Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Originally posted by LeMonarq

What a weird hill to bleed out on.

I find it odd that you would be bothered by the idea of players having the option to skip sidequests they don't want to repeat for the 6th time.

I find it significantly more odd that you would pretend it's a data driven decision.

I apologize for being unclear. We have designed the game one way and then the feedback we have received with regards to that design have not followed borderline unanimously negative from what we have seen.


Originally posted by Datmisty

I find it very hard to believe that people enjoy redoing quests in order to unlock item slots. But I will say it's more reasonable of a task than PoE's necessary quests for reroll.

I find it hard to believe that a group of gamers can agree on much at all so having a "borderline unanimous" anything sets off alarm bells of skepticism for me.


Originally posted by LeMonarq

Unfortunately, you can't bend reality to suit your narrative. That's simply not how it works.

It's a clear majority, borderline unanimous, asking for idol slots to unlock on alts. Why are you hell bent on repeating the same dozen sidequests over and over? What enjoyment does that bring to the experience?

As far as D4, you're referring to the most miserable community on reddit that complains about everything. Even they widely regard campaign skip as a great feature. If you're so insistent on repeating content, nothing is stopping you from running the campaign again. Those who would rather skip it, can skip it.

Try brining a stronger argument to the table next time, if you're going to waste my time being a contrarian on such petty issues.

This information directly contradicts the data we have collected. If you can submit your findings, with sources, I would be happy to look into it.


Originally posted by Mind_Is_Empty

Would it be possible to attach an aura on bosses slightly larger than their model which immobilizes the player if they're standing in it and facing its center?

Depending on how common/replicable it is, the "center" can be changed from a point to an internal radius, which should at least push it toward not happening as often.

Rotation is not reliable either, this doesn't work. Sorry.


Ever since playing Wildstar I have wanted to add practical cc effects to the player. It really fit well with that game though. Blind left your ui but made the screen black underneath. Confuse remapped wasd randomly so you would have to figure out how to move. Check it out if you're interested. I don't think we can add it to Epoch though.


Originally posted by crashknight101

Just hard to know which side quest to do

I expect you already know this but just in case, if you open the map panel, it shows you the reward of each quest. There are more quests which can unlock passive/idols than there are passive or idol rewards available. You can see your progress for those in the bottom left corner of the map panel. You don't have to complete all the side quests, only the convenient ones along the path through the campaign that you choose. We intentionally put them in convenient places, even if you do skip sections of the campaign. You can find leveling guides that will give you optional routes on sites like maxroll.


Originally posted by crashknight101

Is there plans on making idol slots easier to unlock ?

No but it's like a dozen side quests for all the unlocks you need. I don't think that's unreasonable at all.


The line is that we don't plan on adding another system to jump through the campaign. We do however plan to improve the first tier of each dungeon and how it fits in as a campaign skip tool.

You can also just jump to the end game if you're playing multiplayer.


We plan to start working on additional platforms after 1.0 is out and it has had some time to stabilize. We have no set date for console ports. We have not started working on a console port yet.

06 Oct


Originally posted by maxxxmaxmaxx

i don't know anything about dev stuff, but how was this solved before? i played a good while ago and moving bosses around wasn't a thing, came back in 0.9 for a few more hunred of hours and Im basicly playing ping pong with the bosses with my smiterdin character.

pre-0.9 was offline only. This isn't a problem in offline mode even now. The problem is a networking issue.


Originally posted by Denaton_

Can't that be solved by server prediction, similar to how client prediction is done, but on the server instead?

Not that we know of. The client doesn't really predict anything either.


Originally posted by Denaton_

Don't you use rigidbody, if you do, can't you just raise the weight?

It's not that simple. It's caused by the unreliability of the position of the enemy and yourself between the client and the server. But yes, that's what offline mode does.


Originally posted by RoastBeefer

Maybe in a future update the boss can be coded to be immovable by a player but the boss itself can still move through its phases and attacks?

We don't have the capability of doing that right now. We currently only have the ability to make something immovable by making it completely immobile.


We currently only have the ability to make something immovable by making it completely immobile.


Originally posted by Denaton_

Devs have said they will add a penalty closer to release, but at the moment, if you die in a dungeon, you lose the dungeon, if you die in a monolith you can't get the bonus reward from it, so mainly endgame penalties.

We already added it. The new death timer. Yea it's only 5s total.


Originally posted by VaporVader

When their is no official API, where did sites like or get their data for characters from?
At you can click on character names and you can see the complete build.
At you can click "Save/Load" and then enter a account name to see all characters.

We are running a trial version of our API right now with those two sites. We will expand the functionality and access to that API as we go.

05 Oct


Warpath! It has several variants and is viable as any Sentinel mastery.

04 Oct


While this is a significant undertaking, because we do aim to release on consoles in the future it is something that we'll be tackling.


Originally posted by freefromthetrap47


There is no source for this.


Originally posted by [deleted]


There is literally zero official information to back this up. Please do not say any date with any sort of confidence, it gives people the wrong expectations.