Quick question, If you’re at liberty or desire to answer by the way. Is there any plan for a system parallel to LP/Weaver’s for set items?
I love some of the set items but I often struggle to justify building around the cooler ones (looking at you, Gaspar’s) in leu of choosing uniques that allow me to push my build further.
Personally I think Weaver’s Will is a great system that would adapt well to Sets, giving you the option to push the item further without selectively min-maxing like a 3/4LP can do.
Sets have the unfortunate property of their tooltips already being way too long. Adding more lines to them will only make matters worse. We have plans to modify how set items fit into the overall gearing process. We aren't prepared to explain any information as to what that means at all yet.
and yes, that was intentionally as vague as possible, sorry.