League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Oct


Originally posted by OneMostSerene

I am so excited for the expanded ping wheels. I am particularly stoked for the "bait" ping. That will be really really helpful for junglers who want their laners to bait the enemy into overstepping, instead of laners running at the enemy (who then just back up into turret) and then spam ping the jungler "why did you just stand there".

Like bro, You have lane prio already, me walking into the lane will literally do no help.



Originally posted by Echoesong

I got a giggle out of the fact that under the section they talk about using 'optimized data' for jungle clears... they use jungle Sivir

You're sleeping on jungle Sivir, she's the edgiest of all junglers


Originally posted by w1se_w0lf

So never

Should be preseason barring any major setbacks.


Personally, as a non-jungle main but a player familiar with high level jungling, I believe the things being changed here aren’t going to make the role less skillful, but rather improve some of the “out of game studying” and/or “chore management” aspects of the game that are largely inaccessible.

In the end, as others have mentioned, improving jungle accessibility is high priority. In seasons 1-3 before anyone had the game optimized, jungle was more popular since the barrier to entry was lower. Now that some of these “invisible/unintuitive” things are optimized by jungle veterans, newer players to the jungle are effectively gatekept and turned-away. I don’t believe that highly engaged junglers still can’t find MANY things to optimize in their gameplay after these adjustments.


Originally posted by Moggy_

Also can you expand the emote wheel along with the ping wheel? I got too many emotes for too few slots.

Planned work, just not for initial preseason.


Originally posted by therealbarbagianni

Summary for all ADC mains:

  • 0 new items
  • xp duo nerf

Have a nice season 13

We have some potential work done for marksmen, just came in too late to make this post. May be pre-season or slightly after.


Originally posted by Echoesong

I got a giggle out of the fact that under the section they talk about using 'optimized data' for jungle clears... they use jungle Sivir

The true goal of the midscope


Originally posted by Riot_Riru

This is clearly a typo but at this point im going to pitch this to the dev team

Ship it


Originally posted by kaz-amars

If it was an easy fix they would have done it by now. Top lane would need a complete top to bottom rework that also doesn't make it so that bot doesn't just swap to top.

There are million things that can go wrong with even the slightest change to the lane. Not to mention there are plenty of psychopaths that enjoy it the way it is that will be very upset if it ever gets changed.

Basically this yeah. We're still investigating, but no promises. The other issue being that there's a polarized audience, one group loves 1 v 1 want to win by themselves, another group wants more interaction with the rest of the map. Typically mutually exclusive.


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack is enhanced with an additional 100% base AoE physical damage and creates a frost field for 2.5 seconds. Enemies that move across the field are slowed by 15% + 0.003% of your maximum health. Your primate target is slowed for double the amount and has their damage against you reduced by 10% for 2.5 seconds (1.5 second cooldown).

Finally, Iceborn Gauntlet is the wukong counter we've been needing.

This is clearly a typo but at this point im going to pitch this to the dev team


Originally posted by Royal-Derpness

Saigon Buffalos actually engages on a 5 man sleep from Lillia ult. This is a subtle nod that they are not TSM and also not from NA.

All I could think of during that play but no way it’s correct to flame TSM mid-fight.


Originally posted by Laure-Bulii-V

The lady says thank you :)

Good job lady.


Originally posted by NUFC9RW

Really random Deft flame, like what does he have against Alpacas?

I was so bummed by that line haha, I tagged in last second to give dash a break before another hosting day tomorrow and wasn't fully briefing myself on the written lines.

02 Oct


Good game for the fellow "Naut dying" gamers


Originally posted by burger_eater68

I heavily agree with this. People here talking about how Aatrox ignores blind as if that's Teemo's only way to win. Swifties + W makes it easy to dodge any skillshot, which is a majority of Aatrox's damage. Most people are just tunnel visioning on the blind.

Except that Teemo’s auto range is Aatrox’s Q range. So either guess where it’s going literally every time or take 500 damage from QQE with the chance of WQ3


Teemo Aatrox is unplayable. Anyone who plays Teemo should instantly know any spell-based champion f*cks him. Anyone with innate dashes tends to f*ck him. How ADD though that it would be a good matchup is beyond me. That sh*t is unplayable.

01 Oct


Originally posted by SirCampYourLane

"Don't need hands if you've got a mouth"- /u/PhreakRiot

This is a perfectly normal thing to say.