League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Originally posted by DisastrousZone

Vibrating crocs that tell Jojo what stockfish thinks of the game state.

Now THIS is a fresh meme sheeeeeeesh.


Originally posted by 55redditor55

/u/Auberaun does loser’s queue exist?



Originally posted by VelocityWings12

Will they be based on map as well? PoM is a lot more important in ARAM than in SR, for example, and it would be nice if the recs adjusted for that as well

It will take mode into account, but I can't guarantee that it will give you a particular runeset.


Originally posted by _Fridod_

how do you plan to get rid of smurfing?

I wouldn't call it a specific plan, but if we were to dig deep here the starting point would be to understand why folks choose to smurf, see what motivations we're able to solve for, solve for those, and then try to defend against some of the more nefarious ones.

Examples of some smurfing motivations I think we could tackle reasonably well:

  • I want to learn how to play a new champion or role but not tank my rank or be likely to get stomped in a game
  • I want to play some chill anonymous game where no one sees I'm online
  • My LP gains are awful and I think I need to make a new account to climb
  • I want to play matches with my friends seem more fair or that they'll have a better time in

Ones we will probably never want to support

  • I want to stomp on players significantly worse than me
  • I want to anonymously be a terrible human being

Originally posted by AbnormalConstruct

Why does Riot believe league shouldn’t have a team voice coms for ranked, when the often cited problems of such are reflected in Valorant and yet dealt with?

Our stance hasn't really changed from this. I'd challenge the idea that the problems are "dealt with" to the extent that voice chat exists consequence-free in Valorant, not too dissimilar from League's state of continuously investing in dealing with negative chat.

Not to say that things are set in stone and we'd never do it, but the landscape hasn't changed meaningfully since our last statement here.


Originally posted by FearTHEReaper01

Will anonymity also be during the game? I feel like this would be a really great addition for streamers as well if theyre able to hide their games while it is playing.

No plans for that right now. Something being loosely talked about since you do see it in Wild Rift Legendary Queue and there's folks who have asked for it, so I personally think there's some merit (IMO off the cuff take is that this should be optional), but no one has started work on investigating the space thoroughly yet.

30 Sep


Originally posted by thorpie88

Yep totally get your point. Just would be nice to her a bit more history on unique picks in general.

Unfortunately we have so little time we rarely get to dive deep into niche topics, and it's always a debate what content to put on air. I wish we could spend more time on all our segments but games always come first


Originally posted by thorpie88

Quikshot talking about the history of Zac mid yesterday and then just ignoring the same with Zilean top blows. Give the LCO some f**king credit

There's a difference between world first and something we've seen in champs queue and competitive. I hear your point, but it wasn't as surprising and it lost. So it wasn't the right call to reference the history of it in this context.


Originally posted by Sendme_Ojeda_Nudes

As long as recommendations are based on %winrate and playrate and not outdated...

Like PoM is a must pick in 90% of mana champs

Recommendations will be updated daily so don't worry about using outdated recs!

Edit: Sorry guys just updating, this is not actually accurate. Rune/ability upgrades will still be lagged a patch, but we're working on a solution to get them updating more regularly. For now, though, it shouldn't have much impact and will prevent anomalous recommendations. It will likely take some time for the meta to sort out after a new patch as well, and we can do some manual adjustments if necessary.


Originally posted by Sam095

We're day 2 of worlds and quickshot hasn't shut the f**k up about EUvNA. We aren't allowed to region bait but he gets paid to. real cool

Get him the f**k off the stage we all lose to the east in the end



Originally posted by Vesti

How are you all addressing rampant bots in ranked queue?

Like this


Originally posted by Serious_Historian578

The ideal system would be that you queue up a champion and a role and load directly into game from the launcher. Is that ever going to happen?



Originally posted by legatlegionis

The champion select anonimity is very bad for low ELO with the INSANE amount of bots that you have there. Honestly if you make it even harder to not play with bots, I might just abandon the game. I am already play less and if I can't know if the yuumi, taric, zilean, zoraka or janna is a real human behind the account then I might not play ever again.

I don't get why you focus so much on so many non problems. Sure there are dicks in champion select that will lookup teammates to talk trash but this is like 1% of matches in bottom ELO, on the other hand you have bots every third game.

It always feels that you target expression of anger instead of the issues of why people get so frustrated playing your game

See this response, we're absolutely taking increased action immediately on bots, it's a problem and it's not okay.


Originally posted by kdubs248

How do you plan on curbing the high-elo betting issue that has been running rampant on tyler1s stream for months now?


Originally posted by Tywacole

Hello! Is there any chance to have a permanent fast paced mode where you can chose you champion? When URF or ultimate spellbook are available I'm literally spamming them.

I like playing ranked, but on some champs I'd just like a quicker / easier difficulty version of league.

think it would be pretty great but not sure of plans around anything like that, my team doesn't make modes


Originally posted by DelugeofDelusion

Hey there, thanks for answering questions! Will we have the option to disable the loadout recommendations?

Fully optional, yes, you'll still be able to edit runes like you can today.


Originally posted by youngzhangbang

If someone is playing like a wintrader and banned as a "false positive", they should have been banned anyways for griefing, why are they in the elo where they are and still playing so bad that they trigger the wintrade (auto) ban?

That's not what's happening, it's someone having a bad game (or multiple, that happens too), and then being reported as a wintrader.

There are blurry lines between bad games/"soft inting" etc.

We're pretty far from ideal now when you can watch people run into turrets repeatedly - that's not okay and we're working to improve that.


Originally posted by Huzzl3

That's such a bad argument lol, even in perfectly balanced matchups with 10 people on main role with identical MMR after 100 total games you would probably see stomps.
Nobody plays at the same exact skill level, some games people overperform, others they underperform; that's just natural variance. x10 that and you end up with some games being stomps.

You would definitely see stomps! Even matchmaking doesn't equal close games. There are tons of things that affect how close an individual game might be from things like early invades, snowballiness of the meta and champs chosen, how tired players are, etc.


Originally posted by TheTruexy

Would you rather fight 1 sett sized teemo or 100 teemo sized setts?

wtf im 100% dead either way, sett sized teemo is probably faster though


Originally posted by potatorunner

Ok I’ll ask (and probably get ignored because this is a touchy issue). in my elo bracket there are known accounts that massively decrease game integrity. Honestly they could be any one of the following 1) are boosted 2) win trading 3) acc share 4) known griefers. Dodging these lobbies is my only defense against playing out these low quality games. Why take that away? These players are not punished because usually it’s a non detectable soft disruption of the game that the system can’t pick up.

On top of that, certain players have beef with other players where they just grief each other on sight. Idk, also the fact that matchmaking is optimized for things like engagement and retention and purposefully gives you manipulated lobbies to manage your rank and prevent climbing. I will admit that if there was one singular way to eliminate dodging except for champion select hostage situations this would be it but this just means I have to play more lower quality games over all which...

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We're about to trial a form of manual moderation in high MMR in NA to tackle some of those issues, if it goes well it would ideally be extensible worldwide. We want to weed out folks sharing accounts and griefing games.

Let's talk about wintrading/betting/etc. in particular for a second: It's a real issue and we've dug in, accounts have very recently been banned for this and that will keep happening as we confirm cases. It's not okay. At the same time, not everyone having a bad game or not communicating is win trading and we've already run into some false positives when going through reports, so I do want to highlight that there are real consequences to being overzealous here.

fact that matchmaking is optimized for things like engagement and retention and purposefully gives you manipulated lobbies to manage your rank and prevent climbing

I'll state that matchmaking optimizes for fair matches and low queue times, full stop....

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