Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

15 Jan


Originally posted by OmerosP

You never said what you think is not working as intended with it. Can you explain what you think is wrong?

The enemies respawn when you leave a zone


Originally posted by turapuru

Any news if the game is going to be more expensive after launch?

Yes, it will not be more expensive after launch.


Originally posted by RALMAZ

No idea how it could be possible

In PoE we can do that if we hover Ctrl+C and the game copy the item text into the Clipboard, in the middle other apps can catch it and open overlay

Example of text under Ctrl+C:
Item Class: Jewels
Rarity: Unique
The Adorned
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1
Item Level: 85
150% increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels


If such things can exist, ill start developing opensource 3rd party tool right away

That's what I'm saying though, we aren't going to add that.

Edit: I guess I should actually clarify this. We don't want people to need to download anything or have another website or tool open to interact with the system efficiently. If there is a major indication from the community that not having a way to tell if an item is worth anything without going to the Bazaar then we would consider implementing the tool in game directly. I'm not saying we will do it at all, just that we would prefer to just build it into the game instead of building a way for other people to build it out of the game.


Originally posted by PreedGO

I was referring to the guy losing his offline character, no mention of duping what so ever. You deleted my comment tho, for some odd reason.

I'm not sure why the post was removed. I must have replied to the wrong comment I guess, sorry.


Sorry, that's a 12.5 year old CPU. That's 125 in "computer years".


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Do you want players to learn which items are worth something on the market without an easy overview or will you want to allow and rely on third party apps like in Poe?

A 3rd party app would be incredible. No idea how it could be possible without some weird OCR scraping.


Originally posted by Diacred

As a kind of follow up on this question, are you considering releasing public APIs for the player stashes / auction house data, kind of like PoE, so third party websites like can exist?


Edit: specifically the Bazaar data.


Originally posted by Amazing-Ad-9524

Still will there be a deal coming soon

I don't know of sale plans. Not pre-1.0 and not super close to launch.


Originally posted by Amazing-Ad-9524

When will you guys have the next deal on the game since it’s still beta why charge 30+ dollars just asking

At $35, we think that the game is very cost effective and holds at least that value.


Originally posted by NYPolarBear20

That’s what I figured just the person on the video (Aaron from ARPG) confirmed that it would be all free and I hadn’t heard that before so I wanted to check if they had specifically announced something

He is a reliable source. We have specifically announced that we won't be releasing for purchase expansions many times. We don't want to split the player base on which expansion packs you've bought.


Bugged implies it was ever implemented or intended to work. I'm sorry if you were expecting this and are disappointed. We don't have right click to move in game. You can use your OS or mouse software to completely switch left and right click to make this work. It does switch everything else though too.


Originally posted by Clancreator

It's probably more likely that they've already fixed some long standing graphical bugs in their 1.0 version and don't care to patch the current version since these issues are *not completely haulting gameplay.

Assuming you meant not instead of now, yes. This.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

The steps taken to avoid RMT are far fewer than it would seem. Almost everything is as it would be if it were magically somehow impossible to RMT.

14 Jan


Sorry, no idea why that 1st got taken down. I've pre-approved this one.


Originally posted by SlainBlood

Thank you! Are there any plans for a 3/4 month ladder reset? Or is something like this still in the works

We have a target cadence for future cycles that will roughly follow the general pace that other APRGs normally follow, approximately. I know that's super vague, I just need to leave room for unforseen launch complications that offset our timeline.


Originally posted by SlainBlood

Have they mention anything pertaining to ladder, ladder resets etc?

On Feb 21, when 1.0 drops, the current ladder is archived, all existing characters become legacy and are ineligible to compete on the ladder. Only new cycle characters can place on the fresh ladder.

Edit: exactly what you would expect if you play other ARPGs.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to be clear, this will not result in real items online. You can “hack items into online” but they don’t work and vanish as soon as you change characters. Basically you can modify your local visuals to show them but they aren’t real.


Originally posted by No_Management_1943

hey boss was abomination's default melee range bug ever addressed? i know it recently got a 20% increased range but that did nothing to fix its melee hitbox issue

I also don't have any details on potential upcoming bug fixes, sorry.