League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Jan


Hello everyone!

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Syndra, Zilean, Malzahar, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Vel'Koz's turn, for 12.3's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update was mainly focused on making Vel'Koz a bit more in-line with the rest of the Void champions VFX-wise, and (especially) adjust some of his less accurate hitbox indicators.

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion proje...

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Yeah, they're not quite done! The full list with every change will be out later today I believe.

Build paths are getting adjusted and all that jazz, still a tuning pass to come


Originally posted by JanEric1

if you get to very % you have to take care of things like coutner picking.

Counter-picking and synergy picking are relevant regardless of sample size.

Singed Bot has a very, very high win rate. 55% of his games are with Yuumi support. It doesn't matter if that across 3k games or 300k games, that's a gigantic bias.


Originally posted by Terker2

Thanks for the deetz, brother. 🤜

Do you know which site has the most data, or is the most reliable? I tend to go for U.GG

I like lolalytics.com as a power-user. It seems to give me the best ways to drill down on stuff.


Originally posted by Terker2

Oy, Phreak! This is a bit out of nowhere, i've been following your latest data deep dives for LoL lately and got a question.

How do you account for a low playrate when coming up with strong Winrate trends? Do you have a threshhold regarding sample size?

I find it hard to analyse the meta when the strongest winrates fall onto less than 1% Playrate champs or builds.

In terms of pure variance, 10k games is usually +/- 1% win rate and 2.5k games is +/- 2%. If something has 3k games and is +4%, I'm pretty confident that something really good is going on. Even with fewer samples, it can still be worth investigating.

Then I mostly just mentally account for "doing well" biases that items like Mejai's and more expensive options provide.

1% playrate is irrelevant. Number of games is the only stat that matters.

And finally, checking games only within a patch or only at higher MMRs is overrated. If Conqueror is better than Fleet Footwork, it'll be better at every MMR and it'll be better in 12.1 as well as 12.2. So knowing when and where to grow your dataset to get more reliable results is helpful. There can be some exceptions here, but they tend to be fairly obvious.


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Sometimes we gotta take time to go back to the drawing board and admit mistakes. Hopefully this (at least in some small part) shows our commitment to listening to feedback.

EDIT: Hard work went into the new drakes from a number of Rioters (including myself), so it’s important to stay constructive and respectful in feedback, especially since reverting something that took hard work can be pretty painful. I just ask that people remain respectful.

We’ll said.


Originally posted by CuteTao

Shout out to all the people who said riot was too proud to revert the change and admit they were wrong. That riot spent time coding it and they wouldn't undo it because of the time invested.

It is indeed painful to disable something that devs have worked so hard to produce. (In this case a lot of dedicated and hard working folks on the Summoner’s Rift Team)

It’s also fair to say that there’s a ratio between how much effort goes into a thing and how much additional effort we’ll put into iterating on something when it doesn’t land quite right initially.

Ultimately the hope is that we come off as being sensible and not stubborn.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

You mentioned potentially tweaking the type of rift that was accompanying the dragon, if you guys did decide to bring it back would it be like in the preseason or in the regular season

Unsure as of yet, depends how the iterations go.


Originally posted by OnyxWarden

Dang, I wasn't expecting any real change until the big mid-season patch. Wonder if there were formal complaints from eSports orgs/players after these opening weeks, forcing their hand early?

This wasn't a decision related to esports (or really affected by it at all). It was a decision about what is best for players (which incidentally includes esports). We had already made the decision quite a bit before that article came out, so it was more of a happy coincidence.

24 Jan


Originally posted by moody_P

what about more damage-invested juggernauts like illaoi and aatrox? we still need the HP since we have so much backloaded damage but we build a lot more into dmg than a darius would, generally. plus yk illaoi having like 20% of the healing she had in s10, bit rough innit mate

I think these kinds of juggernauts will be quite happy still, and if they're not we'll adjust. Case by case or systemically depending on the issue


Originally posted by moody_P

what about juggernauts? what am i supposed to do then?

Juggernauts should still feel like they have good items. They're less sensitive than the skirmishers because they tend to happily dip into tank items


Originally posted by Stylahz

Please u/RiotPhlox any update on Rengar it’s been 2 months and still haven’t heard anything about him

I was doing a bunch of fighter stuff etc sorry! I should be able to update y'all soon


Originally posted by SpasticNerd

We're adjusting the fighter system to be less health skewed

are they planning on reducing the hp on these items ? damage is way too high, bruisers already one shot adcs

So I'll be dropping more context tomorrow, but when a light fighter can act as a proxy frontliner AND kill you theyre extremely messed up.

The class should be high risk high reward, but when they're tanky, they're just low risk high reward, able to kill you without risking death themselves. Obv there's some hyperbole here but that's the tldr


Originally posted by Naymliss

Finally, some good news! Did anyone really like this drake lol

Like it definitely is impactful, but more often than not it's just frustrating.

I'll be honest in that I actually enjoyed playing with Chemtech rift but clearly most people didn't. So through that lens, good change, Riot.


Sometimes we gotta take time to go back to the drawing board and admit mistakes. Hopefully this (at least in some small part) shows our commitment to listening to feedback.

EDIT: Hard work went into the new drakes from a number of Rioters (including myself), so it’s important to stay constructive and respectful in feedback, especially since reverting something that took hard work can be pretty painful. I just ask that people remain respectful.


Originally posted by Ezreal024


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Wow that’s really high, could I also ask where you guys are targeting Udyr in terms of popularity, he seems like a champ who could be mildly popular like some other bruisers

We think Udyr has potential to be a lot more popular then he is right now yes, especially given a VGU. We aren't massively changing his play pattern though so we don't think he will be like SUPER popular, just more popular then he is now


Backseating can be really annoying, even if the backseater is right.

And, like others said, I often have chat disabled, particularly in ranked games.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Would you happen to know where Zeri has landed so far, day 1

Here you go, shes pretty damn popular so far



Originally posted by worthlesston

I'm not sure about other east coasters, but it is fairly unpredictable on a game by game basis. Will you (or someone else on the team) check this thread tomorrow when we get another surge of lag? I just finished an ARAM where I was fine but my wife (same room, nearly identical hardware, same software, same internet) was sitting at 150 ping with occasional spikes of well over 1k. Running the traceroute just after the game shows 3 hops, each <5 ms. I will DM the full thing to you though.

I forgot Verizon don't want their customers being able to run traces so they effectively block them on their network edge.

I've been through some stats across multiple games and can see it's only impacting League and looks to be one of the two carriers we send traffic for Verizon to in Chicago. It might be trial and error on our part to see which of these two it is and making sweeping route policy changes late on a Sunday evening is not the best idea. We'll do some more digging and make some path adjustments tomorrow before peak. If it runs fine through peak, we've likely found the culprit. If it gets worse than we know to revert and go the other way.