The Baddest skins could still be chromas of these ALL OUT ones.
The Baddest skins could still be chromas of these ALL OUT ones.
Yeah, i noticed that too but didnt want to bring attention to that incase rito will read that and change name in WR too :D
Video is 4 months old
We either already fixed this today (possible), or I can't reproduce the bug. I'm adding a sapphire crystal, tooltips suggests I get 8AD from it, and my AD gains 8 in the stats panel.
Thanks for reporting it!
Poro Cutlet :o
An acquired taste definitely
r/leagueoflegends I'll miss u the most! Thanks for being such an incredible community over the years!
You rocked for League, Joe. So many people won't know exactly how much. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Going to miss editing all the Riot Pls with you in it :(
r/leagueoflegends I'll miss u the most! Thanks for being such an incredible community over the years!
r/leagueoflegends I'll miss u the most! Thanks for being such an incredible community over the years!
Damnit JT, Im going to miss you and I know you will crush at whatever you do next. I also love how you are now embracing your reddit meme names. Thanks for always pushing me to do my best.
r/leagueoflegends I'll miss u the most! Thanks for being such an incredible community over the years!
logs off forever
Read moreHey wow I just saw this and I'm bad at reddit.
Haha, no worries! You’re plenty busy as is, I was content to wait for an answer to better understand your role, so thank you tons for this detailed explanation!
I lead the creative copywriting team at Riot, so what we do is slightly different from narrative and also depends on campaign. So on a big, lore-heavy campaign, you see a lot of narrative work! Or like, for champion v/o and backstory.
So I’m talking to the creative copywrite lead here? Wow, I’m flattered, I got a head honcho, haha!
For thematics, a lot of what you're seeing is copywriter stuff. We wrote the Odyssey cinematic, for example, and the PsyOps teaser, and made all the weird cryptic messages and missions for Dark Star Lux. We also do a lot of the champion teasers, all of the spotlights, etc. And, though sometimes I wish it weren't so, we write all the copy you see in our...
When we were in storyboards the Vi uppercut thing got me teary-eyed; will ALWAYS love that moment. And for writers there's no such thing as a head honcho; everything is super collaborative and feedback-driven and my input isn't any more important than anyone else's (which is good because i've been wrong a few times).
I think Swain was a narrative writer! GENERALLY speaking if it's raw canon it was likely narrative, whereas if it's a thematic (skins) it's copy. But not always. lol.
I can't spoil anything but I will say I'm excited for the future :)
We were involved in the Samira teaser, but the hero there is the gameplay capture artist--for a lot of gameplay-heavy stuff there is no writer but the person/people trying to capture the footage, or writers just give some feedback/thoughts on what they're already trying to accomplish.
Overall i think the thing to remember is Riot is very collaborative and everything you see is a BIG effort. Spirit Blossom t...
Read moretbh on paper it looks strong on sona soraka lulu lux rakan Morgana nami karma [alistar as joke]
maybe make it only that the support/person who buys this item gets the bonus damage and insteal od dealingndamage to the marked champ it heals for × + y max health (like font of life)
It's meant to fill an offensive niche, I think with healing it would be too similar to Moonstone Renewer
Does mandate work with sona e power chord, bard passive, and nami e?
I believe so, yes. Bard Passive is the one that I'm least sure about.
I think it already does, not 100% sure though.
Really good to hear this, while the ability to get more pen from a variety of places and even stack it if we choose is a great part of this rework, it’s undoubtedly highly noticeable that the tank items from a defensive perspective fall short, and it’s far to easy to get pen. Pretty much any character can cut through even a super tank with ease as things stand right now.
Yeah we like the choices, but we have some tactics planned to avoid such heavy stacking or effectiveness.
We're going to make changes soon.
Be advised people, the tuning of the items is extremely variable, but appreciate that feedback regardless :)
Jinx grenades used to light brush on fire. The fire would spread to other brush and champions. Was vry cool
This is the thread I wait for every year.