
Planetside Dev Tracker

22 May

21 May

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WhiteVorest

Also, if you do not have normal Halberd unlocked on MBT or Harraser, you cannot buy upgrades on SE version. At all.

That's fixed in the next update as well.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Confirmed, MBT Halberds are using Harasser gravity values. Will be fixed in the next update.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Fix for this is going to PTS soon.

20 May


Fixing art usually requires an artist to clean up and re-export individual pieces of in-game art. Sometimes it gets more technical with a shader being broken under certain conditions or just doesn't get used that much. That requires a graphics engineer to fix. We are focusing our efforts on issues that effect the most players and working down to ones that effect specific individuals.


Aye, the Cobalt/Indar zone process is having issues. We are looking into it. Miller/Amerish and Miller/Hossin have similar populations and are running great. Cobalt/Amerish is also running well.


No love for Indar.


Originally posted by st0mpeh

Yep can concur, the last 20 mins plus of Esamir this afternoon was terrible! Horribly short range render pop-in on the view distance and I couldn't repair my vehicle at all.

Even a fully upgraded repair tool couldn't put enough repair into the car, it would go to full and then just unload all the repairing back to smoking as soon as it stopped.

I stood there in a quiet spot and it took me literally several minutes just to get a few lucky cycles where part of the repair stuck, gave up at ~2200 health (not even full, i gave up trying at that point).

/u/ps_nicto you might want to pull the traces from Miller Esamir 20mins before the lock this afternoon, the hardware upgrade for the EU servers still needs some attention!

We have pretty good handle on what is going on with Cobalt and Miller server configuration. Turns out the changes we need to make will take a lot more work than expected, but we are working on it right now.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Captain5618

Once more with enthusiasm...

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is fixed in the next update.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ObviouslyNotCr0wley

So....this new bundle came out today and it kind of differs from what was advertised. There are no Hornets shown here and there is no Halberd-G (instead it is a Halberd SE). I have 2 questions now:
1. Any plans to add the hornets at a later date?
2. Do the Halberd SE Versions shoot golden projectiles or does it have any other special particles effects?
/u/wrel It would be lovely if you could hook us up with information regarding this matter.

  1. Hornets were scrapped due to art time. The article was updated to reflect this, but the patch notes the bundles were first teased in were not.

  2. Halberd SE uses separate particle effects for firing, not for muzzle flash, and has modified audio.

Bonus Answer for some confusion elsewhere: 27 Basic Implant Packs = 9 Deluxe Implant Packs, but we can't throw Deluxe Implant Packs into a bundle because Deluxe Implants are a bundle themselves (of 3 implant packs per.) It was decided against updating the messaging on this.

18 May

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lincostrix

Just have the button grey, then slowly "fill up" green over time.

That's an option, too.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by thrawn0o

Working with colors should do the trick. Opacity is easier, but I think it'd be more convenient if the icon changed color based on type and timer - from orange to green depending on how soon it will be usable, red or "disabled" grey if it exists but cannot be used.

Colors are fine for those without color blindness, but if we use different iconography we can support everyone at the same time.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Rougnal

If you go for opacity, just remember to add something extra to available spawns, so there's a significant difference at first glance between 90%-99% ready and 100%.

For sure, already been accounted for.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by d0ku

Extremely simple UI timer, is clear and can be used around any spawn icon (sunderer/beacon etc.). I mean we already have timers on the left hand side, that I'm pretty sure 90% of people don't even look at. If they were instead moved to the map itself, wouldn't it solve the current confusion?

Spawn points being invisible was a good experiment, but isn't desirable in the long term, so they'll be getting changed in a later update. However, adding even more clutter to the UI is not something we'd want to do.

There are a few options, and we're still determining the final look, but you'll likely see them either with separate iconography when on cooldown or increase in opacity as they get closer to becoming available.