Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Jan


Originally posted by pallesaides

Your characters now will go to legacy league. We don't know if you will be able to give them factions, but if it's anything like Poe it won't really matter because only a tiny portion of the population will bother playing it.

You can select factions in legacy immediately when the patch drops.


No, we are currently unable to do this.


Originally posted by joule400

are you a member of the dev team? pretty cool of you to get involved here too

thanks for the info, i'll look up the channel

Yup, I'm one of the coders, I mostly work on skills and UI. I also do the weekly dev stream.


Very likely dropping them in advance. The community is aware of most major changes we’re making so I’m sure a decent amount of it has been or could be aggregated. They’re going to be quite lengthy patch notes


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Oh ok that makes sense. So will items you currently own be tradeable when you play the legacy cycle or will it not work retroactively?

Items that dropped before 1.0 will not be tradeable.


Originally posted by Night-Sky

I actually just saw you other post talking about the bundle deal vs getting the items you want. where you could pay 60 buck for your void items but if you want it all a bundle deal could be available. I think that is a pretty good way to go. You please the collectors and please the people who want just the one item because it looks cool and they don't have to go all in. I do think this is a great idea and also means you don't have to do the whole path of exile future packs get discounted with the price you spent on the previous packs. (Not really discounted you still spend the same but its more manageable for the people who want it over a longer period of time.)

I understand that the higher tier packs cost more because they have more practical effects and are flashier. And probably take more dev time to make as well. I Don't think the packs are over priced for the cosmetics they give but over priced for the "perceived value"

I really think for me is that the 60$ pac...

Read more

I'll pass it on :)


Originally posted by Night-Sky

Would you guys ever consider better pricing on the supporter packs? Maybe not pricing but better perceived value? It’s really disappoint to see the higher tier packs not even give you more value with the premium coins. (Sorry I forget what they are called currently)

I really wanted to support the game but my perceived value seem really low when compared to other games like path of exile. I just spent 100 there because you get the pack + all the content from the lower value packs. The same value in currency as you spend. And it makes all future packs cheaper.

I’m not saying you have to do the same thing but I think minimum is to give out the same amount or at least more coins for the higher cost packs. Spending 20 bucks for a portal skin a cape and pet plus 150 coins is neat but then seeing the 60$ pack still give 150 coins feels bad. It has kept me from supporting the game even though I want to.

I'm not really involved in that process much so I can't really speak to potential outcomes. I do find this one very interesting though and I talked with someone yesterday that said the same thing as you. They may have been a little more extreme about it because they said they would want the bundles to be like PoE, even if it meant you were getting a worse deal.

I do think you're right that we aren't designing our packs to feel like you are getting more value, even if your are.


Your CPU will be borderline and not having an SSD will be brutally painful. I think the minimum reqs even list an SSD.


I think it's difficult to find constant information on such a subjective thing that has been evolving so rapidly. I suggest checking out Aaron's fashion show videos on the YouTube channel ActionRPG as he shows off all the stuff and deciding if it's going to be the style you enjoy.

We try really hard to make our non-MTX gear cool and thematic. The mtx gear is flashier and you'll get things like particle effects, animated pieces and fancy stuff.

We don't want the general feeling to be that you look like crap unless you spend cash on mtx.


The initial few cycles will be universal content. This may or may not persist.

12 Jan


Originally posted by HisCinex

Hey, I'm new to the community. I just want to give you guys some kudos how engaged you are with your fanvase :))

Thanks :)

I feel like I'd be hanging around on gaming subreddits anyways, might as well be one I know something about eh?


Originally posted by A_S00

Items that drop while in CoF, but were not affected by its bonuses

Can you clarify what "affected by its bonuses" means, precisely?

Is it:

  • Only the additional items you get, that wouldn't have dropped without CoF's bonuses, will be marked (i.e., even if you have a bonus to an item category, some items from that category, the ones that would have dropped anyway, will still drop unmarked)?
  • Once you have a bonus to a category of items, all items from that category will be marked (e.g., once you hit the threshold for the bonus to idol drops, all idols that drop for you will be marked)?

It's just bonus drops, or items that have been improved by bonuses such as higher LP chance or the bonus chance for a rare item to be exalted. Items of a rarity that has a bonus, but which have not been affected themselves, do not have a CoF requirement.


Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

Items that drop while in CoF, but were not affected by its bonuses, do not have a CoF requirement, but cannot be traded.

I do hope that changes because I feel it adds an extra layer of confusion/complexity for players if an item isn't marked CoF but still cannot be traded.

If a player has both MG and CoF items in their stash, how would they know if certain items without a faction tag cannot be traded? Is there another identifying trait on items outside of the MG/CoF branding for this scenario?

If a player has both MG and CoF items in their stash, how would they know if certain items without a faction tag cannot be traded?

If an item cannot be traded it will say so on the tooltip.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

but cannot be traded

Wait so items without faction requirements can't be traded? But how does the game determine whether an item can be traded or not? I thought if you side with MG, items only become marked after you buy something from the bazaar, wouldn't that mean all items would drop without a faction requirement?

how does the game determine whether an item can be traded or not?

If the item drops while you're in CoF, but it has no CoF requirement, it has an untradeable variable set to true, and this is reflected on the tooltip. You can still use that item if you switch to MG, and any MG party members you gift it to can equip it, but it cannot be sold.

Items can be traded if they drop while you're in MG or when you're not in any faction.

I thought if you side with MG, items only become marked after you buy something from the bazaar, wouldn't that mean all items would drop without a faction requirement?

That's correct. Items you find while in MG have no faction requirement, just like items you find while not in a faction. It's only buying an item through the Bazaar (edit: including via a direct player to player trade) that gives it an MG requirement.

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If either item has a requirement, that requirement is carried over to the resulting item. If the items have competing requirements, it gets rejected. This applies to Item Faction Requirements the same way it does Class Requirements.


Originally posted by PongoRocci

It's not. In 1.0, it will be.

Edit: you might downvote you all you want, it still doesn't change the fact that the game doesn't have a true offline mode. Don't believe me? Turn off the internet, launch the game and try to play.

Jesus Christ, this sub is frustrating. I can only imagine how devs must feel having to answer same questions every single day, but still it doesn't feel great being right when people don't even understand what "true offline" means



Originally posted by VlD-190IQ

I have a question, its off topic i guess , but what model are you going to use for expansions in the future is it going to be free or pay to play ?

Once you buy the game, you have the game and get updates to the game. That's it.


Originally posted by Orsick

My understanding is that you can trade, but the person receiving must have the rank to use.

All items with any faction rank requirement are unable to be traded through the merchant's guild.

All items can be gifted with the use of a resonance. This is however far from reliable or fast and we do not consider it "trade" because in that action, goods are only transferred in one direction.

There is no way to remove a faction rank requirement. This is important.


This is something we have been working on. It's not perfect yet but it is improving.


You'll need to spend favor as a transaction cost when buying or selling but gold is the only currency.