Auberaun, can you take a look at reksai W unburrow to give a proper fix to it? Her W on live has less range than before the hotfix when clicking on the target
This is fixed for next patch yeah
Auberaun, can you take a look at reksai W unburrow to give a proper fix to it? Her W on live has less range than before the hotfix when clicking on the target
This is fixed for next patch yeah
Read moreYesterday's patch preview made a comment about how Ornn items are a little problematic to develop, so let's look into what exactly that means and some possible solutions.
Currently Ornn items are almost completely copypasted variants of their base items. This includes both their data (their stats, what they build out of, and their tooltips) as well as their scripts (any special effects they might do beyond just stats). Any active spell attached to the item is its own object so those don't have to be copypasted since it can just reuse the existing spell.
The Data Copypaste Problem
The data side of things currently means that any time an Ornn-upgradeable item gets a stat change, the upgrade needs to be considered as well. The data is defined as "this item gives X and this item gives Y". For example, Infinity Edge is currently +65 AD, +20% crit, +40% crit damage, and Ornn upgrades it to +95 AD and has the same value on the other stats. When Riot increase...
I wouldn't be too surprised if they decide to just keep copypasting to avoid needing engineering work.
fear not, we called in the engineers
Solstice Sleigh
speed: 25% for 3s --> 20% for 2.5s
Is the duration of the bonus HP also reduced or just the move speed?
All of Sleigh's effects are tied to the same duration unless I've grossly overlooked something.
Go on...
Phreak said in a patch rundown some months ago that Ahri will never be a jungler (and other roaming/hard cc mids, like Lissandra,aswell) cause it would just be to opressive.
She has too much mobility and pretty safe cc, so ganks would be rly easy to do
No I didn't.
Ahri has a reasonable kit for a jungler. She just doesn't have any logical way to make the clear make sense.
Lissandra would be oppressive, yes.
How cool!
Yeah, rank is honestly rough and bit stressful. I appreciate the advice honestly. You're right now to die less. I'm often having less deaths than my adc, but I try to provide as many kills as possible. It's quite possible that I'm not as aggressive when it comes to supporting a least.
When it comes to other positions. You're right that I should focus more on CS than trying to get that kill. Thank you for the advice.
Sure. It's a split moment decision to know 'omg do i go in with my marksman or hang back' and often it's better to take a "bad" fight as a team than to be on separate pages cause they wanna be aggressive and you wanna play passive, so you're not gonna nail it every time and that's ok. It's expected to lose sometimes, so don't put _too_ much pressure on yourself. And if you find yourself getting a bit tilted, take a break! At the end of the day it's a game meant to be fun.
Keep up the great work and you'll keep climbin.
Hey nice job making the jump to Ranked. That can be so intimidating!
Honestly I think one of the quickest ways to climb in the lower elos is to just die less. imo it's more important to not die than it is to get a kill. Think before taking a fight - are you just fighting because no action has happened in a little bit, or is there actually a good fight to be had here? Lots of people just engage cause it's been 30 seconds without something flashy happening on the screen, and they end up dying, giving the enemy a lead and losing gold/exp. If you just focus on farming, at that elo you will just naturally become stronger than others in the game and win by power alone. But ya can't really do that if you die a buncha times.
Finally some good f*cking discussion
Lost 3/5 of my placements iirc, am not good at the game in any way, and got placed plat myself.
Friends that are way better than I are ranked in bronze silver or gold.
It's miserable getting flamed in ranked games, and kinda lost the motivation to even attempt ranked.
yeah :( You seem to have played your first game before we pushed the fix to the incorrect seeding issue. Really sorry, but the only way to go about this is to play your way down
I really hope the new bots help create a better ramp for your friend to get comfortable with the game. That team has been doing such amazing work, and one of the big goals is helping newer players become familiar with the game and to get used to how players will actually play, something our current bots just don't do. I hope you give em a try together and it makes the jump to PVP less intimidating, especially after they've found a champion or two that they really like and are comfortable with.
Thanks so much for playing our game and spending your time with us over the last....13 years :O
Read moreedit: Akali seems to preform much better than other bots at wave management and trading. But isn't immune to "F*ck this shit I'm out" syndrome.
A massive improvement on the bots! I've been playing top in intermediate bots and trying to play as "competitively" as i can, here's what I've found.
- Both Smolder & Cassiopeia do not use auto spacing in the slightest and instead go melee range when trading
- The bots refuse to play from behind and simply walk back and forth while not attempting to last hit, even if they have sustain in their kit. The walking back and forth seems to be based solely on a tether and not on minion hp and other factors. if you walk up, they walk back, and vice versa. I think a massive upgrade here would be making them choose whether or not a last hit is "worth it", based on things like their hp, level disadvantage, etc.
- For some reason, when they get behind in lane, they just... leave! in every game, the bot has decided to wha...
Thank you for the feedback! This is great stuff!
Is the fact that OP is playing support factored into this at all? It’s the role that would most likely let a player perform decently in games where the average elo is higher than the player’s true elo.
yes, but it's one of those roles that's really hard to estimate
It's funny cause I was literally talking with someone the other day about how it's hard to estimate performance with 0-11 blitzcrank who could be having the game of their life. And then this thread came up 🙃
For those who are wondering here's my I'm a bad player, you dont need to point that out.
OK so I looked at your opgg, I think you're heavily underestimating your skill level!! You're not an iron player, you're doing pretty well in Gold/Plat games!!
That said, Gold/Plat in normals is probably not Gold/Plat in ranked, so we'd already been thinking about adjustments to move people even further down if we see that.
I think they already do this.... on the korean server
And it's not particularly effective. Bad actors use their grandma's id, neighbors, etc.
Amount of new accounts in plat and high gold is still too damn high
There's some accounts we intentionally want to put there though, like smurfs, etc. But agreed with the general sentiment. We are on a continuous battle to try and do a better job with seeding
/u/phroxz0n an account where placements may have been going awry
For those who are wondering here's my I'm a bad player, you dont need to point that out.
Thanks for the report on this. Will do some triage... Can you dm me the acc name of your friend? You should have been placed similar to them if things are working properly...
Just as a follow up, did the hotfix go out? It doesn’t seem to show up on the patch notes
It did yeah, we don't always patch note every bug hotfix. Balance hotfixes you should expect to be patchnoted consistently.