League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by The1DayGod

I am shocked that remakes count toward the 5 games. Definitely should be a requirement to win games.

This is fixed for 14.6.


Originally posted by medabots1996

Apparently Azir's passive tower creation was bugged, causing SFX and VFX to play repeatedly and sometimes crash the game. It was fixed in 14.5

It is definitely not this lol.


Originally posted by Velaron

Players brutally murdering them with 0 testing in my games, but for now from what I seen is that they aren’t quite ready to be shipped and need more time. Seraphine just sits there watching her friend die (already mention above) I had an opponent Fizz that didn’t come back to lane for 4 minutes while minions were pushed. Like where he go lmao.

The AI will definitely not be perfect due to this game being very complicated, but I would highly suggest custom game implementation for testers to actually give accurate results with all the champions on the list before the weekend. Also, will we get ARAM AI back?

Thank you for the feedback! The AFK bug is currently being looked at by our engineers.

We for sure want custom games sadly it is a fairly big scope of work, so it was something we delayed in order to get our bots in front of y 'all's eyes for player feedback as soon as we could. So we appreciate you providing this feedback!


Originally posted by TokyHandspi

A "bug" that I found and was on previous bot:

My team was on T4 turrets and everybot was defending it except for Zyra support who was still attacking T1 turret botlane https://imgur.com/a/5iRSvdc

Overall bot are way better but it feels like not strong on intermediate. I know it's not supposed to be for players that use to play the game for the past years, but I think it can be more challenging

It's really easy to put the jungler bot behind by invading him level one and clear way faster than him, you could make the botlane leash his buff to make his clear a bit faster and then have a confrontation on scuttle.

Sometimes they can pick up a kill but since they're also low life, they prefer to run away and then get killed instead of taking the kill.

It's really easy to bait them with vision, if they're affraid of you they will run a bit away, but you just have to enter a bush in front of them and they will...

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erall bot are way better but it feels like not strong on intermediate. I know it's not supposed to be for players that use to play the game for the past years, but I think it can be more challenging

It's really easy to put the jungler bot behind by invading him level one and clear way faster than him, you could make the b

Thank you for the feedback! This is very helpful!


Originally posted by TTCrazyClyde

(note: I only bothered playing intermediate bots) Was laning mid vs. a Lux and I forced her back on the first wave I believe. After that she went afk for around 4 minutes it looks like (not 100% sure because can’t check the replay but pretty sure she didn’t show anywhere on the map). Also invaded a Sejuani jungle level 1, she flashed the wrong way and after dying didn’t attempt to take any camps for like a minute after she respawned (we had them warded but nobody was in her jungle)

I think overall the bots are changed for better, they play a little too aggressively in most lanes IMO. They don’t seem to know when to bail out of trades or if they might win a trade so they almost always stick to you. Their mechanics are fine but most of the time the fight will be unfavorable so they end up feeding 99% of the time.

Thank you for the feedback! We are looking at ways to address the aggression now (along with the AFKing)!


Originally posted by Seylord1

Just tried a game and first feedback:

We tried to invade the poor rumble jungle, he was standing still at the blue, we chased him(he got out tho, nice job on the dodging skillshots). He then started red, which is great for practice. He was behind tho, which made the game rly unplayable for him, and free for our jgl.

Maybe he could start by hiding in the blue bush and ward before? That might help to avoid invades making the game too fast.

Also the zyra sup went back after a bad trade, she waited until boots to come back, which was rly long. Maybe including some kind of limit on how long they can wait in base for gold?

Great job tho, it felt like a decent practice and good entry for new players trying to improve/trying a new champ.

Thank you for the feedback! We are already working on the fix for the early jungle invade. We have a short term and longer term fix in the works now :)


Originally posted by eyounan

They are an overall improvement over the previous bots in many ways - it is just really hard to gauge the improvement since they are not available in customs and every game that will be played will (almost) be a complete stomp.

That being said, here are a few things I have encountered:

- Bots do not attack back/use spells at all if they are at a disadvantage - they just walk around or try to get away if you close the gap on them.

- Had a Seraphine bot go completely afk for a few minutes until I walked up to their base, which made her move.

- Their aggression vs. farming in lane needs work. They will completely ignore waves to fight sometimes - especially mages that do not have that much ability to trade early on.

- The bots should leash the jungler so that if someone wants to invade, at least they are met with 2-3 bots, rather than a single jungle bot that just falls behind.

- Their herald/grubbies logic is broken - there is ...

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Thank you for the feedback!

Edit: Fixing the afking now


Originally posted by VegetableDepth4549

I already saw a Nasus Bot in the new queue :D The feedback is a bit older i posted it years ago but never expected you really change the bot AI :D But my feedback still work for the new bots cuz their ability and item logic is still the same. You should watch the wild rift AI. This AI is very strong i added a video link from my old youtube videos. You can watch the AI View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2qkuGXMcEA (Ezreal Hard AI). Hope you will work on a hard AI too. CAnt wait to grind PVE games with hard AI hahahah :D

Aha! Good bug then as Nasus should not be there. Sneaky pup!

I would love for any feedback on the new queues specifically though, as none of the logic (including their ability and item logic) is actually brand new.

Also Re: Wild Rift, I actually was on the WR Bots team so I am very familiar with it. The beauty of building a game from the ground up in 2020 means we were able to build the foundational structure with the bots in mind. :)


Originally posted by Playmaker1500

Since you are here (sorry to bother you), but could you hotfix a Galio bug that has been there since 14.1?

Galio's passive doesn't execute the minion that he autos with World Atlas. He has this bug before in a previous season when they changed support item (Don't recall which season exactly). Reported this bug a month ago but still no fix.

Here's a video about the bug: https://twitter.com/FujikiPlaymaker/status/1757168954299039782/video/1

Also, World Atlas doesn't mention the "Damaging a minion below (Melee 50%/ Ranged 30%) of its maximum health executes it" in its text and shop description when it should. Even the LoL wiki page lists it. And Runic Compass has the Item_Ranged_Mod 1=(1)_Dynamic text in its shop description currently in live server.


Hi, not bothered! We're not hotfixing that bug (hotfixing has extra costs so we try to do it sparingly) but it is fixed with the future Galio changes we're making that we're hoping to ship soon. If for some reason the gameplay changes don't work out we'd definitely still ship this bugfix in any case.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Happysappyclappy

Bug from the 14.5 changes

Testing out the changes and every now and then when doing the standard combo, set up two dummies, and every now and then, the second dummy would not take damage from the q, so i q, quickly e the first damage as you normally do when trying to do triple e, but the second dummy did not take damage at all.  No damage from the q on second target if u e to the first one prior to the qhitting the second target.

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Do you have clips? I'll take a look


Originally posted by AnArabFromLondon

Trying to fill up your backlog?

Oh we've got plenty of stuff to do, the post just made it sound like "Sundered Sky is not critting ever" which I'm pretty sure is not true so I wanted to understand if this was new or something we were already tracking


Originally posted by ILoveWhinyADCs

Pls hotfix sundered sky not critting. It’s been a thing for 3 patches now

Could you be more specific on when Sundered Sky is not critting?


Originally posted by S3B45714N187

Sorry to molest you but what about the lilia E bug

Yep that's coming


Originally posted by VegetableDepth4549

List of issues: - Zilean Bot doesnt use his passive on allies. - Galio and Vlad cant move if they use their hold button ability - Rammus Bot use Ult in always the same direction. - Bots cant use active item like cookies. - Ryze Bot need a full rework - Bots ignore enemy minion strengh and run through 7 minions to attack player. - Bots ignore Yoricks minions - Bots cant use ward items. - Bots cant use Pykes coin item - Ashe cant use her Vision ability - Annie Bots Ultimate needs more improvements - Bots cant use Teleport or Barrier - Bots like Nocturne should use barrier to block skillshots. - Nasus Bot has no idea how his Q works. - cho gath spamm his Q always with out enemy in range. - Ashe and Ezreal Bot use their ultimate from a big distance so they fail it the most time. - Shen Bot disabled?

Hope the list helps

Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this feedback, I appreciate the effort!

One thing though, is please make sure to test the Co-op Versus AI queue and not through custom games as Custom games use the old bots. Our current queues do not have Zilean, Vlad, Rammus, Ryze, or Nasus. So I believe this feedback is for the old bots. :)


Originally posted by Saint1xD

the W hotfix will be hitting today?

Yes the W hotfix specifically will be hitting today


Originally posted by Nikushaa

R also fails sometimes, will that be included?

Looking into that one yeah but it's a bit more complicated. Will be trying to get that into the hotfix but can't promise it today


Originally posted by Pawx8

Can you also get a fix for Reksai unburrow bug.. it's really hard that we had to wait 2 weeks to get the last bugs fixed and randomly there is a new one which keeps happening frequently..

Yup, we're going to push out a fix for the Rek'sai knockup bug as well


Originally posted by ReleventSmth

- **Server:EUW**   
- **Type of Bug: In game bug**   
- **Description: Lillia E does not have AOE anymore.**   
- **Video / Screenshot: https://outplayed.tv/media/3wOz6R**   
- **Steps to reproduce: Throw E on group of enemies**   
- **Expected result: All enemies are hit**   
- **Observed result: Only first enemy is hit, cry**   
- **Reproduction rate:100%**   
- **System specs:/**

We're working on getting out a fix to Live asap - thanks for the report


Originally posted by Superb_Price_5775

Please hotfix it I don't want to wait 2 weeks

We're planning to hotfix this today

05 Mar


"Fixed a bug that caused Azir's passive tower creation SFX and VFX to play repeatedly upon spawning the tower."

End of an era