League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Originally posted by RiftHunter4

There's damage creep and even worse: it's very uneven. Some items got damage boosts and others got very little.

So far, the ADC Mythics feel more like nerfs. Immortal Shieldbow seems to be the preference so far with Kraken Slayer feeling too slow and Galeforce being worthless. Trinity Force seems like a better pick than Galeforce, especially with the crit nerf.

There's also issues with some of the mechanics. Duskblade now grants invisibility without a cool down. This let's Pyke makes multiple kills without being targeted. We also found that there isn't a cap for Armor Pen.

Also, Essence Reaver's Mana return is gone, meaning that ADC's are usually mana starved now. For some of them, this doesn't mean much, but ADC's that rely a bit more on their abilities, it forces them to take Mana flow Band and still be low on mana most of the game. It's a significant decrease in damage.

There's absolutely a cap on % armor pen, but it's not communicated very well right now. All % pen items are part of the Unique Group "last whisper". You can only own 1 item at a time from a Unique Group.


Originally posted by bensimmonsismydaddy

Having to memorize a conversion chart seems like a worthless 'knowledge reward'.

I agree which is why I said I don't personally like it. I honestly don't think the knowledge reward thing should even be a serious consideration for or against a stat change like this because the impact of changing what items can or can't allow champions to do is so much more important it's like comparing the ocean to a drop of water. But as long as we're asking the question of "does this impact the skill test of cooldown tracking" (which again is not a worthwhile question to ask IMO because there's no world where the answer should impact whether we make the change or not), my take is this makes it harder and therefore more of a test, rather than easier and therefore less of a test.


Originally posted by LegendaryHooman

So the cap is 100...

I think it's possible to get more than 100. I haven't looked at full builds yet.


Originally posted by Toxic_Don

Can anyone give some suggestions for what to lock-in? I'm not familiar with the teams.

This is the best thing about pick'em!

No one knows anything

The best picks are the ones that seem fun to you, because in the end we are all praying to RNGesus.

Oh, and also TSM :D


Originally posted by Straiteis

No idea for Group C, I'm just gonna leave it in the order I was given when I first logged in

EDIT: Perfect :)

RNGesus take the wheel


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

LGD’s group is giving me a heart attack. I’m totally and absolutely at the mercy of Lady Luck.

Wait, isn't this the easiest group? This is the TSM group.



Originally posted by Rindr0

time to get drunk i guess

  • Step 1: play lee sin
  • Step 2: become lee sin
  • Step 3: click buttons on the page blindly
  • Step 4: ???
  • Step 5: lose every pick

Not entirely the same thing, but you can watch challenger games by going to the Ranked tab, filtering by challenger ladder, and clicking on the players with the "Spectator Eye" next to them. This symbol indicates they are in a game and can be spectated.


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

This way of thinking makes perfect sense for one’s own itemization.

But what about when it comes to identifying an enemy’s cooldowns? I can press tab, see their items, and know how much AH they have. But in order to know how long my window is to abuse Zed after he uses his W? Now I’m having to divide by decimal numbers, and even for a mathematician, that’s significantly more difficult than multiplying by 0.1/0.2/etc.

The enemy’s high-impact ultimate has a base cooldown of 40s. He has 35 ability haste. What’s his new cooldown? There’s certainly no way to find the answer with a simple “mouse-over,” as has been suggested when considering one’s own cooldowns.

The argument that AH is aligned with how AS works misses the mark. An auto attack is by nature lower impact than an ability. There is never a reason to know or care about an enemy’s attack speed—the only one who might care is that enemy himself. Plus, this type of scaling makes excellen...

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If anything I think it becomes a shade more knowledge-rewarding because of needing to know those conversions. You gave 35 as an example; because of the Karma E case I did above, I know that's about 25% CDR, and from there I can do the cooldown tracking math of Zed W like you mentioned.

I don't personally like that as a skill test, mind you, but I think it does count if we're trying to figure out if Haste adds a skill test or removes one.


Originally posted by Gfdbobthe3

That sounds like good feedback to give on the PBE reddit.

30 Sep


My personal take is one of the subtle hurdles with switching from CDR to Haste will be that even though you want them for similar reasons, the way you think about them in your builds is pretty significantly different.

For a decade, we've thought about CDR in terms of a cap. If you care about cooldowns, 40% CDR is a clear target you really want to hit, but once you do, you don't want more. It also makes tradeoffs between items clearer, in terms of "I can't get all these items because then I'm overcapped, which ones will I take?" Crit is the other stat that works this way.

Now though, we'll think about Haste like Armor and MR. You can stack AR/MR infinitely, the literal exact number isn't monumentally important, and more is always better than less. I don't think most people think of Frozen Heart as "the 110-armor item versus 115 or 105", but rather as "the highest-armor item", "the AS-slow-aura item", "the armor item non-mana tanks feel sad about", or other qualitativ...

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Originally posted by Domasis

It seems to happen (at least for me) when I channel my recall with the shop open, purchase an item as soon as I land in the shop, and instantly close it.

In another case, it happened when I opened the shop really quickly to click an item (couldn't buy it because I wasn't in fountain), then closing the shop. Something is breaking on that level, but I'm not sure what.

Hello! I'm currently looking into this issue and was wondering if you happened to remember how you were closing the shop. We have a known issue where closing the shop by pressing "O" (opening up the scoreboard) results in being unable to cast spells, however, we haven't seen it totally lock a player out of being able to control where they path and move.

If you have any additional info that you think may prove helpful, would love to hear from you! :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by silly_red

How many teams are there around the client (both launcher and game program)? 🤔

The League Client interacts with many other products and services within Riot (e.g. authentication through riot client). When a player or support ticket comes in reporting an issue with the client, after triage, 50% of the time a downstream product or service is the root cause of the issue, its just that it appears in the client so players assume that's the problem. The game-settings issue roots from multiple folks and teams making changes within that code that we do not own (for other projects in flight). I am working internally to determine a way we can quickly identify issues, identify owners, and solve them.


Originally posted by Nihilyng

  • Server: EUW
  • Type of Bug: Client & In-Game
  • Description: League keeps thinking I'm a new player, putting me through the new player 'I agree' stuff, re-showing me the season/TFT/ranked info, and resetting my voice lobby preferences and summoner spells. It remembers my rune pages though, thankfully.
  • Video / Screenshot: None
  • Steps to reproduce: Er. Log in?
  • Expected result: Client remembers I am a returning player and keeps my settings the same as they were last time I was playing.
  • Observed result: It does not.
  • Reproduction rate: 1 in 3?
  • System specs: MSI B450M Mortar, 16GB 3200 DDR4, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, NVidia GeForce GTX 1080

Would you be able to DM me your LeagueClient.Logs?


Originally posted by RaphasRX

My Shop doesn't have descriptions or names, it's either blank or something like "Item_6677_Tooltip". The items are like this.

Yep this is known, thanks for the report!


Originally posted by Catman_PBE

I love the new shop. I'm still trying to get used to the layout, but one thing that has sorely stood out to me so far is the search function. Right now when you search for an item, that search will remain there. If you open the search bar again, it still has whatever you had previously typed in for the search. I personally find this incredibly disruptive and I hate that I have to manually delete what I had previously typed.

It would be really nice if it could either:

A. Clear the search bar every time you open it.

B. Have an alternate key-press (such as right-clicking) to open and clear the search bar.

C. Have a clear button (such as a classic X cross icon) available, even without having the search bar directly open.

The search context will be cleared when you exit the search mode.


Originally posted by MangoTheKing

Hi, just have a quick question, when you say stat filters do you mean how the items are sorted on the live server? Or do you mean a bar at the top where you can click mana, and it shows all the mana items? So far the update is looking great.

P.S. Do you want bug reports in this thread, or do you want bug reports to have their own thread?

Stat filters will allow you to say: "Show me all the items that provide mana"

Bug reports are fine here.


Originally posted by Night25th

Just read the post before commenting lol

I mean, it's in this very post

Oh, if they said that then nevermind. Do you have the context of where they stated that?



Originally posted by samudebug

I don't know if it's just me, but the build recipe for the items have an offset to the right

Not you, its a scaling bug with the new shop.


Originally posted by krazanas

I didn't really like that last searched item was still in search bar after reopening the shop.

This is fixed.