League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Dec


Originally posted by Sigmadelta8

As is stands, all of Hwei's E (Torment) spells do that same amount of damage despite some being far easier to hit than others. Would the team ever consider changing up the damage on the different spells? It seems strange to me that a more or less point and click EE does the same amount of damage as EQ which is far more difficult to land.
Of course the argument is that a fear is much more potent than a Displace and slow, but I'm curious if those numbers are set in stone or are subject (: torment) to change.

Loving the champion though, great work!

Currently we're happy with the choice of Torment spells being focused on their control outputs rather than their damage outputs. When their damage outputs vary, then you have to consider "This spell is the best for damage so when I maximize damage I should use this one." There's already a lot to think about when comboing, so simplifying it to "I need to hit multiple targets right now" or "I need to control this area" or "I need you to get off me" helps to clarify why one should be chosen over the others. With Hwei there's always a bit of a conflict between adding complexity for depth and keeping things simple to focus on execution perfection. This is an area we've chosen to lower complexity on in order to focus mastery on execution and use cases over damage optimization.


Originally posted by Churnsbutter

This is a question for Hwei, but also just for champ design specifically- how do you decide what skill goes on what button? It’s not max order because not all champs max Q -> W -> E. It’s not certain types of spells go in the same slot across champs (Morgana E is her shield, Karma E is her shield, but Lux has her shield on W and so do Seraphine and Sona). For Hwei especially, I would expect there to be some sort of deeper logic behind why his QE isn’t his QW for example. Thanks!

There's a lot of reasons to organize spell hotkey assignments that were considered.

One is familiarity, as you mentioned, making sure that buttons sit on champions of similar playstyles. For example, many champions have their line skillshot on Q, so we wanted Q to be his "line" spells. Some champions use W for shields, others use E for shields, so there wasn't a clear winner for that one other than enchanters preferring shields on E compared to mages.

That leads to the next consideration, which is mechanical feel. Generally you want to spam Q the most out of all of your abilities, so that was another reason to put his low cooldown damage spells on Q. It feels a little awkward to constantly spam Q + W or W + Q, so his wave clear and poke spells were put on Q and E so you can double tap or dance between them using your point and ring finger. Your middle finger is then used less frequently and with more intention, preventing too many "fat finger" inputs due to spamming...

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Originally posted by outoftheshowerahri

Buff to 333 move speed when?



Originally posted by NeoLexical

Did you see his emote ;D

What happens when you have fire and corn? :D


Originally posted by AobaSona

Did you know from that that Milio sounds exactly like "Milho" aka corn in portuguese? Not really an issue though, it's kinda cute.

Did you see his emote ;D


Originally posted by hole_in_tooth

Not a diss but his sound effects make me sleepy. Would prefer if they were crisper. Art doesn't need to sound like someone spilled a bucket of paint.

Hwei was an interesting challenge for SFX— while we wanted to highlight his paint being the main source of his magic, we also aimed to create a unique sound palette per spellbook, which would represent his different sub-themes (Disaster / Serenity / Torment). Disaster has distorted synthetic layers, serenity tonal / melodic elements, and torment with the screamy and resonant spooky layers. There was a lot of back and forth between "too much goop" and "not wet enough." Additionally, we wanted to make sure his kit felt different sonically than other existing skin thematics with overlap (such as Inkshadow).


Originally posted by AobaSona

What was the idea behind Hwei's basic appearance? He is obviously a bit more small and skinny than most male champions, but he's also visibly older than most of League's "pretty boys" like Ezreal or Aphelios.

Honestly, in the first couple of iterations on Hwei I asked art: “Doesn’t he look a bit too…hungry?”

Art: “When you are an artist, you dive into your work and forget to eat.”

What can I say to that besides okay XD?

More seriously, we do usually decide on an age range we are targeting for the champion’s SR rift appearance. Early 30s is what we were aiming for.


Originally posted by FeelPureLust

Can we have a hidden passive, where his pings become "On the Hwei"?

Where were you when we started development?


Originally posted by a_brick_canvas

Does the Dev team think he skews more like a control mage or artillery? I know that the suggested champs were more control, but after playing him, it really felt like his play pattern felt very artillery-like, where a large percentage of kills came from off-screen. Is that intended?

Internally, we nicknamed Hwei's mage class as a "versatillery mage" as a bit of a joke that he doesn't fit neatly into any category. That said, he functions both as a control mage and an artillery mage, but his reliability as either is lower relative to his more focused mage competitors. We didn't want Hwei to be a "jack of all trades, master of none" and make his tools weaker than competitors so we decided to focus his weakness on reliability of hitting spells or controlling areas over raw outputs being much lower to compensate his versatility.


Originally posted by Ten_Ketsu

It was a really good decision not to name him Hui, or he would get a much less pleasant nickname in most Slavic-language speaking countries

We go through a pretty rigorous vetting process in all languages we operate in, which sometimes means the space we have to work with is very narrow. We got back all kinds of ....er interesting meanings for some of the ideas we had TT^TT


Originally posted by shotare

Why is Hwei?

Everyone asks why is Hwei, but no one ever asks how is Hwei


Originally posted by DogbrainedGoat

Why did you do it?

You know why.


Originally posted by Xyrazk

I don't have any questions, but just wanted to say Hwei is one of the thematically coolest champions we've gotten! :)



Originally posted by MenAt

How is Hwei balanced to be played by lower skill players while keeping him not broken for the super good players? Or should he not be played by low skill players? I’m not very good at the game but still would like to play him some day…

Hwei is intended for all skill levels, not only for high level players. That said, getting good at Hwei likely means you're able to answer more problems in the game will help you climb.

A few places are intended to help new or low skill players, namely his spam spells (QQ, WW, EE) all being pretty good buttons. QQ is also the most generic damage spell on his kit and good for poking while not terrible for wave clear, EE being in a similar space. EW can also guarantee a QW hit, so if you aren't good at landing QW but your opponents don't position well then an EW can secure you kills. If there's one spell I think a new player who's scared of the champion's complexity should learn to use early, it's WE to manage your mana pool. Everything else comes with time.


Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

Any chance of a new tank support or a support filling a unique role like pyke and senna?

Roadmap incoming in the dev update coming at the beginning of the new year.


Originally posted by Jragon713

I always like seeing the test clips of old/scrapped spell ideas; anything like that for Hwei?

Not sure what we can share just any clips of old stuff, but there was this amazing and horrible bug where QE and R didn't have the "One passive proc per cast" rule yet and would insta-kill anyone caught in them together. In these old VFX explorations, QE was a blizzard spell.



Originally posted by OHydroxide

3) A goal pitch for a humanoid midlane male champion that isn’t blue. I’m serious: Asol, Veigar, Ryze, Vel’Koz, Malzahar..what is going on?

This is kinda funny since his release skin is extra blue. You guys couldn't resist?



Originally posted by RazorNemesis

What's the funniest bug Hwei produced during playtesting?

My fav was the one where he becomes bald every time he walks into a bush.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

For Emizery, can you share any cool scrapped Hwei spells tested in development and was it hard to make 10 different spells gel into a single kit

For any art folks, what were the art goals with Hwei and how did you guys determine his color palette, since Ionia doesnt really have any unifying colors among champs

For Riru, with Hwei having 10 different spells, shall I look for 10x more typos when he shows up in the patch notes

Answered the scrapped spells question in another reply!

Was it hard to make 10 spells gel into a single kit? Absolutely, it was an insane challenge. Every spell needs to be thematically obvious individually, thematically cohesive for its subject, mechanically cohesive for its subject, have a niche use case making it clear when to use it, have reasons not to use it, and on top of that Hwei is still a mage that can't have just any mechanic he wants. Additionally because he does comboing no spell should be a targeted spell - he needs to cast on the ground or cast a missile. This was why early on I pushed for the "Cast at Max Range" option to be added, which I hope will be improved in quality over time as well.