Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

03 Oct


We don't believe long cooldowns are healthy for an ARPG because longer CD abilities are often saved until a strong threat arrives, essentially solving that encounter for you. We don't want the solution to every large threat to be using a cooldown. Short cooldowns certainly do have their place, but we often prefer to gate with mana, combo build ups, charges, etc.


Many times verifying game files fixes this. If you’re playing in a party ask your party members to do the same. Even I personally was having this issue and verifying game files fixed this. It may be something different but this is the most common cause and fix for this issue

02 Oct


Originally posted by NugNugJuice

What’s the likelihood of crossplay? I know it’s a bit much to ask but I have some buddies on console that I would love to play LE with

No idea yet. We are not going to even start looking at consoles until after 1.0 launches later this year.

01 Oct


Not much has changed with regards to a console release. We continue to intend to make a console version for PlayStation and Xbox. We still will not start that process until post-1.0.


Originally posted by DruffilaX

What exactly is the streamer mode doing?

Not much really, main thing is cap the fps. Frequently when we see people say that they have a strong system but are getting stuttering, the fps is actually spiking too high.


Originally posted by c7zh8

Do we turn it on or off for better performance? I'm on win 11. Would running in admin mode help? That helps some ported games from xbone.

Nope, and this wasn't ported from Xbox.

Steamer mode on.

30 Sep


Tried steamer mode yet?


Originally posted by Gr_ywind

Now you're just making shit up my guy. xD

Nah, he's great. Came to Germany to work the gamescom booth with us for maxroll.


Trying to steal my ungeared Druid, Quadric?!

Haha no it looks like a failure to load some character data, and Kindly is right, the Moxjet2002 is a default text string there. Haven’t seen this one often but I’ll report it internally. Sorry for the scare.

29 Sep


This is actually a Kickstarter backer's reward. Remember this as you might see something that reminds you of it down the road.


The great thing about making and naming a thing is that you get to define how it is pronounced. Epoch has several accepted pronunciations around the world. Epic and e-pok are the two most prominent pronunciations of Epoch. As soon as it has a capital letter at the start, we can define "wrong" pronunciations as right.

Internally we use e-pok.

If anyone wants to say something else, that's totally fine too.

28 Sep


Originally posted by lincolnsl0g

any update on this? big fan of raxx and i am dying to try this game (ps5 user)!

Nope, it will still be a post-1.0 goal. Our controller support has and will continue to improve. We will start to look at consoles as an option once we are on the other side of launch. No work has been done on a console version yet.

27 Sep


Originally posted by Medical-Half7449

Necroed for support for the guild and guild chat. Have several friends from other games and would be nice to be able to chat with each other outside of a party

I typed out a reply, then I checked the context and realized that I had just typed out almost an identical reply to the original comment. It's still low on the list.

23 Sep


I’m certain we have the majority of these tracked to be addressed but posting internally to the QA/dev team to cross reference! Thank you for the compiled list


Originally posted by violentlycar

On-kill effects are essentially a way to say "this mostly doesn't work on boss fights," which just kinda feels bad, even if it's numerically balanced. Is that your intent?

On-kill effects are essentially a way to say "this mostly doesn't work on boss fights,"...Is that your intent?

Yes, this is often how we approach new nodes that we make with these types of effects. And this is why most of the new nodes with these types of effects have been the "on kill or boss hit" style. It's just not a blanket decision.


We do that for new effects that we think it appropriate. There are situations where it's not though.


Originally posted by iorik9999

I always thought it was like 33% to roll a LP on a unique item, and each unique item rolls 4 times? So I would assume that probability to get a 4 LP unique is 1/81 when an unique drops?

But then this would make 1 LP legendary more common than 0 LP ones. So probably not 33% per roll.

Sorry, this is not quite right. Each unique has a different chance and it scales with area level. Some items are mega dramatically super way way way more rare than 1/81 for 4LP.


Originally posted by ab24366

What's the point of having 4 LP for those if it's a 1/16 quintillion? There will be no community "Holy shit" moments. People were pissed off about uber unique rarity in d4, 4 LP is similar power increase, and this is way rarer than those items.

The big difference is that the unique effect that the unique item has is obtainable. The D4 uber uniques have mechanically unique effects locked behind the mega rare chance. The 4LP versions are just higher power versions of the same items.

It is not uncommon feedback though so we are going to have to figure out how to make it feel better.

22 Sep


Originally posted by les_bloom

Thank you for that

The other answers have little mistakes or missing info, this is the best answer here.