League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Originally posted by Kirchetorte

Haha, I know, right? Do you mean full petals or points till petal, because I know I got two full ones already and am gunning for a third!

Ah, ok, I gotcha. So that was more the narrative team’s work? What do you typically handle as a writer? Are you mostly doing copy work/legal stuff, or do you touch on some of the character stories/general lore?

Hey wow I just saw this and I'm bad at reddit.

I lead the creative copywriting team at Riot, so what we do is slightly different from narrative and also depends on campaign. So on a big, lore-heavy campaign, you see a lot of narrative work! Or like, for champion v/o and backstory.

For thematics, a lot of what you're seeing is copywriter stuff. We wrote the Odyssey cinematic, for example, and the PsyOps teaser, and made all the weird cryptic messages and missions for Dark Star Lux. We also do a lot of the champion teasers, all of the spotlights, etc. And, though sometimes I wish it weren't so, we write all the copy you see in our ever-increasingly-complicated client hubs (i like doing this but i can't keep the layout in my brain and need a producer to give me a visual guide).

It kinda just depends--the new Warriors animation was written by copy AND narrative together, and copywriters did the basic story ideation and outlines for the last two Worlds music vide...

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Super cool visualization, thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by Laure-Bulii-V




Originally posted by fumantari

''i don't believe in LGD and i will never believe in LGD''

that's means they're going number 1

Damnit you're probably right. -_-

06 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

Can someone explain the patriots vs the browns for the rest of the world ?

I'm not from NA but Patriots are the best team in american football and browns are really bad and have like 0-30 seasons


Day 1 of Worlds, one of the first 3 games. Probably PSG Talon.


Originally posted by Teakilla

how long till you can/have to cut the teamfighting from that?

Wanna see some bo5s against the lpl teams here. You can learn a lot about a player when you see multiple sides of the same matchup

05 Oct

Please contact Player Support, they should be able to help you out with this.


Originally posted by TSMbody

I really hope that as jobs get more technical and specialized, employers assess skills like spelling less and focus more on communication skills and job skills.

OP has some poor wording here and there but his explanations are solid and his point is communicated clearly while his technical skills are really good considering he’s only applying as an intern. It would be a shame for him to be overlooked for something like this.

Not saying Riot does since you clearly said they don’t but employers in general.

On a personal level I find it very sh*tty for non-native English speakers as well. Speaking several languages at a business-level proficiency should be rewarded, even if it means the occasional spelling/grammatical error.


Originally posted by jaehaneul

Reignover's salary was even higher

Source on that?


I've been waiting to cast Nuguri Kennen for months. I've been watching his pick and how he finds flanks in teamfights. His patience is his most valuable quality, he always waits until the absolute perfect moment to engage.

He is the best teamfighting toplaner in the world.


This is super cool. The kit is very well thought out and the art is phenomenal, great work! I'd love to see more from you.

Just for a fun thought experiment, my job is to literally give feedback on champions' gameplay throughout the entire creation process.

The first initial questions I would have for you would be: "What role(s) would you want this champion to play?" He currently seems very support favoured.

Second question would be: "CC is obviously very important for this character; would parts of the kit are 'sacred-cows' and what are you willing to give up?" He looks like he'll be incredibly tanky, so his damage will likely have to be low, but we can open up more room for him if we sacrifice some of his ability to lock opponents down.


Not all items' effects are currently unique, but most certainly will be once it's shipped to Live. We didn't implement it since it's more than just a click of a checkbox and items were constantly being iterated on; we playtested like they were unique because that is the only logical way these items can be balanced lol

Not sure if this is serious or bait 🤔 but funny nonetheless

04 Oct


Hey all!

This is something we're monitoring closely right now. We need to get a sense of which machete junglers are really struggling (some are very happy) to see if this needs a systemic solution or individual tuning.

Thanks for watching out for this kind of thing, that's what the PBE can help with! We will make sure your favorite junglers can still jungle.


Holy cow, this is very awesome. I cant stop watching the little GIF animations you did of the spells.

You definitely have a bright future making games!


Originally posted by blanketswithsmallpox

See tons of articles linked in /r/news on reddit. Half of them read like first draft garbage. The days of decent word editing are long gone.

Something I struggled with really early on in my career--and especially in school--was the ability to objectively read and edit my own writing. It made me feel absolutely sick to my stomach.

I've gotten better at it over the years, and I actually prefer the act of editing my pile of turds words over writing the first draft.

It's tough when you don't have fresh eyes to look at something, and I think that's often the case with digital media outside of major, reputable sources/platforms.


Originally posted by _yogurtsauce

Yeah they are. Typos and errors show that you don’t look over your work and don’t put effort in to fix it.

You wouldn’t submit a resume if it had common spelling errors would you?

It might not be the straw that breaks the camels back, but it could mean the difference between this candidate and another.

I mean, if someone sends a resume or cover letter that's completely riddled with typos or grammatical mistakes it's definitely not going to do well, especially if there's competition that doesn't have the same problems.

But if there's 1 or 2 typos it's definitely not a deal breaker.


Yes, please keep calling out bugs like these. We have to manually create 'unique' buffs like this so we're bound to miss some instances. Thank you.


Originally posted by ClavedeSolix

Looks good, but I'd proofread all the text! Spotted a few typos and it's not a good look if your application has them.

Typos aren't a deal breaker unless that role is a writer or editor. And even then, they happen sometimes.


Originally posted by [deleted]

