New World

New World Dev Tracker

06 Nov

    DaveNW on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue that caused critical hits to deal less damage than normal hits was the result of recent changes to the Resilient item perk. As part of this change, the perk included a cap to prevent it from reducing critical damage lower than the normal attack damage. However, we found that when combined with the 150 constitution attribute bonus, which also reduces critical hit damage, it was able to ignore this cap.

We have corrected this behavior and the fix will be available in a future update. Thank you for your report!

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, I’m reading through this long thread and there seems to still be some confusion around our official stance on addons.

To clarify, addons that read position only are considered okay at this time. Should our position on that change, we will post on the Official Notice, that Luxendra has been updating, 24 hours prior to taking action.

If the addon reads more than position, including pulling resource locations from the game or an external website, giving players an advantage that is not intended by the developers, it is a violation of our ToS and we will take action.

I hope this has cleared up the confusion.


Are you using an addon that pulls only your location? You are good at this time and no action will be taken. Keep watch on the official channel in case this position changes.

Are you using an addon that pulls more than your location? You need to stop immediat...

Read more

05 Nov

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can someone confirm that these invasion really happened? We believe the UI has not been updated correctly after the maintenance and is now causing some confusion. We are actively looking at the issue.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for these reports, will share with moderation. We are continuing to identify and remove botters on a daily basis. This will be an ongoing effort.


I’m not going to go through all the math because I would probably be fabulously wrong on some of the modifiers - but I can say resilience needs some further adjustment against crits and we’re not done with changes there.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hope folks can understand this behavior is very similar to how gold spammers behave.
Creating 10+ new characters, skipping the tutorial, and a host of other behaviors that don’t look like someone who plays will likely result in your being tracked as a potential botter/gold spammer.

I do understand there may be a very small amount of folks not doing this and you should submit an appeal and hopefully you can show you are an actual player on some server.

We won’t be able to help you solve this issue on the forums. We have escalated this potential issue to moderation and support.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

So if it doesn’t pull any more information than just that, then it’s fine from my understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

In regards to the New World Minimap, the base functionality, when we did the review, pulled the position of the player being controller on the client only. If it’s pulling more now, (if they are hooking it up to an outside site to get resource details), then it violates our TOS.

Edit: I’ve edited the original statement to clarify.



It appears you’ve found one of our orphaned items. we found the issue that was causing it to drop and fixed it in our main build, so thanks for letting us know!

Note that the item itself won’t be removed from your inventory, we just made it so it won’t drop.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, regarding the ban of Epicdemic, can confirm that the information I received is you were banned for botting. I apologize that you may be receiving mixed information from Customer Support, I am escalating these issues to the Moderation and Support teams. There seems to be some issues in the accuracy of the responses folks receive.
If you feel you were not botting, you will need to appeal and I recommend starting from a place of stating you were banned for botting but want to appeal. This should move you to the right agents.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime on three servers throughout the weekend for a short maintenance period.

Downtime is estimated to be 1 hour (~60 minutes) long.

Please find the start time for each world below:

World Region Downtime Start Time (In your local Timezone)
Kigal South America 2021-11-06T08:30:00Z
Laputa Australia 2021-11-07T21:00:00Z
Ganzir Central Europe 2021-11-09T04:00:00Z

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have noticed an issue where updates for vitals such as health and damage were not syncing to the client as quickly as they should be. We have corrected the issue. Now taking or dealing damage will behave as intended.

This does not require any downtime or client update.

See you in Aeternum!


Of course - it’s easy to find on Steam for those curious, so not a secret.

The potential issue here is being whitelisted by EAC - we have a choice to do that or not, so we COULD turn it off. And what we have to determine is whether a significant number of people would think this was an unfair advantage over them.

And yes, there are monitors that do simple reticles in the center of the frame, but it’s pretty easy to say those can’t be enhanced for a specific game, since they are in the firmware of the monitor and know nothing about the game they are running. If you were really dedicated I suppose you could just draw on your screen - I dont think we can disallow sharpies =).


It’s a good point, we should message that particular issue further. Will look into ways to do that (one of the intro tiles maybe). We’re very aware the forums audience is a small but really passionate group of people, as you say. On the other hand anything we say here tends to be amplified by that passionate group to other venues.


It’s definitely client. The server really knows nothing about textures for instance (which isn’t unusual). Somehow your clients are convinced they are either constrained (on load time, memory, availability of GPU resources) or they feel they are further away from objects than they actually are. Given some of the machines mentioned in the thread, it doesn’t make sense they would be constrained - so that’s likely the bug.


Thanks for asking. Can you show me the reticle app you are looking at? This is a tricky subject and some people in the audience might consider it an advantage. So the idea on this kind of thing is it’s easily available to everybody or it shouldn’t happen.

But again, thank you for thinking ahead and being open about it, I appreciate that.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, I’m not familiar with the backend to give an informed answer to this question. All I know is that it’s a difficult process to undertake and figure out.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Closing this topic as some of the comments on here violate our Code of Conduct. Please remember to be respectful of each other while participating on the Forums or in-game. Any update we provide about Family Sharing will be posted here: [Notice] Family Sharing Update

Thank you for your understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Understood. I’ve brought it up for investigation since it looks like there may be a few variants of this issue.