League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Stormrazor is actually strong and has several very good users, such as Jinx, Tristana, and Jhin.

But it’s never found its home among bot laners for whatever reason. So it definitely needs something to make players feel differently but the item is actually good.


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Lux support is played as like a burst mage building ludens how are you planning to do that? Just wave clear up?

If anything it's her supportive abilities like the shield that suck

Gold-scaling primarily


Originally posted by Knight725

lillia’s ap builds are barely hanging on by a thread, and about to be nerfed 4 different ways. this champ is gonna be 45% winrate. just revert the melee change if this is what you’re gonna do to my champ riot, she has been basically fine for a year before that got changed. demonic is clearly too powerful on her, so just go back.

We are very aware of the factors that are forcing Lillia's power upwards. We intend to fully support AP builds, but Jak'sho is just so synergistic with Lillia that it overcomes her traditional builds by ~5%. While we are nerfing Jak'Sho, we are also nerfing Lillia in areas that are NOT AP scaling, and will be watching and considering AP ratio buffs for the future when she has room.

(Un)fortunately, with her being melee, demonic is most synergistic and is likely to be core for the long-term. While this might seem like a blight/curse, she is actually the exact intended audience of an item like that. It gives a lot of AP and some durability, which is exactly what a champ of her shape should want. This is separate of her resist/HP builds (Jak'sho, other tank items) that are too powerful at the moment and we will be moving away from.


Originally posted by imadirtyyasmain

Lux buff only means…new Lux skin coming soon.

The intention is to specifically buff carry Lux rather than support, as her playrate and viability in support has been healthy all of last season. We will be intentionally avoiding buffs that skew towards support.

12 Dec


Originally posted by VaporaDark

The solution to smurf queue has increased the presence of duos in master+

It can't have, because the "solution" hasn't been put into effect yet.

Previously if a smurf was gold with a hidden mmr of diamond, then he'd get placed into games somewhere in-between those two ranks.

And they still do. The change hasn't happened yet.

Having that said, it's undeniable that it is causing an increase in duos appearing in master+ games.

That sounds extremely unlikely, because the change has not yet happened. It's not going through until 13.1.

But how is riot's change causing any of this?

It's not, because you are not yet experiencing the change.

In short, players placed into master+ games can now have a drastically lower visible rank and therefore still duo queue.

No they ca...

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I should correct myself here, the matchmaking changes did actually ship in 12.23, that's my mistake.

What you're saying about duoing being restricted by MMR since midway through this year is accurate and that should still be active right now.


Glad y'all enjoyed it! We know there were some issues and that further optimizations could be made to the format for sure. Those will be very strong considerations if we decide to continue with ARAM Clash in the future. Personally, I went 1-2 but still had a good old time. Can't believe I lost to a team named peepeepoopoo though, the shame haunts me.

11 Dec


Originally posted by carefish

I had not played much since reporting this bug as it was severely impacting any fun I might have had during a match. I have only played one match just now, I think the performance problem is gone. I hope others and mine RPD files have helped narrow it down, big thank you to you /u/RiotTony and the other Riot employees.

The RPD files and discussion here have been invaluable. I'll probably write up a Tech Blog on the cause of this once we've done a full Root Cause Analysis (where we figure out what went wrong, why, and how we can either avoid it in the future or better respond when it does happen).

10 Dec


Originally posted by Axpp

I was at WCG grand finals in 2010. Phreak was on stage alone with a mic in his hand looking up at the projector and casting the finals solo. Absolute legend.

To be fair that was with Deman.


So pumped for you Phreak!

09 Dec


We'll miss him, but he'll be a genuinely great game designer.

Phreak is one of the GOATs, glad he's leaving on a high note.


Originally posted by kscannon

With the changes, the balance of the champs feel way off too. I know games depend on what is selected but when the majority of one team is dealing a reduced damage and renektan can get one item and tank and kill the majority of a team with a 120% buff to healing and it taking multiple items to deal with and at that point the games over or a rangar with bushes on both side making the center not a safe spot for any back line. The balancing % is making some champs gods and others literal dirt.

this is the crux of a lot of it, and we're prepping a hotfix for the balance outliers right now. We intended the map changes to favor melee champs and disfavor ranged poke champs, and they have, but much more than we intended. We'll have to do follow up work to start undoing the balance levers that were making up for map discrepancies in power.


Originally posted by FlakeyToast

Arcane is the only reason I got into League. Genuinely my favorite animated series I've ever watched

Welcome. We'll do our best.

08 Dec


Originally posted by TheMurder21

Its both. Prior to the tower rubble, you could always "see" your opponent unless they were hiding deliberately in a bush but you always had space to maneuver around.

Now even if the enemy retreats, there is nowhere you can go. You are basically always pushing blind while being funneled into the remaining position. This means you are disadvantaged by both lacking vision, and also lacking the ability to maneuver around because you just positioned yourself between a literal rock and a hard place.

This adds to the point of why being behind basically dooms you. It puts you in a position where even trying to crawl back across your line, you are extremely vulnerable to strong counterplays incl. wombo combos.

How do you feel amount of wave clear affects that?


Originally posted by dirtydoughnut

Please do not use the idea that shorter Aram games are better to justify the one sidedness that hexgate/respawn timer changes caused. There back and forth was a much more fun dynamic, for all ten players

Definitely agree that short but snowballier does not necessarily equal better. The data I’m waiting on should tell me if taking the first tower leads to a larger increase in wins than previous. If it’s a large difference, that tells me we probably went too far and we can look for solves


This is something we're keeping an eye on for sure. I think Hexgates are doing some good things early game, but once we get some more data/games in on first turret win percentage, it might turn out we need something like a cooldown or some other solve. There might be other factors as well (tower rubble is less good for defending teams than we thought) that might adjust these factors as well. A bit too early to tell

07 Dec


Originally posted by PM_ME_A10s

Totally different subject, but I have some serious nostalgia for some of what might be considered "less popular" modes.

Specifically Nexus Siege, Ascension, and OG Doombots

Any chance of those ever being revived?

No idea on if/when those could ever be revived, but I can definitely say you're not the only player asking us for those as well.
The only thing I can promise you is that I'll let the team know there's still an ask for them!


Originally posted by RpiesSPIES

Except like way after the timeline we'd expected it to arrive.

Honestly it's fair to call us out for not making this communication sooner, and in an ideal world we would have.

Truthfully, we had a longer form blog in the works that was also going to announce this a little sooner, along with some other things. However, with things shifting internally like new members joining the team, new leadership for modes, etc., we felt it would be best to wait a little bit longer so that a fully staffed and ready to go modes team could properly give the update that we want to give, alongside those members feeling like they're owning the direction they want to take the team.

Personally speaking, it wouldn't have felt great to have made that update, then have folks come in who are supposed to be in charge of what they want to do with something like modes, but being immediate constrained to promises or declarations made by people before them. It sucks to put us in this situation here where it feels like a late communication, but I feel like i...

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So a lot of things here to dig into when we just quote 2 lines.

I agree it's a bit counterintuitive, but I still believe the 2 statements are true. HOWEVER, there's a lot of nuance which I agree isn't what players are looking for. We're not trying "well technically...." players.

  1. The first statement was a long time ago. Since then, we do see that the winrate growth of Yuumi is the same as other complex champions. But that doesn't mean that skill depth is displayed well to players in a clear way. Yuumi requires a pattern that's different than most other champions, but most players don't associate playing vs/with her as a high skill experience. That's a problem in itself.
  2. Yuumi is a great champion to learn the game with. This one's trickier, since Yuumi is such a different experience than other champions like Garen/Sona. The core benefit Yuumi has is that she has a low barrier to entry AND promotes an experience with your friend. Most people get into Lea...
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Actually insane how clean this was