League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Feb


Originally posted by DefinitelyNotSmall

Congratulation to Meddler!



Originally posted by AzerFraze

Meddler to busy for a Dev Update just because he was getting married? f**king fake gamer man

edit: lol @ second prestige skin for Leona

For what it's worth I'm going to do my utmost to never get married again!


Originally posted by cosHinsHeiR

It is for emerald and below, but aren't negative gains expected in masters? You are top 0.6%, the expectation should be a winrate above 50% (It's around 54% according to lolalytics previous patches), if you have positive gains too the lp inflation will be insane no?

Negative gains aren't expected in masters by default. There was more inflation last year because so many people had negative lp gains.

Lolalytics has positive winrates because it's comparing people on tier boundaries eg. Masters 0lp as masters winrate while they are playing in a diamond 1/2 game, same for d4 in an emerald game.

Those players are likely to have a higher winrate and there are more of them compared to people at the top of the bracket (more d4 players than d1 players)


Originally posted by No_Cauliflower633

50% of players with negative lp gains down to 5% is pretty cool. I noticed my account recovered much faster this split after demoting and losing at 0 lp compared to last.

There's still more work to be done. In emerald and above its mostly eliminated.


More context here on why some of the cases happen.

Most of the cases now are localized to some of the fallout from: * seeding problems (which we've resolved future facing, but couldn't fix people who placed gold but had actual skill which is lower)

  • people tanking on boundaries

  • people on a precipitous drop

  • some bugs in iron where iron 3 and 4 players were placing in iron 2


Originally posted by Intrepid-Dentist-675

Skarner rework is not mentioned. RIP

I was worried we talk about Skarner TOO much but in retrospect I was wrong. Skarner will be on PBE in a matter of weeks not months so hang in there


Cryptbloom was designed as a Void Staff alternative. This led down a pretty linear path:

  1. We don't want an item that does more damage than Void Staff, so it probably should have less pen and/or less AP.
  2. We can give it other stats if we want to fill out the stat profile. Haste makes sense here since by the time I was working on Cryptbloom I knew that there was going to be slightly less haste in the rest of the system (no mythic passives, nerfed haste boots, no 30 haste items, etc.) and we were willing to accept AP champions getting some of that haste back with a damage tradeoff. But HP was also something I considered, though I never actually tested that version.
  3. In keeping with #1, we want an effect that doesn't provide any damage, because we don't want this to compete with Void in terms of raw damage output. It also probably shouldn't be pure stats since that's what Void is, so it wants some kind of unique effect. Given the above reasoning, it shoul...
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Originally posted by eyounan

Just wanted to mention that we appreciate you giving these updates even though you don't have to. :)

Thanks! You should see some bigger comms real soon.tm from us as well :)

27 Feb


If you can find out, DM me the name he plays under and the server.
The name will be something like: BoyFriendName#1234
And the server will be something like: North America, Latin America, etc.

I'll toss some stuff his way (After I check that he is a nice player :D )


Originally posted by Bloodyseth

Honestly, what the hell means "for staleness"....?

Like... I sort of get it? I supose it's a way to encourage different picks without overcreeping the game in damage, but it feels pretty arbitrary, certaintly not a good feel if you play those champs. Like... "she's not in the zone warranting to nerf her, but we're gonna do it anyway". Uhm.

EDIT: At the very least I just feel like the strategy should be aimed at champions that are actually in the nerf zone, just to not fall into the overcreep...

And even then, you need to account for the "feel good" element of getting a champ buffed, it's much more exciting to try new things or builds then. There needs to be a balance, a world where champs only get nerfed it's pretty gray in terms of enjoyment IMO.

There are Champs that spend a long time being strong, but aren't strictly overpowered. Eg. A miss fortune who sits at 52% winrate for a long time. There's a bunch of Champs that could sit at 52% without being OP so they should probably take turns so the meta doesn't get stale. Champ variety is alot of what makes league fresh

25 Feb


Originally posted by C9RipSiK

Should we summon ? Lets see if it works... u/Tryndamere might be able to give a heads up -_-

We’ll provide an update when we’re ready - the team is making progress.


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Following Friday PBE: Q no longer stacks Conqueror, Electrocute/Phase Rush and Eclipse. Also, when knocking up an enemy and basic attacking, Sundered Sky crit damage gets completely wasted.

Thanks for the report, I'll look to get that cleaned up.

24 Feb


Originally posted by aski5

I was thinking more like the Punisher or something

Yeah that makes more sense to me


Originally posted by Nebicus

What about akshan he literally throws boomerangs and swings around on a grappling hook.

I meant more in terms of characterization. Akshan is not like Bruce Wayne at all. His grappling hook is dope, though.


Originally posted by SnooWalruses1900

It is literally in the name

Bruce Vayne, eh?

In all seriousness, perhaps a blend of Vayne and (Arcane) Jayce would be close.


Vayne is Batman? Not sure if I agree with that.

23 Feb

22 Feb


Thanks for the post. I'll try to spend the next two days improving these things plus anything else people have from this thread.

  1. Is a temporary measure to fix a much worse bug around her R going on cooldown doing nothing. I'll fix that up, but it's pretty involved.

  2. Should be improved compared to before but clearly isn't great. I'll take a look at the script to see if there's something obvious, but we may be stuck with "slightly better than before" if I can't find anything obvious. Ideally the script is sending the exact same location for tunnel exit and dash destination but I can try to find a way to make this work harmoniously. I have theories.

  3. Spear of Shojin underwent some changes under the hood (I think unintentionally) this patch. This may not be Rek'Sai specific, I'm not sure.

  4. That's troubling. I'll take a look.

  5. That's also troubling. I'll take a look. I'm hopeful that this is easy to fix.

  6. ...
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Thanks I'll pass this along today


I'm no longer working on these, but I'll send the suggestion to the team - I personally love it.