League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Originally posted by endstep

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


Originally posted by GreaterBelugaWhale

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


August is awesome, excited to keep working with him and delivering bad news about how his new champ(s) are OP.

Originally posted by IcePokeTwoSoon

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


Originally posted by RuthlessSlimeStaff

I'd imagine the player itself is more important than the mmr. Lb in the hands of an lb player is a nightmare in aram.

Yeah, that's the tricky part about balancing ARAM in particular. It's really hard to find the balance where assassin mains don't take over the game, but people who roll into the champion can still have fun playing them. In other modes we know that assassin players have opted into it, so that makes things a lot easier.

It's still an imperfect process and we're always trying to make it better!


Originally posted by Hephaestus20

/u/RiotKatana I rarely comment on these criticism threads and I am not one to shy away from spending money on League content, but I just want to voice a few specific points that are stopping me personally from buying this skin:

TL;DR: 1. Forcing the user to buy the bundle instead of a more flexibile pricing model 2. Marketing the skin as Ultimate, as opposed to just Quest 3. The base model does not look very good, so having the only other option being the Ultimate skin feels terrible from a player perspective 4. People already don't like her kit/the announcement, so some of the hate is probably spilling over

  1. Forcing the user to buy the entire bundle, as opposed to a pricing model similar to Star Guardian/Pajama Guardian or Cosmic/Dark Star Lux. I can justify spending $10-15 for one of these skins based on the splash arts I have seen so far, but $25 for 2 others that I probably won't use (as you said, people generally just stay w...

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I really appreciate how thoughtful this comment is, I'm definitely seeing some recurring themes you've captured really well here that we're thinking a lot about. The biggest thing that stands out to me in this list (and most of these threads) is the comparison to a bundle. Internally through development, it has felt like a lot more than a bundle to us but of course that doesn't matter nearly as much as how players actually feel about it.

We'll keep watching through PBE and see how everyone is feeling as more folks get to see and play as the champion and with the skin.


Originally posted by codester2124

wow super cool insights! i’ve been picking up Kha’zix more after playing against some really good ones and realizing he might be way more viable in ARAM than i had initially thought, so it’s cool to see that suspicion somewhat confirmed.

if you have a chance, is there any data you could provide on Akali? i’ve been scratching my head at her not receiving nerfs when she seems to consistently do so well in games i play with or against her, and the +18%/-15% dmg just feels insane in the hands of a good Akali player. would love to hear if she’s on the radar for nerfs in or or high elo and what the winrate discrepancies for her are between the two

Yeah, Akali came REALLY close to getting a nerf this patch. About as close as you could possibly get without hitting the line. She has a medium size high/low MMR split. She's pretty balanced in low MMR, but RIGHT up against the line of our definition of "OP" in high MMR.


Originally posted by Band_

Nah it’s based on winrates.
The problem is lower MMR games have bad LB players that are making her appear weaker than she is.

Hello! Leblanc actually has a very low split between low/high MMR - she wins 0.5% more games in high MMR than low. (The top 3 are Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, and Lulu, who all win >7% more games in high MMR)

That being said, we're trying a new framework to incorporate high elo statistics in ARAM, which resulted in the Ezreal, Nidalee, Nocturne, Ryze, Sona, Vayne, and Yorick changes this patch. We're always trying to improve our balancing strategy, and hopefully this iteration will make ARAM games at high ELO more balanced and enjoyable.


Hello! I'm Jag, and I'm a Game Designer on Champions Team.

Seraphine, League's Starry-Eyed Songstress, is taking the stage and will be available on PBE starting today! She'll officially launch to Live in two weeks, and the team is looking to collect feedback and fix any major bugs that are discovered by PBE players. If you stumble upon something strange related to Seraphine or her KDA skinline in your games, you can us know by leaving a comment in this thread. This can be anything ranging from strange SFX/VFX to incorrect ability behavior. As always, detailed information (e.g. bug repro steps or video clips) are very helpful at helping us fix issues before release.

Thank you!

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Originally posted by baseballlover723

rip no fix for the client thinking I'm a new player every time I open the client.

Hey, our team has been working on trying to solve this issue for a while now, we have introduced a couple of fixes over the last few weeks, and it did resolve the issue for a good amount of players from reviewing our support tickets, but some have reported that the issue is still occurring. It did not make the patch notes, but we are deploying one more fix in this patch, to help try and alleviate the issue.

This has been a pretty complex one for us to solve, and we are putting in metrics to determine how widespread this issue is for our global player base. Hopefully, this new fix yields positive results



Originally posted by bloodwolftico

Thanks for clarifying! A bit of feedback:

  • As far as Quest Skins go, and this being the first, I actually don't mind unlocking contenting this way, if it was just a regular skin (or even Legendary). But the fact this was supposed to be Ultimate make me feel kinda weird as a player, as past Ultimate skins have been "purchase once, get everything" kind of a deal. I can deal w this though, its not a big deal for me, just feels a bit out of place for the skin tier.

  • Expectations on Ultimate: as I mentioned on another thread, to me an Ultimate means I can do something cool in game, either passively (see Ezreal transform) or actively (pick a song in DJ Sona, pick a transformation in Lux). This is in addition to all the new cool things a Legendary would have (new voice over, new textures, new colors, new theme, new sounds, new VFX, etc).

  • GGMF: I wasn't as upset as other people when this came out, but I was a bit disappointed cause besides hav...

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These are great notes, especially the expectations on Ultimates - I totally get that this doesn't deliver the same fantasy as in game swaps. I am hoping that once seen and played on PBE players will feel like we've packed in a lot of value by keeping the swap out of game but it's super valid and we're definitely keeping an eye on this feeling.

We're excited about the stories we can tell using quest skins and will learn a lot from the first release and from feedback like this.


That's a ditto with a cowboy hat


Originally posted by SadSecurity

GGMF feel into the ultimate category, she checked all the boxes yet you had mass flame some deserved and some not.

The problem is how those boxes were checked. Her animations resembled base skin way too much and different forms were basically chromas. Some people also criticized the theme, design and VO.

This thread has a lot of good thoughts, and wanted to chime in on this line of thinking a little bit. Since Elementalist Lux I agree that expectations around Ultimates understandably ballooned and we've been trying to find more sustainable ways (see the original posting for more context on that) to deliver the best possible fantasies on a champion. While not for everyone, we know Ultimates are really special and important to many players. I agree the initial reception to GGMF was rocky, because of those expectations and for a lot of the reasons you mentioned.

With Seraphine, we really wanted to deliver more features than MF could by separating her forms out and giving the team a lot more space to work in for each of them. This also felt like it could be a strong direction because we typically see players gravitate toward one form and not actually swap very much (of course that's not everyone and I totally get that swapping in game is a big value add too). As a result, Sera...

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12 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kestrel21

What, do you mean to tell me Karthus the Deathsinger isn't a music champion? :O I am shocked! Shocked, I say!

Not that he expresses it in-game through anything except his ult, but still! :D

True, Karthus and Bard and kind of musical as well

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Originally posted by ReganDryke

I have played a ton of Seraphine internally, and I don't think she feels anything like Sona to actually play in game.

The problem isn't that she feels like Sona, the problem is that she occupy the exact same niche as Sona as a music theme enchanter, her spells are strikingly similar, serve about the same purpose.

She is exactly what a Sona rework would look like and god knows that Sona need something else than cheese strat to be relevant.

Being skillshot dependant doesn't matter, Riot has a long history of reworking p&c/autotargeted ability into skill shot to allocate more power to it.

The real question you need to ask is: In which scenario should I pick Sona instead of Seraphine if both are available?

I would pick Serphine if I was playing midlane and Sona id I was playing support. Don't get me wrong I think Serpahine will be playable support, but I think she will be primarily a mid lane mage, which is different then a enchanter. Mid Sera plays like a wombocombo AoE ranged damage mage, which feels pretty different then Sona imo

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Originally posted by hjonk-

This is not the time to show your face as a Rioter.

I don't mind actually, I have pretty thick skin. I love Seraphine as well, she is super fun to play in game :)

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Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

What about complete overlap of thematic?

I mean its our 2nd music champ. We have like 20 Champs with swords, 2 samurais now, several fire mages. I think its ok for champs to have thematic overlap as long as the champs feel different enough from each other. Music is a huge theme, and we could probably make another champ with a music theme and it could still feel different from both Sona and Sera. For Sona she is hitting the music aura theme. She is playing music and its effecting the allies around her. For Sera we went with a more rhythmic music theme, where you are casting spells and every 4th spell echos, kind of like how music is made on 4s.

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Originally posted by bz6

All I see is just a Sona 2.0 with a little extra. Mid mages have been very lack luster tbh been the same thematic (neeko, sera) for a while. Maybe it's time for a male mage?


I think people should try her out before judging to much from a ability breakdown video. Many people had similar reactions to Lillia, Yone and Samira but once you play those champs in game they feel very unique and different. I have played plenty of Sona, and also I have played a ton of Seraphine internally, and I don't think she feels anything like Sona to actually play in game. For one, she is a VERY skillshot reliant champ which feels way different then Sona. The big reason she feels unique though is her music passive which makes each 3rd spell you cast, cast twice. This leads to having to think about which order you use your spells in to get different effects, and gets you into like a musical 1, 2, 3 and 4 rhythm when you play her that feels really different then any other champ. Idk, that's just my thoughts playing her of course, I think you should try her out for yourself before jumping on the Sona 2.0 train though.

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Originally posted by RayFrost

u/Reav3 how do you guys pretend to balance her around mid if the players will probably play with her just as a support?

We believe she will be played support as well as mid, and we are ok with that. Her ratios will make her more the viable in mid, and since all her damaging abilities are skill shots it should be pretty reasonable to tune. There are other examples of champions that are tuned to be viable in both mid and support (Lux/Morgana for example)