League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Oct


Originally posted by Excaliburrover

Wait, I will write it here. Next year apply for the LEC broadcast. We need you too!

TL paying more than LEC


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

Why can't we have a practice tool "queue" in PBE? So basically your game can only start when there's an empty slot (and say you have 100 slots). I wouldn't mind waiting 15 minutes for a slot if I could test the few interactions or bugs I want to.

That would be unique tech for pbe. There are no dedicated engineers for PBE, so we'd need to write some kind of proposal that asks for a budget to make that. We don't currently have a use for that kind of queue on Live though, so it's a very hard sell. With PBE being just a testing environment for Live, generally we try to keep parity between PBE and alive, and trying to make something custom just for PBE doesn't have a strong return on investment when we're talking about new unique features. The PBE Draft mode without bans is about as fancy as we've gotten as far as unique modes goes.


Originally posted by RiotQuickshot

Ender absolutely smurfed the casting today. Dude has such a good read on the game and the teams, literally all the prep and research he did and guided me through became relevant today. So stoked to be casting groups with him.

ok boomer


Originally posted by Iperovic

I could be wrong but I assume casters have multiple screens while we only see the observer one?

Usually we do, but for worlds because of the situation we only get the observer feed and aren't in client


Originally posted by Skykeep

WeirdChamp is the pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural...

good meme sir


Originally posted by PurpleProject22

He reacted to it faster than Doublelift lmfao

LMFAO to be fair tho I have wall hacks


Originally posted by Pavlo100

Enders ability to see stuff that is happening outside the screen is insane

EDIT: Ender confirmed further down that they see the same thing as the viewers do, which makes it even more impressive

Usually we do, but for worlds because of the situation we only get the observer feed and aren't in client

Ender absolutely smurfed the casting today. Dude has such a good read on the game and the teams, literally all the prep and research he did and guided me through became relevant today. So stoked to be casting groups with him.


Originally posted by Agys

Imagine giving FNC Eve Lucian

Tbh that Lucian had no impact, he was just there farming... Eve was MVP tho


Originally posted by AigisAegis

Black Philip, Black Philip, king of sky and land...

... Black Phillip, Black Phillip, King of sea and sand!


Originally posted by Hobmot

Flyquest still looked better than Phreak's beard.



Originally posted by Porosite

I can share some knowledge around this. For context I'm a release manager. We're the ones that manage the patches, including doing PBE maintenance on the weekdays to get the new builds out, and have a hand in handling the queues. I'm not the one running 10.21 on PBE right now, I'm currently managing 10.20 on Live.

I guess first, I'll be clear on where we get the most value from PBE. Our highest priority queue is SR Draft because it gives multitudes more data than any other queue. We have robust internal and external partner testing that works great for testing individual new items, champs, mechanic changes, etc. but given the complexity of the game, there is a ton of value from just having 10 random champs play in a random way. Stability of the game is of critical priority, and having thousands of players play with different combinations of content is way more efficient at finding those 1% game crashes than we our with dedicated testers. 1% will rarely happen with ...

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You know I always think I'm just gonna write a few sentences to respond.


I can share some knowledge around this. For context I'm a release manager. We're the ones that manage the patches, including doing PBE maintenance on the weekdays to get the new builds out, and have a hand in handling the queues. I'm not the one running 10.21 on PBE right now, I'm currently managing 10.20 on Live.

I guess first, I'll be clear on where we get the most value from PBE. Our highest priority queue is SR Draft because it gives multitudes more data than any other queue. We have robust internal and external partner testing that works great for testing individual new items, champs, mechanic changes, etc. but given the complexity of the game, there is a ton of value from just having 10 random champs play in a random way. Stability of the game is of critical priority, and having thousands of players play with different combinations of content is way more efficient at finding those 1% game crashes than we our with dedicated testers. 1% will rarely happen with ...

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Originally posted by derbyt

You missed the best part! The names!
Or at least one of the names. Moonstone Renewer becomes the Moonstone Masterblaster. I don't know why I find that name hilarious.

to be clear this is a temp name, but moonstone masterblaster is the greatest temp name I have ever suggested


Nice collection!

Two things y'all should know:

1) The items will have different names than the upgraded items (tooltipping tech had some bugs but we'll get there)

2) We're gonna monitor Ornn and consider adding power elsewhere if we see this is a big power down (it likely is) Maybe something to do with gaining power as he upgrades other mythics or something? Nothing is locked here, and might not happen at all. If you have any fun ideas feel free to let me know!


Originally posted by karlosbassett

Quickshot you little beauty! Keep up the hard work! It’ll be the castors and players being done for attempted murder. I merely planted the seed

Bruh I'm casting this game... I can't have this on my record


Originally posted by NerrionEU

Doinb looks like a huge streamer that decided to go pro randomly, there are so many hilarious clips of him.

Uh, isn't that basically his actual origin story?


Originally posted by karlosbassett

Take a shot every time doublelift gets a gank, take 2 shots every time hyli ints, take a shot every time bwipo goes in without backup, Take 2 shots every time they target ban Bjerg, Take 3 shots every time the castors talk about Bjergs zilean

Actually just head to the hospital now and start drinking in the waiting room because you’ll end up there anyway with alcohol poisoning

Are you trying to kill this man?

02 Oct


Originally posted by bz6

Fair. I am not a big fan of ominvamp. I feel it streamlines decision making. But I might be wrong.

On a positive note though boss, I like the fact the jg item disappears but I just feel over the years with timers and shit the role is just a shadow of its former self. Make invading great again

We were testing some fun stuff around stealing enemy buffs for extra power and whatnot. Nothing great came out from that but invades is still a space we're looking into.


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Please add Tooth back to the Jungle item, it feels so bad being forced on to Nail. I don't care that it says "Tooth and Nail" because it's lying.

So theres a secret mechanic where your autoattacks apply a tick of the burn. That being said we're still looking into clearspeeds, especially for machete junglers.