Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

21 Sep


Originally posted by perrythepig

Judd, can I get some insight as to why 1.3 or 1.4 are going to be big milestones in your eyes? I'm surprised to hear that 1.0 isn't the milestone you're commenting about, pushing for it to be "great".

Hey Perry - Imagine D2 when they brought out LoD. D2 base was amazing and LoD is the point where it became the GoaT. I think what we have in store for the 1.x series is going to be our LoD and take our very strong base at 1.0 and elevate it substantially. My heads on what’s coming later as my role is planning a lot of it of course! After 1.0 we’ll be bringing back our roadmap/forecast so you guys have a bit more insight into what’s to come.


Originally posted by MonkAndCanatella

Congrats man, you and your team have made my favorite ARPG without question! Something special is that I can play just doofing around without being overly concerned about min maxing and still have a blast, and then there are folks who calculate every last thing who get a whole lot out of it too.

Thanks for the kind words. It's awesome to hear that people are enjoying it as much as they do in early access. Once we're around patch 1.3 - 1.4 I think we're going to have something that is truly truly great.


Haha I’ll have to give a more in depth talk on this at some point. But I’ll give a little background here.

I ran a web development studio for a decade with a partner. I did front end dev, sales, marketing, hiring, and most of the business side before staffing up a little where I was able to delegate some of it. I was never a great coder outside of html/css and some probably poorly executed JavaScript. But this taught me all about business,team building, and how to make digital products.

I was also obsessed with ARPGs and knew what made them good and what detracted from them, so I saw an opportunity to make one that capitalized on all the great aspects. I also wanted to make sure the studio was very openly communicative because people play these games as hobbies and it was always a feelsbad when there was a lack of communication from the devs for something I was so invested in.

From there it was an exercise of finding other people who were passionate abou...

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19 Sep


Originally posted by Eraromik

Didn't you say something about that in an interview with Rhykker? Maybe I hallucinated but I'm pretty sure you said that we will unlock the rewards and be able to change between all the unlocked rewards at will.

There are some details still not quite locked in but something very similar to that is being worked on.

18 Sep


Originally posted by itzzzluke37

It don‘t actually would need full customization but just to being able to select male or female so from a view of development to have fixed models at first would cost much less resources than a full customization feature. And I‘m sure all people would already be happy having the option to choose between genders!

A less feature rich version of just a character template selection with a few options would probably satisfy most people's desires and that feature would require less work than full customization. However, it's more of an, only 90% as difficult, situation than "much less resources". There are a lot more little things that go into this than you might think. The related systems just aren't set up to accept it at the moment and we aren't prepared to attempt it yet.

17 Sep


Hello Travelers. We are aware of an issue effecting server connectivity, resulting in an error regarding "unusual levels of traffic". We are currently working with our service providers to resolve this issue ASAP. We apologize for the inconvenience.

19:33CT Update: We're seeing a large number of services coming online and players getting back in game, however we are still seeing a number of failures occurring. We expect these to even out as services continue to come back up.

External link →

Originally posted by mafifer

Fair enough. I can accept it if there was a specific reason behind the skill access order and not that it was just sorta random.

Thanks for the explanation Mike (at least I think this is Mike).

Yea it's me, but don't tell anyone, I'm in disguise. It's not a very good one though, check the first 4 letters of my username.

Edit: and we do very carefully pick the unlock orders of skills.


Which skills are granted in which section of the passive trees is surprisingly important to how the skill and passive trees and unique items are designed. Making the skill unlock order variable would cause a complete audit of every node of every tree in the game. We would have to change, move or remove many nodes.

It's a cool idea that would have a much bigger impact than you might think.

It's not feasible to implement at this time if we did decide we wanted to do it.

15 Sep


Just a bug that snuck in. It wasn't doing that in testing.


Originally posted by mukavva

Can you make a tldr version of that thread lol? Thank you for your effort.

The answer from Judd on September 6th 2023 is probably the best tldr as it was from an interview done just as Gamescom was wrapping up.

14 Sep


Originally posted by danted002

Nice thank you ❤️. BTW the story is super dope. It hits perfect for an ARPG not to deep, not to shallow just enough to make you remember the important stuff and keep you immersed gudos to the team for it.

thank you :)


Originally posted by danted002

Any chance we get some ultra-widescreen QoL. Like being able to put the forge/shop panel being next to the inventory panel. I know asking for movable panels like in FF14 is to much but having the inventory on the right of my screen and the forge on the left makes me feel like going on a road trip every time I need to move the mouse from one end to another 🤣🤣🤣

This is not currently planned for 1.0


Originally posted by danted002

Wait what? The story ends how it ends now? I mean I understand why but I was hoping 1.0 will reveal what’s next in our journey

No, we have a few more chapters before the campaign is "complete". More story stuff will happen after that but the core campaign that we initially set out to make isn't done yet.


We already have a thread going on this topic. Locking so people don't just make more.

While getting a new bill in the mail is never fun, we don't have all the information around this topic yet so we are going to wait and let things settle.

We aren't entertaining the topic of switching engines roughly 3 months before launch.


Originally posted by Kalashtiiry

System, you say?

Also, why update systems and not just story at 1.0, given bug potential?

Because there is room for big wins in gameplay experience and we aren't adding more story chapters at 1.0


That system and panel are slated for 1.0 updates. No details at this time.


We encountered a fresh bug with towns very late in 0.9.2's development, which meant we had to disable them again when we launched the patch.


Originally posted by Clancreator

They're currently bugged and unobtainable.

A fix for this is included in the next hotfix, which we're currently testing a release candidate for.


Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

No, a console version will not be available at the games PC launch which is currently targeting the end of this year. There are, however, long-term plans to eventually bring it to console.

Here are some recent developer responses on the subject. Judd Cobler is the CEO of EHG & LE Game Director and Mike Weicker is a senior developer.

July 21, 2023

Q: Are there any plans for console version?

Judd: Very likely. We need to ensure that the PC production and live ops pipeline is well established and smooth first, but we’ve always believed we’ll come to console eventually. Not at 1.0 though.

Source: Reddit Link

September 1, 2023

Q: Will this game be coming to console anytime soon?

Mike: Uh, not anytime soon. ...

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Saved me a reply - thanks Andrew!


Hey Ffraxic, that’s no good! We’re trying to hunt down people that are reporting things like this so we can get to the bottom of it. Sometimes people are using setups like Himachi or VPNs causing things like this to happen. Would you mind sending me a message and potentially showing us the issue first hand so we can diagnose?