left corner.

Also, you're the first person I've seen suggest that it might not stop at 10


Originally posted by Tang_the_Undrinkable

Action RPG over on YouTube and Twitch does recaps of the weekly Dev talks and are worth a quick watch if you want to get a feel for what’s to come. He is also involved over at the Icy Veins gaming strategy website. Aaron is a good guy if you can handle his Radio DJ style personality.

Yea, I'm going to be the first guest on his and frosty's new podcast next week.

07 Jun


Check your quest log on the map. Likely just a quest that is incomplete. If all else fails and you're playing online, you can party with someone and have them go to the other side and warp.

06 Jun


Originally posted by dump_cakes

The logs show that I can hit the server and then the server drops me. What is the ISP doing in that case? 2024-06-06T14:29:03.2865795+00:00 Log Requesting game server in region us-central

2024-06-06T14:29:05.7474158+00:00 Log Matchmaking finished: {"Ip":"","Port":23287,"LidgrenPort":16742,"AllocationId":null}.

2024-06-06T14:29:05.8641004+00:00 Log Enter Game: Connecting to

2024-06-06T14:29:05.9341983+00:00 Log Bind Successful (IP=;Port=23287)

2024-06-06T14:29:05.9351958+00:00 Log Player 0 Connected (IP=;Port=23287)

2024-06-06T14:29:20.9674361+00:00 Log Failed to connect to server. (IP=;Port=23287)

This is the log when Warp is enabled.

2024-06-06T14:41:34.6557334+00:00 Log Requesting game server in region us-central

2024-06-06T14:41:36.2623806+00:00 Log Matchmaking finished: {"Ip":"","Port":24371,"LidgrenPort":25696,"AllocationI...

Read more

by using a VPN you are routing outside of your ISP before connecting to our servers, and the connection that the VPN uses isn't blocking our game servers.


Unfortunately this isn't something we have power over. It's not our servers blocking your connection, it's the ISP blocking connections to our servers. The only way for this to be resolved is for the ISP to allow-list our servers.

We have tried reaching out to a number of ISP's regarding this, however we're not a large enough entity for most of them to even be willing to talk to us - Each has advised us that their customers would need to reach out to them about it.

We would love to be able to globally resolve this and have Last Epoch easily available to everyone without ISP politics, but we don't have that kind of pull (at least not yet). The only real way to try to get this resolved is to have your ISP allow connections to our servers.

04 Jun


Originally posted by Blaublueter

Dont know yet. I hope that ward doesnt get a huge nerf. Most of my builds go around that. At the same time, i am hoping that ward gets a nerf because most of the time its the better choice for endgame and i do not like that we dont have more choices, so a nerf in that direction would be nice.

Many people said a ward hard cap would be nice but that would make 5 of my builds obsolete. So i hope for a "good" nerf.

Otherwise i would love to make a forge guard build but at the moment i think it is just too bad, so i look at it again after patch day.

Builds that generate very large amounts of ward are being nerfed, but there will not be a cap. A large part of the enjoyment of ARPGs for a lot of people is pushing their builds further and further, and stat/resource caps can be a bit of a kill joy in that respect. They're definitely necessary in some cases, imagine if there was no resistance cap, but we like to avoid them where we can.

01 Jun


The maps get auto generated from the walkable area. Sometimes these mistakes happen. If you leave an in game bug report it should be pretty easy to fix.