So, I notice Kai'Sa isn't listed in the 12.23 bug fixes (or on the patch at all), is the fix still going live with this patch?
Yeah, not all bug fixes make it onto that list but it should still be going live.
So, I notice Kai'Sa isn't listed in the 12.23 bug fixes (or on the patch at all), is the fix still going live with this patch?
Yeah, not all bug fixes make it onto that list but it should still be going live.
Read moreHowever, if we're effectively filtering this population out of your games, they're getting into their own games of returning players/new players/smurfs, with long queue times and a pretty terrible experience. We're making the call that trading off the returning/new player experience for perception of match quality isn't worth it.
I guess you'll probably have your inbox spammed by now, but I'm still taking the shot to ask you.
Is there a worry that the existing League population will decrease over time with this change in place? As you said, this change will make the experience for returning/new players worse and it could turn away those people. Or do you think that improving the experience of the existing player base will keep more people into League than you would gain in the first place?
Don't get me wrong, on average I play like 50-70 ranked games per season, get to plat with a high WR and rest because I can't invest the time t...
I think we're doing the opposite of whatever you think we are haha. These changes should improve things for returning/newer players.
Hiya, I worked closely with the team that implemented this change, and I'm hoping I can provide some clarity on how it works.
The remake check is just watching for anyone who doesn't make any user inputs to your champion (Things like right clicks and abilities) for a full 90 seconds.
So if you're leaving base to stand in the jungle just make sure you right click again when you get to where you're going and you should avoid the popup. If you're Teemo and you're going undercover for an extended period of time, try using the 'stop' command every once in a while (S by default) to tell the system you're still there without breaking stealth.
It's also worth noting there's a special check for staying on the summoning platform. So if you're just browsing the shop you'll need to leave the platform and come back or be flagged as afk.
And if you do see the popup, don't worry! Just right click again or leave the platform sometime in the next 30 seconds and y...
Read moreMy god thank you for pointing this out, I was the only person I have ever seen report the Orianna issue and I thought I was going insane.
I'll see about getting it fixed
Fixed a bug that caused Program Camille’s VOs to play globally for allies and enemies if she was outside of the Fog of War
Thanks for finally fixing this, having camille in my team was driving me insane. It was only one of her skins and not all? felt like it was every game.
Fixed a bug where Skarner’s W would reset an in-progress basic attack
Would be really really nice if they do the same for Orianna, her auto reset's when the ball return. Here is a clip of it happening, forcing orianna to use W to not lose the cs
My god thank you for pointing this out, I was the only person I have ever seen report the Orianna issue and I thought I was going insane.
Omg thank you Smurf q had good intentions but was a horrible implementation screwing lots of normal players.
When does this go live?
why not just call them the assigned roles... top mid adc...
Because when people role swap it could be confusing if their name in chat is actually different from the role they're playing.
Are you going to turn off the game for multiple times a year now? It's already a joke ranked gets turned off for almost 2 months nov-jan already
No, it should be a few days tops between Split 1 and Split 2. Current plan is similar to how we end the season now, ranked turns off the night before the patch and the next split starts with the deploy of the new patch a day or two later.
thank you so much for reverting this, one of the best decisions riots made in 10 years, on par with chemtech drake removal, rengar/leblanc reverts absolutely deserve 300% praise for this.
but why was it even denied there was a smurf queue in the first place? like everyone knew it, it was proven , we knew that if you didnt play your games in first 2 months of season your in smurf queue for 50 games, we knew that new accounts get put in smurf queue but why did for the best part of 2 years every single public comment from riot completely reject the notion this was a thing? why not be more open and honest about this before it was implemented?
If you can link me to old comments I might be able to clarify? I think where there might be some confusion is that people frequently refer to "smurf queue" as a system that detects smurfs and matchmakes them differently, which was never the case and did not exist. A frequent complaint related to this is "I'm not a smurf, why do you think I'm a smurf and put me in smurf queue?", which is asking the wrong question because we're not assessing whether you're a smurf, it's just an effect of the disconnect between MMR and LP that is most common in late season starters, newer players, and smurfs.
Yuumi teaching new players the nuances of positioning? Like HOW???
I could have phrased that better :( Sorry, what I meant by nuances of position means you can observe what people are doing, have touchpoints to get exposed to positioning yourself (hopping out to ward, swapping to allies, abandoning if necessary) and hopefully your friend is teaching you while you don't have to pay the consequences of dying 12 times a game while focusing on learning other skills first.
I can feel youre tired and a bit tilted by this bug, but don't say that "its ur potato pc", because u, as Riot, are fighting hard for 3/4 of your playerbase to be able to play smoothly on medium end pcs.
I have Ryzen 5 too and I still have this problem, duh, I feel and I know that u probably just patched it somehow thinking its fine, but... Now, after enabling SMT on again, in loading screen u can feel ur cursor is at 30fps.
Game still is fps dropping after couple of minutes, not that harsh as it was, but still. Its not resolved Tony
The potato comment was in response to a player saying it might be their potato PC. And looking at the HW they were running on, they are using a system which is just below the min spec that we recommend. So, yes, the game should run slow on that system.
If you are feeling that your game is still having the dramatic slowdown after about 5 minutes, then please send me your RPD and I can then confirm that you are having that same issue.
God I would love this. There’s very few people with those skins anyway. I think they should do like they did with Championship Riven and make new versions with new names and make it a ranked points thing where you get a token for every win and you can buy a Victorious skin from 5+ years ago with 500 tokens
Eg. Victorious Elise 2024 for 500 ranked wins
Obviously the idea could be tweaked for viability
Have talked about this, could consider it in the future but no plans for it now.
palm met face
Good to know, I would also want to know if the favorite option in champ select has been fixed to not reset after closing the client. It probably is but not fully sure based on the wording.
Not entirely sure what you mean. It will default to "Sort by Favorite" now, and if you change that it should remember what you changed it to between champ selects.
Ally 1 -> Ally 5 have been renamed to Gromp, Murk Wolf, Raptor, Krug, and Scuttle Crab for improved clarity around who is speaking in champion select chat.
I love this so much. Whoevers idea this was, please come forth
hi. I think it was either phlox or me
The 5 preset rune pages have been removed.
Finally. How will this affect new accounts that doesn't have access to editing rune pages but still have access to preset pages?
They'll be able to edit rune pages and use the Recommender right from the start now. The preset pages were there to not have to introduce players to complexity too early on, but now you can just click a button and get a good rune page.
So I will see enemy border next patch again?
Yeah I believe we fixed that bug.
Why isn't there more tank legendary items follow up with this patch? Mythics finally feel TANKY, which is good compared to last two years where tanks got all damage from mythics.
I want to see other first item tank options that are more satisfying. E.g. Abyssal if you could build it with Bami's would be a cool MR first item rush.
I frequently build Sunfire+Abyssal combo into AP tops as tank, it's very effective. Bami -> Catalyst -> Abyssal -> Sunfire.
Buffing Sion is such a huge mistake
I pitched this buff; Sion is struggling even with his best builds (after the tank item changes), and so long as we continue to encourage his tank (and not split push) builds, he should be a healthy champion.
Read moreYuumi has simultaneously been one of the most frustrating and most popular/played champs in the game. We think there’s a better place for Yuumi where we can deliver on her gameplay fantasy for her players while also making her less frustrating to play against. In this patch, we’re giving Yuumi a decently sized nerf to temporarily address some of her more frustrating features and curbing her power in both Elite and Pro play. However, we definitely don’t see this as the final, long-term solution for this champion.
We’ve started work on a larger scale Yuumi rework to help this cat land in a much healthier spot. We want to highlight what Yuumi as an attached, untargetable enchanter can provide to her team. As an early goal, we want to limit her aggressive CC outputs/damage, emphasize more defensive/enchanter outputs, reduce her scaling, and make her more dependent on her own lane's success to win games. We’ll have some more news to share on this in the future, bu...
The intention is to bring her out of meta for pro and optimized play until we can finish reworking, similar to Zeri. The hope is that we don't need to bring her quite as far down as we did Zeri (Worlds was a real risk).