League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Oct


Originally posted by MiraHighness

I've played two games, and I think they're amazing — I'm only surprised with the ADC bot taking (summoner spell) Heal while the Enchanters take Ignite or Exhaust, while building heal & shield power items. I personally think it should be the other way around.

I haven't seen the jungler bot gank in my games yet.

I understand they're Intro bots, but I also find it strange how they gather one for one at the drake objective (ADC standing there alone for quite some time, leaving them too vulnerable).

I've played with bots since 2011, I'm happy they finally get worked on. Thank you for this update.

Hello! Can you try the bots again and see if anything feels differently?


Originally posted by ItsEvgen

Played a few games of new bots, and I'd like to give my portion of feedback regarding that.


  • Can't use Flash to attempt for escape or maybe even not using spells in general

  • Doesn't seem like trying to avoid global ults (like Pantheon R) and even when I use for example Ezreal ult just in front of bots they aren't attempting to run from it

  • Once one bot didn't care at all when Nexus Turrets were under attack and was keep farming near second lane turret (GameID: 4460030945)

Lux Bot:

  • Not using second E cast

  • Trying to damage with W (casting it together with E)

Tristana Bot:

  • Seems like playing too aggressive sometimes for Intro bot

[This post will be updated whenever I have something to add]

Hello! Can you try the bots again and see if anything feels differently?


Originally posted by TropoMJ

I've left some feedback on other comments but just wanted to say this was a fun test. The bots actually having a jungler is such a win for the quality of bots, and the laners actually went to reasonable lanes and bought fairly sane items (Crown rush Lux support?), which is also a big improvement. It was honestly very fun seeing them try to take dragons and fighting them there - maybe it's just the novelty but I think that will be enjoyable and helpful for new players to see rather than just a non-stop laning phase until you win.

I was playing with my boyfriend and we both agreed that these were still extremely easy, but if this is the quality of intro bots then I'm looking forward to seeing the level that beginner and then intermediate bots will play at. Not in terms of "it'll be fun for them to be challenging" (although harder bots will be fun), but it just seems like there's so much room for massive gains in the new player experience with this quality level for bots.

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Hello! Can you try the bots again and see if anything feels differently?


Originally posted by SanicScoot

Much nicer than the previous bots overall. I like that they do objectives and seem to use their abilities more like an actual person (I actually have to be worried about getting hit by CC)

Also, will there be a dev article about this test? Digging through patch notes or trying to remember date from the previous article is a bit out of the way and I feel like a decent chunk of people will forget that there's even a test going on rn.

Some things I want to note:

I think the Bots should leash their Jungler, otherwise I can just walk up by myself to the Kha'zix bot on blue level 1 with little to no consequence

Counter Jungling is a bit wonky, the Kha'zix bot went to our side of the Jungle took some camps and then pathed behind our midlane tower and took a bunch of turret shots got executed

Maybe it was just the game I was in but the ganks were very telegraphed as in the bot walked over minion vision

Bots with CC skillshots (Morg Q, Ahri ...

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Hello! Can you try the bots again and see if anything feels differently?


Originally posted by mint-patty

Oh hell yeah, great work! Which is your favorite of the three, or if that’s too partisan of a question, what are some fun debates held in-office arguing the different options?

The meeting where we made the calls on which concepts we would present for voting was pretty tame, but there have since been some heated debates around what exactly the Eerie Invitation is inviting you to and what yordle bagpipes sound like


Originally posted by Caenen_

Certain spells are having their affects flags changed, completely changing their functionality. Vex R is one such example, since 13.19 the missile only hits enemy champions rather than minions and monster as well.

Changing the affects flags of spells for the Bot's implicit understanding of what can be targeted only works if it uses a composite implementation (wrapper + missile spell) where the cast targeting of a location-targeted wrapper doesnt really care for what units it's set to affect, but a spell that also spawns the missile itself WILL make the missile respect those affects flags.

Are you aware of these types of changes? (Especially since a seizable batch launched right into Worlds patch, 13.19)

Thank you for flagging! This is a bug and we will fix it within the week. We will continue to do our own sweeps, but please let us know if you find any other bugs. :)

01 Oct


I can’t speak for anyone else but my first thought is, “ok let’s make Baron and staff of flowing water do something when you receive the buff. What’s a number that feels good but won’t make this clearly an AP champ?”

But then that usually has to be lower because of Sylas.

I do like the idea of specifying a bespoke AP ratio to each one, though.


Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

Can we please get a list of what is considered light,mid and heavy(I presume) fighters? Just to have a general idea.

Very broadly and not official:

No dashes at all? Probably heavy (Mordekaiser, Darius, Mundo). Items like Dead Man's Plate and Jak'Sho make sense for them. "Juggernaut" tends to apply here.

A button that makes you immune to damage for a short time? Probably light.

Neither of those? Probably medium.

Of course there are more than enough exceptions to make this not really apply. Red Kayn actually has Skirmisher/Light tools but clearly builds midsized and honestly should. But it's a decent starting framework.


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

I'm very curious as to where you think Kled fits into this

Kled's weird. And as far as I can tell, Kled players like that he's weird.


Originally posted by Conscious-Scale-587

According to lolalytics the highest onetrick WRs(who I assume are executing every champ as close to perfection as you possibly can) are lee sin, Ezreal, akali, aatrox and thresh in each of their respective roles, funnily enough the only champs where mastery doesn’t seem to matter at all and who still have a wr close to 50% or lower when onetricked are Leona Morgana and corki

Leona Morgana and corki

Ahh yes, the perfect champions

30 Sep


The team is working on a solution

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by lotsofpasta12

Resign and I will

You got it boss

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Arctic_Daniand

Does it matter tho? Don't the pros outweight the cons of not increasing engagement? Cleaned up code to work with, easier to make skins for, better looking skins in the future to sell, etc.

Obviously it doesn’t, that’s why we still do them


Originally posted by benwithvees

I’m surprised I don’t see more people asking August to stay way from any champs in general


29 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ensospag

Is it theoretically possible for an unpopular champion to get an ASU?

Not that you have any of them planned right now or anything, just curious to know if the idea is on the table or if ASUs are strictly directed at popular champions.

Obviously a lot of older champions tend to have clunky kits that could use a full VGU, so I imagine that also plays a factor.

Totally. We are currently rethinking our strategy around ASU/VUs, and popularity might take a less prominent role in selection going forward (But will still be a factor, but maybe a less important factor)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dawnbringer_Fortune

Thanks for answering! But reave that was 8 years ago and it will be 9 next year. She has the same voicelines, same animations 😭 she still feels outdated.

I didnt say she didnt need one. I said thier are champions that need one more.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bubblegumss

If I may, a good candidate for a CGU is Morgana.

Her kit dates to 2009, but she's a pretty modern champion. C'mon, small healing as a passive, her W being so easy to simply walk-away, her shield being strong but not so "useful" and her ultimate making people just walk away from her and stopping completely... Girl has room for improvement.

Morgana is one of the most popular supports in the game. She's simple but that necessarily bad. I don't see us doing a CGU on her anytime soon

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Originally posted by Utterly_Mad

Its really tricky, because whatever move Riot does, they would be gigantic criticized, even if it's a champ like Illaoi. Even old Asol that wasn't really played had a lot of criticize. I would love to see Illaoi reworked, she has potential, but her kit is really problematic, it's one of the worst champions to play against in the whole game.

Totally, but its a pretty big difference in how many players it disrupts if the Champion has a much smaller player base. Illoai still has a MUCH larger playerbase then pre-CGU Asol, who was the least popular champ in the game in some patches (Him and Skarner swapped depending on the patch)