Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Sep


Funkfuuz, would you send me a message and share with me your skill tree, passive tree selections, and items equipped?


Haha he’s definitely showing his age, mechanically and visually. Eventually he’ll get an update but it’s not going to be the next couple patches

12 Sep


Hey Meliodaflu, would you be open to hopping in a Discord chat and showing our development team what is happening first hand? We want to knock out any bug that is happening in this regard but we're not seeing the instability in our dashboards. If so, please send me a message! Much appreciated.


Hey Clarity, would you be open to hopping in a Discord chat and showing our development team what is happening first hand? We want to knock out any bug that is happening in this regard but we're not seeing the instability in our dashboards. If so, please send me a message! Much appreciated.

Edit: Ok this seems to be related to a specific ISP. We're investigating


The padding around the glyphs in the font atlas is too low. It's something we will have to fix.

11 Sep


There is a bug causing more to spawn in online monolith than originally intended. We are not going to fix this bug without adjusting the actual spawn rate, so that it still feels good. We want to be sure that we're actually making an improvement to the game when we fix it, so that will probably be included in 1.0, rather than in a hotfix.

Caches I don't know if I've seen all the types yet. Getting 1 or 2 exalted items (monolith lvl 80/90) is ok. I got one that had each type of endgame dungeon key in it which was really cool. Do the contents of these encounters scale with corruption?

The contents of lost caches don't scale with corruption, but the spawn rate of higher tier caches scales with corruption.


Originally posted by Clancreator

Yup! That's me, using a much older reddit account before I changed my name across everything.

Haha the build has been a ton of fun. Most of the time I just create them myself but I came across that and had to give it a go. Thanks for the contributions!


Originally posted by Clancreator

Hey! That's my build! Glad you like it!

Oh are you Bakageyama??


Originally posted by deljaroo

wouldn't that state information also have to be on a server with costs? I'm sure you know what you're doing, but it is very cool that y'all talk with us players about this stuff. a lot of game companies want to be opaque about their internal functions which probably makes sense for optics, but this way is joyful.

I'd assume in an ideal situation, the information the server keeps for an active player in a zone would be as small as possible and would closely match the amount of information in the "state information". while you may want to make it so the zone the player left is inactive, players probably expect it to keep living: monsters move and regen etc during this time. on the other hand, this is such an unimportant issue: this game is quite fun the way it is and I don't mind going through enemies again if I tp. if I didn't like going through enemies, I wouldn't play this game!

While it does matter what the server is doing for associated costs, just having one dedicated to that empty zone at all is the majority of the cost. Storing the static data of what that server looked like with the intent of being able to recreate it is WAY cheaper to do than allocating a server to sit there and remember the game state. Like orders of magnitude cheaper.


Originally posted by deljaroo

I've not played multiplayer much, but if one of you leaves and comes back, the state of the map should persist for the person who stayed, right? So surely this isn't an issue if a player is staying there right? A fix could be to make a virtual player (perhaps make a parent class to the player that includes the functionality that keeps a zone active but without the other unneded player stuff, and then make this virtual player an instance of that or something that inherits it) that stays behind in the zone when you tp?

Given the server cost associated with each instance, they have no close fairly quickly upon exit. We wouldn't have to leave a dummy character there to keep it open. The state information needs to be able to be stored and restored to implement this.


Originally posted by Alzeric

maybe something sorta like this (little generic but hopefully helpful)

Save following on TP
- Map generation seed

- current "living" monsters and their positions

- dropped loot + positions
- TP location = Player's return location

- ... etc

Save this map state data to player (last_dungeon_data)

Then when you TP from town back into the zone then load the map state setting everything remaining back to it's position before you TP'd

Yea, that's what we've been unsuccessful in making so far.


Originally posted by TooMuchAdderall

Maybe expanding upon the town portal function then? Whatever method you guys used to get that to work properly could maybe be duplicated. Possibly each instance that the player enters could be essentially stored in an invisible town portal that is attached to the player character. Interacting with a waypoint with a certain hot key combination could allow them to access those portals.

The in-game rationale could have something to do with visit previous timelines or something.

If I sound like an ape that’s because I essentially am. I know literally nothing about programming but I did watch Silicon Valley.

Hope you are able to solve your problem with relative ease some day soon. I really like what you guys are doing. Keep up the good work.

You're on the right path of where we started. The town portals don't work though, that's the problem OP was talking about. We have been trying to do exactly what you suggested, there are some problems that I don't understand either.


Originally posted by TooMuchAdderall

The PoE approach may be your best bet. You can have players continue to automatically reset zones if you’re unable to fix that and institute a way to store previous instances that can be accessed later.

Yea, that's the problem, storing the previous instances.


Originally posted by omguserius

Eh, I suppose always resets is better than never resets until you get it working right

Oh I wish we had never resets as an option. I could fix that no problem.


Originally posted by ruttinator

Have you tried asking the monsters nicely?

Yea but they won't come to the bargaining table. It's just kill kill kill with them.


Just to be clear for anyone who might be new to LE, this is not a design decision. The intent is to have it not reset but we have so far been unsuccessful in this endeavor. It is on our list to fix.

Edit: I appreciate the enthusiasm in attempting to help solve the problem. This is one of those harder than it sounds situations. Without a deep understanding of our implementation of related systems, I don't believe it is possible for someone to solve.

09 Sep


Glad we could make the week a bit better :)


Try verifying the game files. That typically resolves issues like this


I just started this build this cycle and having a lot of fun It’s a little brainless once you get it going which is perfect for me replying in chat and in war rooms with the EHG team haha


Originally posted by moxjet200

Relaying this one to QA. I haven’t heard others report this since launch personally. Are others here experiencing this too?

K plenty of corroboration. We’re looking into it!